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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I don’t think Davis is worth a 2nd round pick….At best, a 3rd imo…but you wont hear me complaining if a team gives us a 2nd rounder for him…
  2. Beane better not screw up my comp picks…😉
  3. Bears instantly in better position than the Bills…😉
  4. Sometimes it comes down to best possible offer, I guess…
  5. Jets pursuit of Rodgers is fueling my latest bowel movement…
  6. Don’t be surprised if Johnson is the real target…👍
  7. Right on brother! We march at dawn…👍
  8. I said it before- let the mini rebuild begin…👍
  9. Wow, these Dems on capital hill are really “twisting themselves into pretzels” trying to oppose the Twitter Files as much as they can… Unfortunately, for them, all it does is expose them as the censorship loving Marxists that they are… No rational freedom loving American would oppose what Matt Taibbi has brought to light- unless you’re the one being exposed…
  10. Yup…Agents have a rough idea ahead of time the amount of money that their client can get…Saying the word “test” FA is just a polite way of saying “I’m outta here”.
  11. Good for the Giants…still jealous they have Dabs…😉
  12. Couldn’t Beane re work a new deal with Diggs (to avoid cap ramifications) if an agreement for trade could be reached?
  13. Lol…Did he wrestle in high school? 😉
  14. This sounds like the US Intelligence community serving their propaganda to the MSM…
  15. This kind of reminds me of what Von and others have said about Groot- that he’s too nice…
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