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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Do you not support the Biden administration colluding with corporations to silence its opponents? That is the definition of fascism…
  2. I have been saying this forever… I just enjoy the fun and excitement of the team, whenever they play well… But as a Bulls fan, I’ve learned never to expect anything- no matter how good they are…
  3. You support the fascism of the State and corporations colluding to suppress the people…That is NOT America, or what the Founders had intended… Exposed…😉
  4. It’s so comical all of projection in this rap song… Aside from that, his dance moves weren’t bad…😉
  5. That’s what happens when people have no values, or moral compass…
  6. And he doesn’t make up enough illegal votes to sway an election…😉
  7. Because establishment Dems and Republicans don’t care about the average American…they only use them as pawns to solidify their own power… That’s why, as Glen Greenwald said, the corporate mainstream media defends the State against the people- instead of the other way around- like they are supposed to… This is also why the need to keep everyone divided…They need to keep us weak, so that they can continue to have power and control over us…👍
  8. You do realize that raising the minimum wage means nothing as long as inflation continues to skyrocket, due to out of control spending and taxation, right? 😉
  9. DeSantis is about balanced budgets, an economy that runs like a well oiled machine, and individual liberty… Hochul is about high taxes, debt, high crime and welfare checks…😉
  10. Does this mean it’s time to draft another starting CB, especially since Elam isn’t good enough to even suit up?
  11. And just to show Billsy that BOTH parties are screwed up, remember- Democrats still believe men can get pregnant! 😉
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