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  1. I hear ya…Let the crazies live in lala land all they want…it doesn’t mean all the normal people have to join in…👍
  2. I do not agree with ending the two term limit…And I’m sure that after 4 years, Trump will not be physically or mentally fit to do so anyway… If it’s good enough for George Washington, it’s good enough for every other President who follows…👍
  3. So Russia is an old dictatorship…And Ukraine is a new dictatorship until they prove otherwise…👍
  4. But can’t “inseminated person” also refer to a gay guy? How does that distinguish who mothers are? 🤔 Stupid Dems…lol
  5. From corruption that your party is fight against being exposed…duh…😉
  6. Actually, we are the ones saving the country…
  7. Careful- you’re going to trigger them…🤣🤣🤣
  8. Everything woke turns to sh*t…It’s just the law of nature…👍
  9. Joe, I actually feel kinda sad for you… It’s to the point where your pride has made you completely delusional, and you don’t even know it…And you’re so emotionally invested in the delusion, there’s nothing anyone can do or say to convince you otherwise… The only thing preventing me from getting dumber, with each post you write, is the fact that I legitimately feel sorry for you…
  10. Seeking truth and sharing it with others should be the purpose of every human being, Joe…Don’t ya think?
  11. What issue have you made me look foolish?
  12. That means Beane will likely draft him…😉
  13. Trying to smack some common sense into people like you… 90% of the things you’ve defended over the passed several years has proven to be a lie, and I’m trying to bring you back from the brink…👍
  14. Thats my next president! 👍
  15. It’s because they have nothing…protesting is just a natural reflex for the Left… If they are not chanting some stupid song in some stupid protest, they have no purpose…🤣🤣🤣
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