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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Yes- and change to a power game…more play action with Allen under center is what I dream of…👍
  2. No more trading up…and certainly no trading up for a RB…
  3. Yup, I thought we should have traded Edmunds last year and signed Wagner- but of course, that would have taken foresight from our FO…😉
  4. Ahhh interesting…Thanks for playing along redtail…at least someone has some balls around here…😉👍
  5. Really? Because I heard they were relocating to Guam…
  6. When I said that Republicans and Democrats are part of the swamp in Washington, I asked if you believed Democrats were part of the swamp… But I’ll take it a step further… -George W (who I voted for and regretted) -Cheney -McCain -Romney - McConnell These are all examples of Republicans who were or are still part of the Washington swamp…And there are many more from that party… Who would you say, are part of the swamp from the Left, or Democrat Party?
  7. Oh come on, where’s your sense of humor…that was actually funny…😉
  8. I wouldn’t mind seeing Groot used more as a 3-tech…he seemed very successful doing that in college…
  9. I never said he drained the swamp- I simply defined what the swamp consisted of… And you, my good sir, are deflecting from my question…😉
  10. I agree with this statement, and that is why I have stated there are things I have disagreed with Trump on… I have just never heard you say there are things on the Left or Dems that you disagree with… It seems difficult for you…
  11. We all know your feelings on Trump…But I claimed there are Democrats AND Republicans that are part of the swamp…Do you believe there are Democrats that are part of the swamp?
  12. The Swamp refers to the Dems and Republicans in Washington getting paid off by the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, the WEF, etc., to sell out the American citizen…And pretty much all the unelected bureaucrats….
  13. Meh…I don’t see it that way… I think the Left WANTING Trump to be the “White supremacist” to fit their narrative, refuse to accept anything he says or does that points to opposite… I’ve disagreed with Trump on many things in the past, but I feel you may be a little too “rabidly hive minded” to see passed your negative emotional attachment to Trump, to be able to think objectively… Just my opinion…
  14. I would not mind something like this but they would have to guarantee that they would eliminate all federal income tax- which I am skeptical that they would…
  15. The beauty of video is I don’t need to spin…😉 “But you had people- AND I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE NEO NAZIS AND WHITE NATIONALISTS- BECAUSE THEY SHOULD BE CONDEMNED TOTALLY- But you had many people in that group [opposing the taking down of statues] other than Neo Nazis and White Nationalists…” By posting this video, you just rebutted yourself…thank you for making my case for me…👍 PS…This is also another illustration of anyone who opposes the Left is automatically labeled a racist or white supremacist…It’s because the Left cannot imagine anyone disagreeing with them as NOT being racist… I think they need to get out a little more …😉
  16. The “very fine people on both sides” argument has already been proven time and again to be disingenuous… And what you refer to as “self hate” I call self pride, in myself and others like me…I don’t desire to be coddled or infantilized…To me that is an insult to my intelligence and manhood…👍
  17. I don’t believe ending racism requires MORE racism- regardless of times changing…👍
  18. Lol…yeah i put it that way because I couldn’t see the Bills drafting a TE in the 1st round…👍
  19. Oh boy- where to start… The Democrat Party The corporate media The education system Entertainment etc. Pretty much, it seems that every major institution has adopted the Anti-Racist Ideology… It used to be that society encouraged people to NOT judge people based on their skin color…Now, it seems that if you don’t, YOU are the racist…
  20. Well, I’m not sure who this “cult” is you’re referring to, but I think there is plenty of examples that anyone who disagrees with the Left are described as racist or upholding white supremacy- to which I disagree… You can have a difference of opinion and it doesn’t make you a racist…But, many people realize this a strategy used to guilt and shame people into agreeing with the Left… And I have to say, it has proven quite effective…Many people who claim to support Leftist policies do so, not because they think they are the best, most productive or efficient, but because they fear being labeled a racist more… Knowing this, the Left uses this strategy to move the goal posts of what constitutes white supremacy…Instead of it just being people who racially discriminate or negatively judge people of different ethic groups, now, according to the Left, white supremacy encompasses anyone who waves the flag, believes in free speech, supports the police, appreciates the Constitution, believes black people can achieve without the help of white people, etc. But knowing historical Marxist strategy helps to see through all that…People that don’t know that history will tend to be more susceptible…👍
  21. What is the definition of white supremacy? Because something tells me the 1990s definition is different than the 2020s version…
  22. Romney supports the foreign policy of the Establishment, which includes Bush, Obama and Biden… Obama’s “famous” response was nothing more than gaslighting…He knew then that Russia was not our biggest threat, as did Romney…but he successfully used the moment to throw a cute little joke at Mitt (It’s all politics). China had passed Russia, economically and militarily, as our biggest threat by that time…But the Military Industrial Complex has wanted to go to war with Russia for decades because they were Europe’s biggest supplier of oil, and the U.S. wanted that title…
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