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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Anyone got a free streaming link to the game? It would be greatly appreciated…👍
  2. Now, I’m no attorney, so I don’t know if those are crimes or not, unless I’m missing something? Im not sure if someone telling someone else not to worry about a reporter, is a thing… And unless certain individuals are legally forbidden from contacting other certain individuals, I’m not sure what the issue is… As far as people wanting to hide things, in political warfare, every politician is trying to hide something…Sometimes it’s legal, sometimes it’s not…But it will always look shady…👍
  3. Makes sense…he realizes that blue subscribers can’t be ‘bots’ (by the Feds) to influence the voting…Power to the people! 👍
  4. Is it me, or is anyone startin Man, is there anything the Establishment Dems won’t lie about? Its to the point where whatever story they come out with, you automatically get the sense that it’s fake news…smh…it’s a shame…
  5. Ha! Exposed again… I knew you could never bring yourself to answer such a simple question, which is why I asked it… Any normal person, who seeks truth, would easily say they want both sides exposed if they engaged in speech suppression… Only a disingenuous partisan, such as yourself, whose only truth is power, and could not betray his most basic cravings, would not be able to answer… Carry on…I’ve gotten all I needed from you tonight…😉
  6. Does this mean you oppose both the Trump and Biden administrations for suppressing speech of their political opponents?
  7. Accidentally? That’s no accident- that’s what we want… We want corruption exposed wherever it leads… But it doesn’t seem like something you want…
  8. Billsy, all you have to do is ask yourself if you would want Trump’s DOJ doing the same thing to Dems on Twitter…Because, according to your logic, you would be just fine with it…😉
  9. This proves a far Leftward shift for the Democrat Party…Once, they were for civil liberty protection- now they call that Right wing…
  10. Aren’t these the chicks from the movie 9 To 5, minus Dolly Parton? Umm, did I just type that? Lol
  11. Shhhh…he’s got a clot in his brain…we don’t say anything, and just let him type whatever he wants…it seems to make him happy…we’re all praying for the best though…
  12. Well in all fair, the tackling actually does suck…😉
  13. Honestly? The Dolphins are a good team…you rarely blow out teams in the NFL, let alone good ones…it was a great win against a really good team, that matches up well to us…👍
  14. He looks like he’s running 100 mph in this clip…almost like an airplane taking off on a runway…🤣🤣
  15. Yup…if you’re a championship team, you finish this drive 👍
  16. Well, this is the game, we either win or lose on this drive
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