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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. US Respresentative Anna Paulina Luna -Air Force Veteran -First Mexican-American elected to Congress from the state of Florida
  2. Affirmative Action and identity politics proving once again why they are failures… And just remember kids, if you ever want to “red pill” a Leftist, just subject them to their own policies, grab some popcorn, and watch them implode…😉
  3. Lol- the Left loves promoting fatness…why? Because they despise the art of discipline and anything that has to do with people “picking themselves up by their own bootstraps”. 👍 The Left only promotes the “lowest common denominator” so that no one does better than others…However, we ALL know that this is a recipe for disaster…
  4. Marxism at its finest- just ignore all science and logic, so long as it helps the revolution…Cute, but people can see right through that BS…😉 And it was after the riots that support for BLM began to fade- as it should have…👍
  5. Yup- it was very much a political pandemic- between who was allowed to be out and who was allowed to post what about the situation…Imo the whole thing was made a lot worse because people were not being honest about what was really going on…
  6. Yup- and their justification was that White supremacy was killing more people than Covid…🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, but they lost all credibility on that one…How does looting a Target and burning down a burger joint, during a pandemic, save lives?
  7. I agree with some of this, as much of it is common sense, and has been known for quite some time… From what I get from this article, conservatives are more logical, ordered, and disciplined- while liberals and progressives are more emotional, and open to change… With regards to science, I feel some low educated conservatives resist science- but I also feel the same way about low educated liberals/progressives… Both sides tend to share similar qualities, but for different reasons…Thus is why it is so important to have a balance between the two (I say this all the time)… Both sides are susceptible to cult like behavior if allowed to go unchecked… Liberals/Progressives are needed for societal advancement, but conservatives are also need to make sure society doesn’t go off a cliff, in the process…👍
  8. No more trading up please…Beane can’t be trusted… If anything, I hope we trade down…
  9. I would take this draft over Beane making the picks…👍
  10. We should have kept Daboll and dropped McD… It’s no coincidence that Daniel Jones has his best season (least turnovers) under Daboll and Josh has regressed (more turnovers) post Daboll…More botched decision making…
  11. I used to get excited for draft season, until I realized Beane can’t draft…Now I just sit and eat half gallons of ice cream in the dark…
  12. I have said this over and over- you will rarely see Groot “win” against an o-lineman to get to the QB…He is more of a “cleanup artist”- meaning other lineman will put pressure on the QB, flushing him toward Groot, or it will be a coverage sack… And I completely agree about the EJ comparison- hardest working guy with a positive, happy-go lucky attitude who just doesn’t have the athleticism or skill to ever be great….
  13. Perhaps to sign him to a cheaper deal?
  14. Sorry but it’s true…he is slow and lumbering imo…
  15. No, I was down on him when we drafted him…there were other more athletically elite DEs on the board…Groot scares no one, unfortunately…
  16. What’s interesting is that THIS is actually the definition of Anti Racist- they seek out racism- even where none exists- to overturn institutions of a society…Right out of the Marxist playbook- stir up tensions, divide and conquer…
  17. I might consider trading Allen for 3 1st round picks from the Bears (including their #1 overall) to draft our next franchise QB… It would help our team salary cap wise, and help us to add more talent faster…👍 Just thinking out loud though…interesting
  18. They are trying to naturalize LGBT in the black community, to create a wedge between black people and white conservatives, whom blacks tend to agree with on several social issues… As BillStime would say- It’s all politics…😉 Hey, speak for yourself about being gay…😉
  19. If the Bills are not going to extend him, they need to move him to get value…. Becsuse if they end up doing neither, it’s just terrible roster management imo…
  20. I agree…I think there will be too much too end talent to take him in the first…Humphrey went in the 2nd so I could see Schmitz going there as well…
  21. I was the same way OP…I’ve never been more relaxed during a Bills loss my whole life- probably because I knew they weren’t good enough to go all the way, and I’d rather they lose earlier in the playoffs than have my heart ripped out with them losing another AFC championship or worse, a Super Bowl…👍
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