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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. Early in the Russian- Ukraine conflict, Zelensky wanted a peace treaty with its neighbors but was, supposedly, threatened not to do so… Furthermore, the only reason the war is still going on is because it seems the US and it’s NATO allies keep funding it, to the detriment of the Ukrainian population… We know the the US government backed a coup in 2014…And then the Biden administration committed an act of war by blowing up Russia’s oil pipeline to Germany…Are we not being told the complete story by government it MSM?
  2. Yea, it’s very bizarre…he lies about little things, too, when he doesn’t even have to- it’s almost like he’s so insecure, he doesn’t think people will accept him if he tells the truth…very pathological…
  3. I still hate that we took Addison in round 1…😉
  4. The Trans ideology has its roots in 2nd wave feminism dating back to the 1920s, when the first “sex change” operation was attempted- to inevitably disastrous results… It basically suggested that in order to eliminate inequality between the genders, biological sex had to be eradicated altogether… Third wave feminism built upon those ideas in the 60s and 70s…And with the advancement in medicine and technology, what we are witnessing now are the fruits of 100 years of labor- something I refer to as 4th wave feminism- or the belief that there is no such thing as male or female, or that male and female are interchangeable… So that’s why I said this ideology has nothing to do with MAGA…👍
  5. If you wanna protect kids, you have to address the mental illness epidemic instead of affirming it as normal…👍
  6. Oh make no mistake- this religious movement has nothing to do with “MAGA”…This moment has been in the works for quite some time…👍
  7. I may be the only one on here to say this, but I’m not that big of a fan of JSN in the 1st round…His play speed appears very mediocre Imo…and if we are going WR in the 1st, I want a game breaker- not just a possession receiver…👍
  8. Would not mind at all if he was the pick…I think he will better than Knox…👍
  9. I hear ya…I always say I love this country, but I hate our corrupt government…I’ve learned to separate the two, but for some people, maybe it’s harder to do…
  10. It’s called ESG…It’s an acronym for a globalist economic takeover of the central banking system…It’s to force businesses to promote a Woke agenda or banks won’t lend to them… That’s why we are seeing this madness in every corporation, even when an overwhelming majority of society doesn’t want it…The globalists don’t care- they will try to force it down our throats at all costs…That’s why we have to all come together to oppose it…They can’t stop all of us. 👍
  11. Lol…we should start a group called The Obama Project and just keep bashing the Left…😉
  12. Sshhh…Don’t tell BillStime…he might learn something he doesn’t want to hear…😉
  13. Biden’s woke puppet masters likely made him do it…and because he is a weak leader, he obviously obeyed…Not a good look, Joey, especially on Easter weekend…👎
  14. So much for wanting to win a title…🤣🤣🤣
  15. Your straw man argument is lazy, and no one takes you more seriously just because you keep posting it…Just a nickel’s worth of advice for ya…😉👍
  16. Sure, create another lie because you have nothing else of substance to offer… Anymore gems like this? 😉
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