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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. The heir to the original Democrat dynasty is now coming out in opposition to what the Party has morphed into since his uncle and father were murdered… thoughts? I know I’m certainly intrigued…👍
  2. No team suffers from “bad timing” worse than the Buffalo Bills… And Beane has never been good at planning ahead…he always seems to be one year behind when drafting- likely why he always seems to be forced into drafting for need instead of BPA…
  3. And if you’re a dude having trouble picking up females, in general, this is also recommended, so you can have your pick of the litter…😉
  4. First off, thank you so much for such an awesome post…It is rare around here that you actually get to engage in thoughtful dialogue…So thank you…👍 As far as your first point about the slow speed of communication being a partial catalyst for the push for local government over centralized control- I suppose it’s possible, but from my understanding, there were three other reasons I think were likely the cause… The first being we had just fought a war for freedom with a country that had a centralized government…And it was extremely oppressive…So, a great motivation for our new government was to do the opposite of that… Second, each state had its own culture, it’s own values, and its own industry…It probably just made sense to let the governments closest to the people be able to institute policy that best suited localized situations… Third, the country was in its infancy and had no money, no national currency, and no national military…The federal government basically had no power to do anything…All power resided with the states… As for the Founders, you are absolutely correct about them having great disagreements, and even arguments, about the details of the Constitution (like the electoral college, for example)…Therefore, I guess when I refer to the Founders, I’m more referring to what they eventually compromised on- our founding documents… But even though it may have been a period of great partisanship, the one thing they seemed to agree on was not allowing the government to impede people’s freedoms…In fact there was a great saying from one of them (I don’t remember who), but to paraphrase- they didn’t even want to create a government except for the reason of ensuring that people’s rights were protected…👍 I’m not a historian, but I hope this, at least, helped to answer some of your questions…👍
  5. No, not at all…and that’s an excellent answer…thank you for helping out your friend with a coherent response… And I agree, I’d rather there not be any of those groups as well…They are all extremist groups imo…👍 The problem is they are all battling each other and we are caught in the middle, forced to choose a side or be “excommunicated”… Then you get into the situation where there are so many different cultures here, that have so many different standards of living…That’s why the Founders wanted local governments, not centralized authority, to determine the will of the people…👍
  6. I’m open to ANY 1st round graded talent, even if we have to trade up…👍
  7. Well, I’ve done my part to try and offer some helpful insight to a political adversary…Where you go with it is up to you… So, as long as you are AWARE of your ignorance, I WILL sleep better at night…😉
  8. Don’t get me wrong- Authoritarianism can and does happen on both sides… The only point I’m trying to make is that you are confusing Communism and Authoritarianism…
  9. Oh? Do you support BLM, Antifa? People who are not communists DO NOT support these overtly communist groups…👍 If you support the Founding documents of this republic, you are not communist… However, EQUITY is anti-American because it is anti civil liberties…Civil liberties are based on individual rights and freedoms, which is opposed by Marxists, in favor of the collective- which is where group identity comes in from the Left…
  10. Billsy, again- you sound ridiculous calling those who oppose communism, communists… None of them support groups that claim to be Marxist (like BLM) or groups that wave the hammer and sickle flag (like Antifa)…And they certainly don’t believe in “equity” like the Biden administration, which is the foundation of communism…It’s just YOU… Don’t you see how none of your comrades, who think like you, are calling anti-communists, communists?Because they’re probably thinking the same thing we all are- It makes no sense, and makes you seem like you have no idea what you’re talking about… Now, if you think someone is acting “authoritarian” in some way, that would make more sense, but nobody on this board thinks that government should own all of industry, like communists do…just a friendly reminder, if you care to be taken seriously…👍 But then again- maybe you don’t care to…
  11. Most hoaxes are faked because there isn’t enough “hate” in society to help bring about change/revolution fast enough for the Left… Plus, the Left’s ideology teaches them that if they can’t find racism everywhere, they aren’t looking hard enough…So, in order to be as obedient as possible, to the religion, they make up the “hate crime” and then claim it was justified because somewhere, somehow, that hate crime was actually going on… It’s quite diabolically mental…👍
  12. If it has anything to do with doctors who object to mutilating healthy children- I support it…And there is nothing communist about it…it’s just basic humanity…👍 No doctor should be forced to do that…especially if it goes against the medical oath they took of “causing no harm”…👍
  13. Don’t you find it the least bit odd that you’re telling me I’M the one in a cult, simply for saying males are not females? The most basic truth of human existence, and I’m the one in a cult? Interesting, to say the least…Lol
  14. I ain’t gonna lie, you’re a weird dude…👍
  15. Lol…I just don’t think he knows what the word Communist means, because he always seems to be using it in the wrong context… But I get your point…😉
  16. At first I just thought you might be trolling…But since you keep bringing it up I guess I might as well address it… I admit I don’t know much about @LeviFviews…But I’ve seen enough of @BillsFanNCposts that seem to reflect views that Marxists detest- I could be wrong, but he does not appear to be about “Equity” or turning society into “oppressed vs. oppressor” which is the foundation of communism…so I’m not sure where you get the feeling he is a communist…maybe you could elaborate…👍 Second, if you support BLM (which I assume you do, based on your rhetoric) then I’m sure you know that YOU support an organization whose leaders actually claim to be Marxists… So if you could give evidence of how the other two are communist, I would love to see it, because they don’t seem to share your views…👍
  17. If you ever played sports growing up, you would know that this has always happened- it’s called a “physical”. So, nothing new here…what else ya got? 😉
  18. You always try to equate these two issues, when they really have nothing to do with one another…It’s basically a false straw man argument because you would rather not respond to the specific claim that I made…👍
  19. Meh…I try to consume as many different news outlets as possible… As far as voting, I don’t always do it, but when I do, I find it extremely difficult to vote for ANY party that advocates and promotes males becoming females and vice versa…My conscience won’t let me do it…
  20. Or maybe he had just witnessed the “Teen Takeover” riots in Chicago, where people were killed or assaulted in their cars, and figured he was next…just a thought…🤔
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