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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I believe in gender dysphoria- however rare it might be…but this does not change the fact that the person is still either male or female based on their biology Imo… But I want to make it clear- most people today who “claim” to be trans DO NOT suffer from gender dysphoria- there are other issues and motivations at hand here… I go by the original meaning of male and female when the species was first categorized hundreds of thousands of years ago- maybe even millions…because the original meaning of the male and female were what was intended…all these new definitions and variations have nothing to do with the original concepts… There is an ulterior motive at hand here, by a certain political faction, to eradicate biological sex altogether- that’s the actual goal of the Trans agenda- I do not support this effort…Reality is all about the “Yin and Yang”.👍
  2. For me, I don’t see it as a matter of equality, but rather a matter of truth… Science tells us that there are 2 types of human being- ones that produce eggs and ones that fertilize the egg…these are NOT interchangeable, NOR can someone decide that they want to be the other….and NOTHING else matters when defining males and females… Sorry, but for me, that’s the end of the conversation…people can play dress up all they want- they can engage in whatever sexual fetish floats their boat…I don’t really care what’s in people’s heads…it still changes nothing for me, on what is truth…
  3. This is what I was talking about, with the Trans Agenda being pushed by globalist billionaires…Don’t believe me- go listen to Klaus Schwab (head of the World Economic Forum) speak it from his own mouth- that it’s the job of the elites to steer the world in the direction they want it to go… Thats why the Biden Administration is pushing people to invest in woke causes even if it loses money…They simply don’t care what you want or what you think…
  4. Of course they are- gender treatment is for life, which means endless flows of cash for the Bio-Medical Industrial Complex… Everyone is being played…👎
  5. YAC is not just a WR but a QB thing too…Doesn’t matter if the WR is great as yac so much, if the QB is not…just sayin…
  6. If Wright is as good as people say, he is worthy of using a 4th round pick to trade up into the early 20s to get, if he is still there…👍
  7. Great point- almost like, if there is fear of missing out on a MLB, will they allow it to persuade them into thinking Campbell is more talented than he is, to ensure they draft him early? 👍
  8. I love this, SoCal…But I’m gonna take it a step further… I’m a man, and I couldn’t tell someone what it feels to be a man! And why? Because it’s all I’ve ever been- I have nothing to compare it to… Furthermore, there is a whole spectrum of men that range from being very similar to me, to being very different…I only represent one kind of man in world that includes an endless array of males… So, if, as a man, I couldn’t begin to tell you what it feels like to be a man, based on all of this, it is quite preposterous for a man to think he feels like a woman…👍
  9. Actually I’d say they are the ones winning… Misogynists are the men taking over women’s spaces, while receiving awards for being better women than actual women- all the while telling women to just accept it because “ I’m the MAN, and I say so”. Looks like the patriarchy is still undefeated…😉 Racists have never had it better in the country either…The leaders of CRT’s Anti-Racist movement (supported by the federal government, and all of industry) claims that the only way to make up for past discrimination is with present discrimination… Whatever happened to the old saying “Be the change you want to see”? I never knew that the way to end racism was more racism…This divisive and racist ideology has swept across the nation, creating a divide that most people feel might never be healed- especially with the hate, resentment, and vindictiveness that “anti racism”espouses… With regards to bigotry, see paragraphs one and two…deuces!
  10. It’s almost like, if after 9/11, the White House and media gave heart felt condolences to the Osama Bin Laden instead of the people and first responders who died in the towers…
  11. My ideal/ realistic scenario… Bills trade pick #27 plus a 2024 3rd rounder (presumably we will have an extra 3rd rounder from the comp pick) Bills get WR DeAndre Hopkins plus Cardinals pick #34 Bills get their 1B WR and have two 2nd rounders and a 3rd to potentially address OT, LB, TE, DE
  12. I agree…Campbell reminds me of Paul Pozlusny- a solid LB, but very unspectacular… I’m just not as concerned about MLB as some fans seem to be… I actually prefer Simpson over Campbell, specifically because of his speed and pass rush capability
  13. Contrary to popular belief, the Trans agenda has very little to do with gender dysphoria, and is being used as the “on ramp” to something called Trans Humanism- the morphing of technology and biology by the Bio-Medical Industrial Complex… It’s 30 minutes long, but certainly worth your time…👍
  14. No to LB at 27…any other position I’m fine with…2nd round graded LB would be so Billsy…Knowing Beane, though, I would not be surprised if he traded up in the 1st for Campbell…😉
  15. LB is not BPA at 27 and I really hope we don’t reach… Not sure he would get cut- maybe he would just be our return guy…
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