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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Why can’t you do both? Why are your values contingent on what other people think? Answer- Because they are not values… Values are something you have despite what other people think… Furthermore, most people do support a certain level of gun control…the issue is that not everyone’s idea of gun control is the same… So basically, you are saying that once everyone thinks the exact same way you do about guns, then maybe you will start to care about perverts and pedo’s pushing porn and irreversible, life altering drugs and surgeries on kids…Great- thanks for playing…😉
  2. Perverts and Pedo adults that get off at the thought that, just maybe, they can get a kid to taste him/herself after planting the idea in their head…think about that for a moment…This is what the modern Democrat Party is pushing…
  3. Oh, they are nuts alright- severe mental illness…absolutely agree with you on that…👍
  4. This is so beyond effed up I can’t believe there are people who actually support this type of barbarism on minors… No doubt future generations will look back on the horror of this time period as one of the ultimate crimes against humanity…so sad…
  5. Change round 2 to OT and I would absolutely love this draft! 👍
  6. I came online tonight and never even knew the poll was up until it was closed…Would have liked Reid in the 2nd/3rd better than Addison in the 1st…Seems more like a typical Beane reach to fill a need type of pick…👎
  7. I like this pick better than Addison- get top value in the 1st and then a WR later 👍
  8. Not necessarily to R’s, some Independent too… Jeff Van Drew (NJ Rep.) Tulsi Gabbard (HI Rep., and presidential candidate) Kyrsten Sinema (AZ Sen.) Tricia Cotham (NC State Rep.) The problem, they say, is that the Democrat Party no longer stands for liberty, free speech, and equality anymore…But rather religious control (Wokism), censorship, and judging people on a hierarchy based on skin color, gender, and sex (Equity)…👍
  9. These aren’t opinions- it’s history repeating itself…But you have to know history in order to understand what is happening today…👍
  10. This video is a few months old, but I just needed to post it to remind everyone how the propagandists that used to works inside the Bush Administration now propagandize the public through the MSM… Sit back and laugh at all the disinformation being spewed from this commentators mouth is this comical mashup…enjoy! 👍
  11. This is what I’m talking about…it wouldn’t matter what I said so there is no use in wasting my energy…👍 PS…No Liberal, libertarian, conservative or Republican uses the word “equity”- and neither did the Democrats before a few years ago…Ever wonder why that is? I’m sure it probably never even occurred to you, and I’m sure that right now, you don’t even know why you don’t care- but it’s very important, and is the very foundation of Marxist ideology…Democrats use that term because the party has been captured by the ideology, and they don’t even care who knows about it anymore…👍
  12. We just have to accept that we have different world views, values, and standards, Billsy, and will likely never see eye to eye…It is what it is…
  13. Yup- the same people who propagandized us into the Iraq war now work for MSNBC …
  14. Conservatives are liberals who live a more traditional life- but they are still liberal…This is because anyone who believes in the exceptionalism of the founding of the country and its founding documents was always considered a liberal- because it had never been tried before… This is why liberals and so-called conservatives could always disagree on details of legislation, and yet still get along at the end of the day- they didn’t hate each other because they agreed on the main story of the America and its ideals… Marxists, on the other hand hate everything the country stands for…they hate its Judeo-Christian roots because it grants individual liberty and Marxists want the State to be the ultimate arbiter of rights…They hate the nuclear family, because it is the backbone of a free society…This also leads us to why Marxists hate parental authority over minors, because Marxists want the State to be able control the thoughts and actions of the youth in order to uphold the Marxist orthodoxy… Everything about a liberal society, Marxists MUST accuse of being evil, so that people will be more willing to help them tear it down…This is why, imo, the coming civil war will not be liberals vs. conservatives, but rather liberals vs. Marxists…the two ideologies are so diametrically opposed to one another, they literally cannot exist in the same space at the same time…something will have to give… And so this is where the line has been drawn in the sand…This is why you are seeing life long Democrats leaving the party for the Republican Party, or just to be independent…Liberal celebrities from Bill Maher, Denzel Washington, Dave Chapelle are sounding more “conservative” everyday- not because they want to, but because they are naturally put into the category of “right wing” if they disagree with the Marxist (Woke) agenda…they see how extreme and radical and bold Marxists have become in this country they have no choice- they don’t believe in censorship…They don’t believe in unscientific religious dogma…their conscience won’t allow them to betray who they are- freedom loving people who are grateful for their individual liberties and their country…And if that’s what makes them an enemy to Democrats, and the Marxists who control them, so be it…👍
  15. I’ve been (low key) thinking the same…there’s a lot we could do with him, especially when Von returns… I just really don’t want Beane to reach because of need…this team desperately needs a new influx of young talent, and I am open to just about any position as long as it is top talent…👍
  16. The MSM is not there to report the news, but to build a consensus to “the narrative”…Because the top 2 purveyors of propaganda and disinformation, according to Leftist darling Noam Chomsky, are #1 the government- and #2 the media…👍
  17. ‘22 was my least favorite season the last 3 years… I can’t even watch highlights…
  18. I agree about Wright…scouting report says he has slow feet…And we all know what that meant for Ford…
  19. I just don’t see it with JSN…I mean, he is a nice receiver and all…But I don’t see him any better than a Robert Woods…No burst or elite long speed…he is just a great route runner…Unfortunately, that doesn’t equate as first round talent to me…JSN looks like 2nd round talent…pass at 27 imo…
  20. This poor girl… If people aren’t careful, this issue could bring about a civil war…Parents will NOT allow this to be forced on their kids by social Marxists…
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