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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This is unreal! It just seems like everything the Feds do is either a hoax or propaganda of some sort…Thanks again NC…👍
  2. Im not really up to speed on beltway politics…What is the reasoning for not voting for McCarthy?
  3. She said she wants him so bad, after standing up to McCarthy like he did! 😉
  4. Can they do it? Absolutely! Will they do it? That’s another question… Go Bills! 👍
  5. I don’t even have confidence that there are any transcripts…I have not seen or heard anything pertaining to it… Do you know if there are any Ray Epps transcripts? And if so, where can I find them?
  6. Funny how Epps answered questions- yet NOBODY knows what was said- Just like Bush and Cheney testifying in secret about 9/11…😯 Aren’t you a little suspicious about that? And if not, maybe you need to ask yourself why- especially when the Establishment was so quick to make everyone else a big spectacle on national tv…😉 Why does it matter if Epps spoke, but the public has no info about it? If there is nothing wrong, why not release the transcript? 🤔 Come on, Billsy- you’re smarter than that…use your common sense…👍
  7. You can’t deny that the FBI has a history of infiltrating and instigating events for a particular outcome…This has been documented time and again…You know this Billsy…And it makes people suspicious… Yes there were bad actors on the Right, but they were mixed in with disingenuous actors by the Establishment as well- looking to take advantage of the chaos…
  8. All Pro is right about the law not being applied constantly… I told you that this was a major issue people had…it seems very selective, and that makes people suspicious….
  9. Well done, NC…you, and many others like yourself are an example of people who seek TRUTH, regardless of where it leads…👍
  10. I don’t think anyone is blaming Epps for J6, per se… I think what you are referring to as “desperation” is more of a curiosity about the inconsistency of the J6 committee… On the one hand the committee acts as though anything connected to the criminal activity on J6 will be prosecuted…They are always talking about Trump inciting violence by encouraging the riots that day…Yet, when they have Epps on video encouraging criminal activity, the committee, all of a sudden, has no interest- and on top of that, cannot disclose any conversations investigators had with Epps… Now, if something here doesn’t seem a little fishy, and look non transparent, then I don’t know what does…It’s just common sense… And so people are starting to draw their own conclusions as to why there might be secrecy around Epps (Especially after what happened with the FBI led Gov. Whitmer hoax, as well as the FBI led Russia collusion hoax, as well as the FBI led suppression of information on social media)… So, you can kinda understand why people may be a little skeptical about their government infiltrating and instigating events for a certain outcome…Again, not saying Epps is to blame for all of J6, but there is enough there to at least peak people’s curiosity in the inconsistency and lack of transparency…It’s just common sense…👍
  11. Do you defend Ray Epps or do you think he should be arrested and questioned?
  12. One of the biggest losers I’ve ever seen in politics- and I’ve seen quite a few…😉 Both Biden and Trump are douche bags- just in different ways…
  13. Are you suggesting that Transgender Ideology is not a Leftist religion? I am open to be proven wrong…The issue is I don’t know or see anyone on the Right who believes in that religion…Do you?
  14. A wise man once said that when a person has no argument, they resort to insults and ad hominem attacks- meaning, you can’t debate the issue being put forth, so you attack the messenger instead… Exposed…😉
  15. If they were so confident in their case, why would the Dems not allow for cross examination? Why would they only allow Republicans on the committee who agreed with their conclusion? Why refuse extra security and law enforcement, when it was known ahead of time there were going to be large protests? Why were cops letting people into the capital? Why no interest in Ray Epps Why the insistence that this was worse than 9/11 when everyone knows it wasn’t?🤣🤣🤣 Too many common sense questions that just seem to taint the whole proceeding- very similar to the 9/11 commission… …And yes- I said ‘taint’…😉
  16. I’m open to it being anything… Anti-Establishment people do get doxxed quite often- it’s a very common form of online retaliation… However, it’s also not uncommon for rich people to be into human trafficking… So, I’m just gonna keep an open mind about it- A concept, I’m sure, BillStime and Tibs know nothing about…😉
  17. Round here, we call that ‘small d!ck energy’…😉 Yup…if you were the J6 committee, and knew nothing about Ray Epps, except for what was on video- wouldn’t he be the FIRST guy you would want arrested? The fact that no one cares tells you everything you need to know…it’s just common sense…
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