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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. You overestimate my intelligence…😉
  2. Why is it good for him? He makes millions…Who cares?
  3. I’m referring to the hacking…and don’t be so naive about government coercion with regards to social media…
  4. These people are an embarrassment to the black race- and every black person should be so pissed off that these thugs just made our lives 10 times more difficult now! Just goes to show that maybe some people shouldn’t have been let off the plantation… If you’re going to act like an animal, maybe you deserve to be chained up…
  5. Not surprised…Much of MSM is straight up propaganda, for money and power…Serves them right…👍
  6. Switch out Campbell for Flowers and I’m right there with ya! 👍
  7. Idiots… This may be true, but surely you don’t defend what happened in Chicago, right?
  8. I would NOT want to trade up for Addison- in fact, I think it would be foolish to do so…he is boarder line 1st round/2nd round
  9. Hoping Addison is a smoke screen…dude just doesn’t wow me…
  10. Tisk tisk… @ChiGoose just said he doesn’t appreciate calling names just because of a disagreement…😉
  11. Oh? You weren’t aware that activists view requiring psychiatric evaluation first, is considered “Transphobic”? Dear oh dear…😯 So much for “the burden should be very high”…
  12. Come on, man- I know you are not that naive…You know, just as well as everyone else, that the goal is to remove all barriers, so that it like buying advil at the corner store…
  13. I understand this, but are you aware that Jazz’s mother started brainwashing him when he was an infant? Around age 2-3 Jazz was asking his mother when the good fairy was gonna come take his penis and give him a vaj? Now, I don’t know about where you come from, but what the hell kid is gonna know anything about that crap if an adult isn’t planting stuff in their heads?
  14. But that’s basically your argument when taken to it’s logical conclusion- that the parent should have the right to consent in removing healthy body parts from their child… The problem becomes we know there are sick and twisted adults out there, like the mother of Jazz Jennings, who never wanted a boy- and realized she could make big money on tv by convincing her son that he was a girl… Now Jazz, as an adult, is unhappy as F, doesn’t want to continue with certain treatments, and is attracted to females as if he were a normal heterosexual male- but can’t have a normal relationship because his mom f’d up his life for her own narcissistic reasons… And that’s why kids need to be protected- from whacked out parents, and pharmaceutical companies that only see dollar signs and seek to prey on them…👍
  15. Does a parent have the right to convince their kid they need their arm cut off? How about a big toe? Oh right- just the penis…🤔
  16. Lol…Hey look! The guy who advocates for kids cutting off dick$ is calling other people freaks- how adorable! 😉 It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry had a dream that a cheeseburger was eating him…🤣🤣🤣 Maybe that’s what he was referring to…😉
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