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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Flowers or Hyatt in the 1st round for me… No Addison, No JSN- these guys do not appear to be first round talent to the naked eye…
  2. I’m sorry but hate and racism only have everything to do with you, because that’s how you choose to view the world…If someone disagrees with you, it couldn’t just be because they have a difference of opinion…To you it HAS to be because they are morally inferior to you, and makes them hateful or racist…I outright disagree with this world view and agenda…👍
  3. Deflecting 101- Bring up something that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand…😘
  4. No you didn’t…But it’s ok…I understand it is harder for some people to call out their own side… But just understand that people will never see the genuine you- you will always be predictable in your answers because you are just regurgitating whatever your ideology tells you to…There is never any seeking of understanding on your part… And therefore, you could literally just substitute anyone else in your place and it wouldn’t even matter, because we would already know the answer…And there’s nothing intriguing about that…
  5. I don’t see anything special about JSN, just like with Addison…I would not be surprised if these two did not have first round grades…Teams like traits in the first rounds- these guys don’t seem to have the explosiveness or speed…
  6. I don’t see Addison as 1st round talent- MAYBE second round- like Robert Woods was…But I don’t see him as a better talent than when Woods was drafted…
  7. Exactly my point…you took the easy way out by generalizing “all of Washington” instead of specifically saying who you have disagreed with on your political side… I specifically called out people I had voted for, and had been lied to- but you couldn’t even say if “Dems”, specifically, were part of the swamp- To which I gave Retail credit for answering for you…
  8. How do I generalize about liberals- do you have an example? Let’s dialogue…😉
  9. I am…I love having conversations with people I disagree with- Gives you greater perspective…It allows you to either change your mind, or strengthens your point of view…I have no problem calling out or agreeing with either side- and have done so on this forum…But I guess, for some people it is harder…
  10. You can’t, because he’s not here to have a dialogue…he’s just here to be a contrarian to everything you say, regardless if it sounds right or not… And furthermore, he refuses to ever admit when he thinks his political side is in the wrong- he will simply align his views to the new agenda, and then say that they are right- even if he didn’t think that way before (ie life altering sex changes for minors, when they are not even allowed to get tattoos, cigarettes, alcohol or firearms because they are considered to young). I would love to know how that logic works… He’s not interested in hearing alternative view points, and then contrasting them with his own, to find the best solution…He just regurgitates whatever the Establishment tells him to… You only dialogue with someone when you want to learn something- that’s why he never does…Billsy’s got it all figured out…😉
  11. If you’re looking for Tyreek Hill, then you won’t be drafting any WR this year…
  12. I always thought Addison had average speed for a WR…
  13. JSN highlights do not “wow” me, if im being honest- solid, but not great Imo… I want greatness…👍 But I thought Beane only liked slow edge rushers…😉
  14. I surprisingly would not mind a first round DE or Safety…I’m looking at ‘23 and ‘24 as a mini rebuild to finding the next wave of foundational players….👍
  15. We’ve always had more than 1…but one has the power of the US government and media behind it…👍
  16. Get a MLB with instincts and watch the difference…We will all realize what we’ve been missing the last 5 years…
  17. The Left was HOPING for a “day of hate” to help propel their narrative…Sorry to disappoint, guys…maybe you should give Jussie Smollett a call…I’m sure he’d love to help out the cause…😉
  18. No way McD allows Beane to move Oliver in a trade- especially to allow for offense… Now, prove me wrong McBeane…Hopefully this jinx helps…😉
  19. Yes but can we take that chance?
  20. Since we are all against Nazis here, does this mean that the US government will condemn their support for the Neo Nazi backed Ukrainian government that we helped overthrow their democratically elected government? Can’t have it both ways…You can’t support Nazis when it is beneficial, and be against them when it is not…People can see through that stuff…
  21. I’m not confident in either…
  22. I’m all for trading back and acquiring more picks…I just don’t trust Beane to throw away draft picks, by trading up, and make the right decision…Plus we need to start accumulating players on rookie deals to fill out the roster…👍
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