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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. No…I just don’t have time for when people say dumb things that have nothing to do with the conversation- like you and your Trump derangement syndrome…😉
  2. Yes, I’d like Social Engineering for 200, Alex? 😉
  3. Bingo…👍 I keep hearing Trans activists defining “woman” as whatever you want it to be…The problem with that modern day definition is that was not the origin intent of the word in the days of early humans (to categorize humans for practical reasons)…the word had meaning and purpose…Today’s definitions have no meaning, and if they have any purpose at all, it is to bring chaos to order, with the same intention of destroying the original definition…
  4. Actually, the sad part is- we are ALL losing…
  5. Mental illness and societal decay on full display… so sad…we should all be praying for these people and our country…
  6. Well done NC…some top notch info right there…👍 I’ve been saying essentially the same thing- this entire movement is NOT organic…it’s coming from the top and being forced on society from global elites…Basically the same people who came up with ESG… So, well done on spelling it all out in detail…👍
  7. Those better be 10 inches long for that type of sacrifice…I know I would want my money’s worth…😉
  8. His manifesto claimed that schools and churches, along with specific individuals, were targets… Maps of building layouts, as well as directions for how to make 3D guns also found… I believe this would have made the 3rd or 4th straight shooting by someone from this community… These people have more privilege than they have ever had, and more than the average citizen- yet it doesn’t seem to be making things better for them… And why? Because this is what you get when you exalt and promote mental illness, instead of treating it…You get the insane running the asylum… Forget about the fake threat of white supremacy- that’s so 1940s…The REAL threat today, to our kids and family and society, at large, is the brainwashing and promotion of this mental illness that makes people want to kill themselves and other people…deuces!
  9. I would settle for America back in the 1990s, when Clinton was president…👍
  10. Remember, this whole thing is intentional…The people in power pushing this know exactly what they are doing- and it has NOTHING to do with gender dysphoria, but rather a religious and political movement…
  11. Trans agenda supporters have to try so hard to pretend to deny everything they know to be true just to enforce the ideology…
  12. But it won’t happen, unfortunately…Establishment protects its own… George W and Obama should both be brought up on war crimes…
  13. Some people just have higher standards NC…others don’t mind having lower… The Left always follows the same rule of the lowest common denominator…👍
  14. First, I’m not afraid of strong women- I just don’t support strong men pretending to be strong women… Second, I’m not afraid of “falling further down the social order” on an equal playing field, because I believe that men competing against women is actually less equal than boys vs boys and girls vs girls…wild concept, I know…😉 And just remember, you did not support this agenda 10 years ago, because globalist elites in the WEF and WMF were not forcing it on our society, in every institution, at that time…think about it, it’s not a coincidence that drag and trans are everywhere- it’s like when Nintendo first came out…😉
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