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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. I don’t think it would have mattered…The Bills were spent…
  2. One could argue they now have a more complete roster than the Bills…
  3. It’s not just from that text, alone, but an accumulation of info, spanning a period of time, from multiple days outlets…that text was just the cherry on top…👍
  4. Ha! I knew it! figured that had something to do with it…Intelligence community put pressure on Murdock because Tucker exposed what was so obvious to so many…They had no defense so they had to silence (censor) him just like the Dems suggested… Unfortunately, for them, he won’t go silently into the night…and he will likely come back stronger than ever, with even more purpose and conviction…👍
  5. So true- a lot of people who vote for Trump don’t even particularly like the guy…
  6. Chris Christie is not a moderate anything…😉 And yes, running would be a good start…😉
  7. Ewww, you like mushrooms on your pizza? #QAnon 😉 Yes…I wouldn’t be surprised if that had something to do with it…👍
  8. CNN is racist for firing Don Lemon…Wonder if BLM will now burn down the network! 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Not necessarily the Party- more so the intelligence community/MIC that has captured the MSM, and who dominate the Democrat and Republican Parties… Tucker often spoke out against these groups, exposing a lot of corruption…He was the biggest news show in the country, and had many threats on his life for the work he did…People in positions of power definitely wanted him gone… I will definitely be interested wherever he goes…
  10. Well the Dems demanded he be taken off the air- looks like the pressure might have been too much for FOX to withstand…
  11. Tucker was too good for FOX imo…He will have his pick of a landing spot…But don’t be surprised if Daily Wire or The Blaze try to scoop him up…👍
  12. Boy, this didn’t age well…Btw, he reminds me of the Joker without makeup- very creepy…😉
  13. If the Chiefs trade up ahead of us, for the second straight year, to take Zay Flowers, I’m gonna be pissed…
  14. This is the kind of thing you tell people whose education is not above a 5th grade level- and hope they don’t figure out the joke…😉
  15. I appreciate your honest response… But I guess what I am getting at is “Anti-vax” has become such a vague term to include people who simply don’t feel they need to take the vaccine because they are young and healthy, to people who don’t believe it should be mandated- especially when it has been proven to not prevent the spread or contraction… This was never the original definition of Anti-Vaxx until they changed it (during Covid) to include more people…But I don’t view the new definition as “anti-vax” because it just seems like common sense to me, and people should have the right to ask logical questions about something without being labeled “anti-anything”…Plus, it is much different than people who will actually refuse a vaccine under any circumstance…That’s anti-vaxx to me… So, my question basically is, is there anything, specifically, RFK has said that is anti-vaxx to you? Thanks…👍
  16. Is this code for “you don’t have an answer” 😉
  17. Why do you call him an anti-vaxxer? What makes him a “nut” on the issue? Just curious…
  18. Perhaps he believes in a different world view than the Establishment Democrats and Republicans…But the term “Far Right Conspiracy Theory” is inaccurate Imo, as there are just as many people on the Left who think the same thing… It’s just that the Establishment (Intelligence community) labels them “Far Right” to divide the country and maintain power…👍
  19. Yes, your psychosis of Trump… Nice- every CIA-created name in the book…how convenient…😉 Btw, didn’t you know that having skeletons in your closet means nothing when running for president anymore? I think Clinton, Hillary, Trump and Biden have proven that…
  20. So, now, anyone who disagrees with the Establishment (Democrat) narrative is Q-Anon? Good to know we have some real thinkers in here…😉👍
  21. Pure genius how you managed to turn a thread about RFK Jr’s presidential bid into a post about Trump… Your psychosis knows no bounds…😉
  22. So glad you asked… Imo, as long as the Bills keep “piecemeal-ing” the putting together of this team (like patchwork), I fear its potential will never fully be realized… My preference would be for the team to view this draft like a mini-rebuild…Pretend you’re in year 1 or 2 and you’ve got holes all over the place…That mindset should help you to, pretty much, take the best player at just about any position, and not reach just to fill one or two positions…Reaching on picks will only continue to hold this team back from being able to compete with KC and Cincy…
  23. Don’t feel bad, man…I’ve never been as unenthusiastic for a draft as I am this year.. Part of it has to do with the lack of talent… Part of it has to do with fearing Beane will reach for need like he always does- missing out on better talent… Part of it has to do with feeling the Bills are a stagnant team- causing them to fall further behind other teams…
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