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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Can’t wait til we draft Gabe Davis’ replacement in the 1st round…👍
  2. Give him a camp invite 2-3 guys to compete against…👍
  3. We are soft in the trenches in both sides, and we could use another explosive WR…
  4. This has become the Left’s M.O. Their strategy is that it no longer matters if something is true or not anymore, as long as it furthers their agenda… Its basically like trying to defend against the Japanese Kamikaze during WW2…Before, being called out for lying was a deterrent against dishonesty…Now, the cultural morality has declined so much, people simply don’t care (Like George Costanza says, “It’s not a lie if you believe it”- just like the Trans issue). It makes it very difficult in warfare when the enemy does not abide by the rules of engagement… This is why things like the Twitter Files are so important…The more info that is released, exposing the Left, the Dems and the Deep State, the less likely that people will believe their propaganda in the future…👍
  5. Whaaaat??? You think CNN is “FOX News lite”?!?!? 😯😯😯 Now, I don’t always agree with the opinions of FOX News, but they have, practically, the complete opposite view points as CNN on most issues…🤣🤣🤣 By calling CNN “FOX News Lite” you just seriously exposed how much of a Left wing extremist you really are…Well done…. And btw, the only people not interested in The Twitter Files are the people it exposes…😉 Everyone else whose voices had been suppressed by the State… Everyone who sought further medical info about Covid, that had been suppressed… Everyone who wanted to know if their government was propagandizing them about foreign wars, but were suppressed… Anyone who believed in biology, and didn’t want to bow down to a religion based on mental illness, and were suppressed… These are the people interested in The Twitter Files- because it only proved that their suspicions were right all along… And if you were one of the people who supported the suppression of speech, or supported the propaganda of the State because it was “on your side,” of course you’re not going to be interested in material that exposes how you were wrong the whole time…Of course you’re not just gonna bend over and say “Thank you, sir- may I have another”…🤣🤣🤣
  6. I don’t think the issue is that football can’t be for women- obviously many can and do enjoy the game, and that’s great…The more, the merrier…👍 I think the more interesting question is- how many women would be into football (on their own) if it weren’t for their fathers, brothers, husbands, or boyfriend’s influence? Imo, it would be extremely low… My wife got into football at an early age because her older brothers played in high school, and the family would go to every game… Then, after we started dating, she was forced to watch Bills games with me, and now she is a fan of the team…But she only does it because of me… But I can’t help but think, if not for those two situations, she would not care about football…
  7. Yup- we now have the sympathies of the NFL officials…
  8. I feel we match up better vs. the Pats than the Steelers w/ Watt- he is a game wrecker…
  9. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with either matchup…
  10. Apparently not, because you’re the only one that seems to be obsessed with it- almost like it lives…RENT FREE IN YOUR MIND…😉
  11. Oh Billsy…you silly goose…It’s not about being “popular” or “hot”…it’s about shining a light on how the government has been working to suppress truth and silence American citizens…😉
  12. Of course you do, Billsy…of course you do- just like this person really thinks he is a girl…😉
  13. Bump because BillStime wonders when the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech…😉
  14. Suuuuure Billsy…Is that your #winning response? 😉
  15. Bump for BillStime because he wonders when the Biden administration colluded with Big Tech…😉
  16. You said you don’t support Marxists… Then I asked if that meant that you don’t support BLM (because they have admitted to being Marxists)… You did not respond…
  17. I asked you the question an hour ago…you avoided to answer a simple yes or no question… With regards to Biden administration collusion to suppress speech, burying your head in the sand and pretending something is not there, when it is put right in front of your face, is no excuse for ignorance…👍 #Exposed 😉
  18. Do you still support BLM after finding out the founders are trained Marxists?
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