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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. He’s in too deep…might as well just keep going…😉
  2. Look at how many FBI and CIA contributors there are to MSNBC, CNN, and FOX News…just like at Twitter, they are there to steer the narrative- create a reality for the American people to consume…They are the #1 source for disinformation and propaganda, bar none…Their job is to be paid propagandists- just like when they go into other countries to help topple governments…No different here…👍 So, yes- the government controls the mainstream media through coercion, and suppression of information…Anyone who dare tries to speak the truth, the government then ostracizes and ridicules via their surrogates in the mainstream press…Btw, this is also how other authoritarian regimes operate…
  3. Biden and the CDC can kiss my black ass…😉
  4. First off, we don’t have a free press…they are owned by billion dollar corporations or individuals, who collude with the State to get away with criminal activity… The only thing resembling anything close to a free press are simple individuals, who work on their own behalf, to investigate news worthy events taking place in our country and around the world…They aren’t bought and paid for by Big Pharma, the FBI, Or the CIA…And they certainly aren’t bound by cult like ideologies that demand they be an activist for the cult before being an honest journalist… Second, what I acknowledge is that just like not everything our government says is true, not everything other nations/leaders say about our country is false…Just because Putin, Osama Bin Laden, or Trump say something, doesn’t mean it is necessarily wrong, just because you were told not to like these people…The world doesn’t work in that cookie cutter way…And you are likely missing out on some very important information you could learn from…👍 And just for kicks, Elon Musk just confirmed that everything that our government and msm claimed was conspiracy theory (regarding social media), the last 6 years, turned out to be true- and even more so! And he’s demonstrating it with every internal release he makes…👍 But I know, you’re gonna believe whatever you want- just like some boys think that they are girls…normal people just roll their eyes and keep it moving…so no worries here…😉
  5. Lol…Poor Tibs…still believing that what his government tells him is true…so innocent and sweet…😉
  6. Oh, he can and has shown great accuracy from time to time- no doubt…he just doesn’t do it consistently enough to where you can rely on it being done…
  7. Easy way to explain it is we have a QB, who, while extremely gifted, is not a precision passer who throws guys open- even when there’s not a tight window, and plenty of open field… Hate all you want, but it’s the truth…
  8. Males can’t be females, just like birds can’t be dogs…any thought to contrary is mental illness…period…so, congrats Leftists- you promote and champion mental illness that leads to suicide…
  9. This was actually part of the scouting report coming out of college
  10. It’s not rocket science..when the team plays like crap they will hear about it…when they play better they will be rewarded by the fans…has nothing to do with hate…😉
  11. I have been pleasantly surprised by Lawson this season…hope we resign him
  12. If people were to use 3 words to describe Josh Allen’s abilities, accuracy would not be one of them… Its a good thing he is great at many other things- because it covers up a lack of precision in his passing…
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