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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Why are Biden’s own personal attorneys going after him, after protecting him for so long? Just in time for the next presidential run? Something isn’t adding up… Originally Biden had said he wanted to run for re-election, even though polls showed that Democrat voters wanted something different… Then, potential presidential hopeful Gavin Newsom said he would withdraw his bid for president in 2024, and throw his support to Biden… Then, about a month ago Biden was caught on a hot mic suggesting he wasn’t sure about a run for re-election… And now, his personal attorneys find classified documents being illegally held by Biden in various places… Have the Dems made a “U-turn” on who they want to lead the Party in ‘24? Have they decided to use this controversy to hurt Biden’s chances? Is this a distraction for bigger things going on behind the scenes? If you are familiar with how the government works, this definitely has the smell of something fishy…stay tuned…😉
  2. I have goosebumps thinking about you being at the Ralph as well…😉 Enjoy the game! 👍
  3. Man, you really love her feet! 😉 It’s all good though…I get it…I’ve got a crush on Boebert, and you’ve got a crush on Hillary! ✊🏾
  4. Ahhh, there it is…the sweet smell of victory! 🏆 Any time you can get your opponent to throw out the ad hominem attack, they are basically admitting they can no longer defend their position, and are in essence, surrendering… So, thank you, Billsy…I humbly accept your surrender…✊🏾😉 #winning
  5. Lol…it took you an hour for this response? 🤣 This is weak, even by your standards…😉
  6. What are your thoughts on Tennessee WR Jaylinn Hyatt? Dude appears to have top end deep speed with great hands…He is currently projected as mid 2nd rounder…But after the combine, I could see him jump into the first round, right around where the Bills will pick… I think the Bills desperately need a guy who can take the top off a defense…thoughts?
  7. First off, “Appropriate” and “against the Constitution” are two different things, my friend…You keep trying to equate Trump encouraging citizens to boycott a private company with the government coercing/threatening a private company, to suppress a citizen’s constitutional right to free speech…One may or may not be appropriate- the other is ILLEGAL…😉 Second, there is nothing wrong with a private company colluding with the government so long as they are not infringing on people’s constitutional rights…This actually happens quite frequently (Elon Musk’s Space X getting funds from the government)…👍
  8. Again, you are deflecting… Where are constitutional rights being infringed? I’ll wait…
  9. Not so sure…All the exposed lies that were peddled by the Dems and MSM about Russia collusion show cult like behavior to me…👍
  10. Now this I can agree with you on- The Biden administration cannot govern…👍😉
  11. Not being boycotted is not a guarantee under the 1st Anendment last time I checked… Anything else?
  12. You’re absolutely correct… I have no problem with what a private company does (so long as it’s legal). The issue I have is when the government tries to coerce or threaten private companies to do their bidding and subvert the First Amendment …😉
  13. The Left’s attempts to force social engineering through their racism and discrimination is disgusting… This is what their side refers to as “equity”, but I would never want to be part of a movement that seeks to discriminate based on the color of one’s skin…
  14. He’s been red pilled… Best way to convert a Leftist or Democrat is to subject them to their own policies… Taibbi is finding out that Left/Dem policies/strategies are in stark contradiction to his profession as an investigative journalist…He has chosen not to sell out his morals and values for The Party…very commendable…👍
  15. Billsy, we miss ya over in the Twitter Files 14 thread… Would love to get your take on some very interesting disclosures…👍
  16. I would trade Gabe Davis and a 1st rounder for Hopkins…
  17. Correction- Professional Liar…😉
  18. Because people have just decided to rename different personality types or behavior temperaments that have existed since the dawn of time? 😉
  19. Not all the time…but on the major news stories that have been pushed for years, Trump appears to have been correct more times than not…👍 And the main stream media and Dems appear to have pushed more disinformation than not…unfortunate…
  20. Just remember folks- we were ALWAYS the guinea pigs… And that’s why I never took the jab…What the “officials” were saying about it just wasn’t adding up to me… Now don’t get me wrong, I certainly believe some people are probably better off taking it- like if your body cannot withstand getting Covid because of age or pre existing conditions… But I don’t feel a majority of the public need to take it…And I’m so glad I stood my ground…👍
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