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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. This defense is so weak! Be lucky to get a bag of chips for any one of our d-linemen…
  2. Beane’s poor drafting has finally caught up to us and bitten us in the ass…we are a paper tiger
  3. I agree that having Josh allows the window to be open longer…But Beane will need to start hitting on some high end talent in the draft more frequently….Can’t think of one game changing player he has drafted since Josh…
  4. Understandable…I’m a believer in jinxes, so in big games I will rarely predict wins…👍
  5. Well, I am certainly no fortune teller, but I would think the Bills would have a better chance of winning if Josh is efficient with the football and limits turnovers…👍
  6. I wanna see quick short passes from Josh to start…establish efficiency by taking the easy stuff, and then take the kill shot…👍
  7. I wish Knox was half the TE Kelse is- simply amazing…
  8. Sam Harris embarrasses him in unhinged Covid rant…
  9. I’m not excusing any historical racism and never have…it should all be condemned… All im saying is that i don’t like how certain political groups try to make white Europeans the only ones responsible for slavery in the world…it is simply a disingenuous accusation… But when you understand that they detest western civilization, and want to tear it all down, you realize why they are doing what they are doing… And I just refuse to support the agenda…👍
  10. How is blacks selling blacks into slavery racist? Do you deny the validly of that historical fact?
  11. Only if that history includes Africans selling their own people into slavery- and refusing to stop even after England and America banned the trans Atlantic slave trade…ya know- the COMPLETE history and not just the “Hate Whitey” part…😉 But I doubt they will because that wouldn’t support their racist narrative that they peddle…👍
  12. You’re absolutely right- a racist would want courses that teach about hating white people…👍
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