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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I was worried when I read the title, but I’m so glad he didn’t actually extend an olive branch to evil, hate filled people 😉
  2. So you want the deportation? So then you were opposed to the job of the Biden/Harris administration?
  3. Exactly…Getting Mexico to pay for the wall was certainly an agenda he strove for…But after Establishment Republicans and Democrats kept fighting him over it, he realized he was going to have to go about it a different way… This is really no different than any other campaign promises candidates make…How many times did we hear Biden talk about student debt relief, only to not be able to deliver… It doesn’t always make it BS when you can’t get your agenda done…There are other factors at play that need to be contended with… The fact that Trump was able to get some parts of the wall completed, shows that it was his intent…👍
  4. Then answer me this…. Was the “Stay in Mexico” policy real or BS? If it was real, then I guess you laughing at people for believing in “Trump’s BS” about the border kinda falls on deaf ears, right? Maybe a majority of the voters are actually laughing at you for thinking drunk Kamala was actually a better option…😉
  5. You are changing the subject because of your cope…I get it…Losing sux… But the facts are undeniable…According to the 60 Minutes interview, Biden/Harris allowed in 4 times the illegals as Trump because the first thing they did, once in office, was to reverse all of his border policies, including the “Stay in Mexico” policy that you deny existed… You can cry about it all you want…But you just lose all credibility…Nobody is agreeing with you, on this topic…
  6. Remember during the first Democrat primary debate in 2020, when Kamala said she wanted to take guns away and Biden responded that it was unconstitutional? Kamala said “Yes we can”… Not to mention how they used to be against gay marriage and transgender treatment for minors, and pro free speech, and now they are the opposite…Thats how extreme the Democrat party has become… They have literally morphed into a far Left, un American party…
  7. @4th&long is so pissed because it makes Biden/Harris look like idiots…🤣🤣🤣
  8. Probably a safe assumption…😉
  9. Just goes to show you how radically extreme the actual Dems are today…👍
  10. #Winning #ArtOfTheDeal So much for needing congress to pass a bill…🤣🤣🤣 Biden talks…Trump does…👍
  11. I guess the clock has struck midnight…😉
  12. Did he not do this his first term? You know, one of the first things Biden eliminated with an executive order? 🤔 Now, I understand you may be in denial because it exposes how weak and incompetent Biden/Harris were, but please try to keep your TDS in check as much as possible, because the emotional instability only makes you appear extremely infantile- and I know you don’t want that…👍 It’s his only chance at protecting his mental fragility…shame he feels he has to live in that fantasy world…😉
  13. So, this is what you spend your weekends doing, eh, Doc? 😉
  14. Yeah, but he walks and talks like an R&B singer…That’s gotta count for something…😉
  15. That sounds like a big task, overhauling the entire global economy…Not sure that was really an ‘ask’ by the typical Trump voter… I think we just wanted a return to common sense policies that worked better for the American working class, instead of policies that benefited foreign countries or non citizens- ie America first…👍
  16. We’ll be gearing up for 2028, and they will still be counting votes for 2024…🤣🤣🤣 ”Everything woke turns to sh*t.” -President Dinald J Trump
  17. He’s definitely taken it up the poop chute a time or two…😉
  18. It’s all part of the act…these people are so disingenuous
  19. It’s what you get when you allow woke victim culture to take over your country… If anyone is in a pissy mood, for any reason, they just call the cops, and people are arrested for “hate crimes”… This is why “hate speech” is also so antithetical to a free and open democracy…Because if you simply don’t like what someone said, well then you could just call it hate speech, and make it illegal…
  20. Looks like Biden approves of Nazis…😉 This can’t be true…Maybe he’s just identifying as a gay man, for fear of not getting the job as a straight white man…😉
  21. When the Left KNOWS something is not right, but just can’t bring themselves to side with “Nazis”, you know they are in a cult…😉
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