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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I completely agree…I can’t stand when people do that- along with when people are told they are in a cult for disagreeing…👍 I disagree with Liberals and conservatives alike- it doesn’t make them Communists or fascists… But when I DO see Communist or fascist ideology being injected, I have no problem calling it out…👍
  2. Well, I guess this destroys @ChiGoosearguement of “as long as parents or guardians consent”.
  3. African leader tells how Kamala Harris went to Africa, and tried pushing the Trans agenda on them by offering $60 million… Make no mistake, that is the #1 thing this government is concerned with around the world…The question persists- WHY is it so important to our government to “Trans” people? It seems such an odd thing, when there are so many problems that could be helped with that money…
  4. Damn right it’s going to get worse…More viruses are being “cooked up” in labs as we speak…
  5. What if parents do NOT consent? Should the parents be punished? Should the child be removed from the home? Because that’s what is happening in Canada and what they will soon be pushing for in America… Remember, the goal of this movement coincides with removing parental authority, over a child, completely, because Marxists believe the State owns the children…
  6. Nah, bro…You all about that relationship drama…You prolly watch Maury all day! 😉
  7. If it’s first round… TE- Kincaid WR- Flowers RB- Robinson OL- Wright Only guys I will be excited for…Everyone else I will support but will not be as excited…👍
  8. In Beane I don’t trust…😉 (Very nervous about his next potential draft day blunder) I pray to God he does not trade up for Campbell…
  9. Love Kincaid- his play style reminds me of Kelce- very fluid hips, great hands, and excellent football IQ…One of my favorite players in the draft… I could see him eventually bumping Knox to #2, but I don’t think the Bills will want to draft a TE in the 1st, especially considering how deep the position is and the horrible Knox contract…
  10. I would trade up for Flowers…he’s just too explosive- a game changer…
  11. Agreed- Addison is solid 2nd round talent imo… Only 2 guys I feel are worthy of 1st round selection- JSN and Zay Flowers… If both are gone I would OL, TE, DL, or Robinson…👍
  12. Whats with so many dudes wanting to be chicks nowadays? Answer- a mind virus that’s infecting the entire population…Put simply- Zombie apocalypse…😉
  13. Would love for @BillStime to tell us where Glen is wrong on this one…👍
  14. Not mention he has average speed for a WR…
  15. Anyone else starting to wonder if Campbell may only be a two-down LB? On a podcast today I heard that Campbell was ranked around 86th for MLB in pass coverage… This had me wondering if Campbell could be a liability on 3rd downs in the NFL…
  16. I’m beginning to think you don’t really know what the word means…The same people you refer to as fascists, now seem to be communists to you…make up your mind, will ya? 😉
  17. Goose, do you realize that nobody outside of NATO countries believes this? The world, from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America is against what the US is doing- and they are finally becoming fed up with American bullying and are forming there own alliances to counter the US… On top of that, there are grumblings coming from some of our own European Allie’s (France and Germany) that they are not happy with what’s going on…I actually wouldn’t be surprised if some of our allies feel blackmailed or bullied, knowing how our government typically acts around the world…
  18. He’s been right about the origins of the war starting long before Russia invaded and America’s roll in pushing for a proxy war similar to Korea and Vietnam… He’s also been right about the Covid Pandemic and how Pfizer and the government lied to the to American people, and paid the MSM to cover it up…
  19. I don’t know- I’ll listen to anyone who has info the government doesn’t want me to hear…plus, he’s been right about a LOT of things, regardless how he leans politically…
  20. Not anything…But after your government lies to you for years, you tend to be open minded to alternatives…You start wanting to get info from other nation’s perspectives to get a more well rounded vantage point…👍
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