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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Some voters are uninformed… Some voters are racist… Some voters don’t think it’s a big enough deal compared to other issues they concern themselves with…
  2. Actually, he’s had many quotes over the years that show exactly what he really thinks of black people- and there’s nothing dopey about it…
  3. It’s the people, who don’t think they are ever capable of becoming a Nazi, who are the first to be “checking for people’s papers”. 👍
  4. I don’t like Elon suspending people’s accounts…I wish he didn’t do it… But, if there is a silver lining, it’s good for people on the Left to get a taste of their own medicine, to see why free speech is so important… Hopefully these Leftists won’t be so quick to get others censored or banned…👍
  5. This whole post just has all sorts of wrong going on… First off, if you aren’t caught up on the concept of ‘intersectionality’, you must have been sleeping under a rock the last 15 years…It’s only the main way that the Left has power in this country- by dividing society up into different groups according to their perceived grievances, and focusing all that bitterness, anger, and resentment at the heart of the civilization…The more the country stays divided, the better for Left- so that they can rebuild a destroyed society in their image and likeness… Second, there are many different categories of pedo’s/MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons)- just like the Trans community… Third, the Democrat Party promotes mental illness as part of their platform, so they would love nothing more than to bring more mentally ill people into their ‘big tent’. One of the main reasons the public schools fail is because the Left believes people are more easy to persuade the less they know how to critically think (ie BillStime). But, with regards to pedo acceptance in society, you can’t boil a frog by throwing him in a pot of hot water…You have to slowly turn up the heat, over time, like with the Trans agenda… And you’re wrong about the people who want to put pedo’s in the LGBT community…It’s the organized pedo’s, themselves, lobbying the community… https://youtu.be/ArOQF4kadHA Furthermore, everyone has their own opinion for what constitutes harm to others… And lastly, I never said anything about wanting minority groups to have acceptance…😉
  6. Well, it’s not out of the question to think the Republicans are in bed with insurance companies…That’s how oligarchies work… On the other hand, no one is forcing people to live in high risk areas…
  7. That was a treat just for you, because I know how bad you miss him…😉
  8. I already answered your question about free markets…so I guess we agree on that …👍
  9. I’m sure…because the Left never makes stuff up…nope not ever…
  10. Jimmy sounds transphobic and not very inclusive here…😉
  11. I would say I’m probably for free markets with minimal regulations… I don’t think you can have zero regulations but I certainly don’t want many…
  12. -Are you referring to private ownership of goods and property? -Are you referring to the central banking system? -Are you referring to the freedom to exchange goods and services for monetary compensation? -Are you referring to supply and demand economics -Are you referring to Laissez faire economics? -Are you referring a Flat Tax vs. Progressive Tax vs. no income tax structure? All of these and more relate in some way to capitalism…Can you narrow it down a bit?
  13. I think I’m seeing that…no problem… I always remain hopeful 🤞
  14. Actually since you are misinterpreting why I asked you to define capitalism, I have no problem sharing my actual reasons… Often times, when people have political or serious discussions, there will be disagreements- but not necessarily because they disagree on the issues, but rather because they have differing definitions of the terminology being used…(ie Shadow banning vs. Visibility filtering, or differing definitions of racism)… This creates a situation of unnecessary conflict due to there not being an agreed upon foundation or parameters to the conversation… So, I just wanted to make sure we had an understanding of the term capitalism before we began so that we weren’t potentially going around in circles…👍 So, by now, knowing my true intentions, if you would still like to have that dialogue, I will be here…just let me know…👍 But if you want to believe that this, in some way, exposes me to something nefarious, that is your prerogative, too, and you have every right to do so…
  15. What are you running from? Are you not capable of articulating what you want, in order to have a conversation? You asked a question of me, and I simply asked for clarification …we’re you not serious? I’m right here, Billsy…just let me know when you’re ready…😉👍
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