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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Hey, to each his own, but you gotta take off the homer glasses my man…no one around the league sees those players the way you described… You claim they are great yet I guarantee you would never be able to get a first round pick for them…and that should tell you everything you need to know…👍
  2. Superstar QB, yes… but Edmunds in the pro bowl is popularity contest, not really based on how well you play…Remember when Tyrod made the pro bowl? Other positions you mentioned are projections or hopes that we all have, not necessarily what is the case now… We HOPE Cook will take another step and upgrade our running game… We HOPE Groot can be great, but at the moment he is just a solid player… We have two rotational DEs who we HOPE can improve, because right now they are JAGs… Which DT are you referring to as dominant? Oliver is solid, but certainly not a game changer- which is how I define as dominant… ”Probable” starting CB? Well, every team has two, so that’s not much of an accomplishment…Same with TE…Who cares if Knox starts, if it’s just because we don’t have anything better? Knox is just an average player to me…
  3. I have always thought had the Bills won Super Bowl 25 against the Giants, they would have ended up with 3 championships and no losses, and would have been the Team of the Decade… After beating the Giants, they would have repeated against the Redskins- if you recall, the game started slow because the Bills were uptight after their loss the previous year…If they had a superbowl victory under their belts, they likely would have been more confident and relaxed, and opened up a lead against Washington… 1992, when Kelly got hurt, is the year I don’t think they would have gone back to the superbowl…Having won the previous 2 superbowls, I could see them not having the drive to overcome 31-3 against the Oilers in the Wild Card game…To me, they won that game BECAUSE of the superbowl losses- and determined to make it right… Then in 1993, the Bills would go back to the Big game, and would’ve had the confidence to finish off a Cowboys team that they had take the lead on, going into halftime…I’ll never forget what Jimmy Johnson said going into the tunnel midway through the contest…He said he knew his team would win because when he looked over at the Bills, even though they had played well and were up 13-6, the look on their faces seemed like they had already lost…I never forgot that…🤯 Bills would have been 3-0 in superbowls, and all because they would’ve had the confidence after beating the Giiants…Oh well…one can dream…👍
  4. …Which means Beane will NEED to draft better than he has the past few years…We need more explosiveness on both sides of the ball imo…
  5. The Knox contract is so bad on so many levels…might bite us in the arse…he’s paid like a top 10 TE, yet I still feel we should be trying to upgrade the position…doh!
  6. If someone is in the type of condition where they are likely to die if they catch Covid, I don’t think a mask is going to help them…imho I don’t think they are efficient enough from preventing contraction… They are better off taking the vaccine imo 👍
  7. This is the result of constantly saying that white people are evil, white supremacy is on the rise, and that black people can never be racist… Try not to j3rk off too hard to the video, Leftists…😉
  8. This is such a naive thread…Dems are Big Money, as big money runs the government… It makes no sense for them to suppress their donors…But it does make sense to try to suppress the people attempting to expose the corruption… All you have to do is look at every action the Biden administration has done to put down “the little guy” and then look at every action they have taken to side with Big Pharma, Big Tech and the Big Banks… The Dems are Big Money…
  9. It’s as sad as it is hilarious… Media refusing to do their jobs, at the behest of the State, will be the death blow for democracy… They are the only hope the people have to be able to tame their government…When the media sells out to State and corporate interests, we are toast!
  10. Do you know our defense spending is more than the entire world’s defense spending- COMBINED?!?! Do you know that BILLIONS of dollars go missing at the Pentagon every year? I am for a strong military too, but I also think we can deal with defense budget cuts…👍 Because they base their decisions on emotion instead of logic… they are blinded by their passions of the moment…😉
  11. The best line is when the “journalist” says “we’re not going to do your work for you”…🤯 Basically, what she unknowingly admitted was that she, as a “journalist”, does not consider it HER work to investigate this particular news story…Because she, as a Leftist, chooses not to do any journalism that benefits the Right- even though it is her job! You don’t get to ignore a major news story because it’s politically inconvenient…That’s not journalism- it’s political activism…And is why the msm ratings are in the tank, and people are turning to independent journalists…👍
  12. How in the world did you find a picture of BillStime? 😉
  13. Also a graphic was shown that Allen hadn’t thrown an INT against NE in 5 games…and then the rest are is history…😉
  14. I don’t understand…why do people, who hate MAGA insurrectionists, defend MAGA Ray Epps (with his red Trump hat) after he was shown encouraging people to execute an insurrection on democracy? Can anybody explain the rationale here?
  15. That’s a good question…not so sure…But if I’m the Bears, you have to draft the top QB, hands down…
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