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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Oh so now she (maybe) wasn't even raped?
  2. Ah yes, it's the victim who's to blame. Right, right. Disgusting.
  3. Why do people have such a hard time understanding the difference between laws of the state and the practice of private industry when it comes to things like rights? He has no right to be treated as "innocent" by his employer (or us for that matter) until someone proves that he's guilty. His behavior has negatively impacted the franchise. That's reason enough for termination.
  4. What part of this is "cancel culture"? The shame is being foisted upon the Bills whether or not they are willing to accept it. You can choose whether or not you're embarrassed, but you don't get to decide whether or not you're an embarrassment. The simple fact is, the Bills welcomed this massive distraction and neagtive publicity when they didn't cut ties the moment they knew. If they had, no one would have blamed them. Now? If Araiza turns out to be guilty, they're completely complicit. Even if it can't be proven that he isn't, it still may taint the entire season. Imagine turning into the Super Bowl with the Bills looking to win their first championship and the talk of the town is how their punter is an alleged rapist?
  5. No, they didn't. "what follows is our opinion about which golfers, and in which order, constitute the 25 male golfers of all-time." They used the word "male" as an adjective, which is appropriate. No one is saying you shouldn't say "female golfers" . What they're saying is that you shouldn't say "I was hanging out with 5 females yesterday".
  6. How's that? I think you missed it.
  7. And you sound like a predator.
  8. I'm sorry are you suggesting it's an exaggeration? The entire country is talking about it and he plays for the Bills. It's being referred to as "Bills Punter...". We have an alleged rapist on our team. If that doesn't bring you shame, then it's impossible to do so.
  9. Sure you can, we do it every single day. People get fired for FAR less than bringing national shame to an organization. If Josh Allen was a rookie 6th round punter with one punt under his belt in a pre-season game, then yes absolutely throw him to the curb too. No one said he was. Alpha however was indicating that anything besides a conviction of a crime was insufficient grounds for termination. I'm making the point that a court doesn't determine who is guilty or innocent - just what can be proven at that time and place.
  10. a guy who's going to make 700k this year. One wonders why she wouldn't just target a google engineer at a local coffee shop with a net worth 5x that amount. No one got arrested at Penn State either. I guess that didn't happen according to your logic. There's already talk of the university covering this up.
  11. The fact that you don't says a lot more. Guilty or innocent he's a distraction for a team that can't afford one - that's reason enough to cut him.
  12. Did you have to go door to door to introduce yourself when you moved there by chance?
  13. Totally unfounded? Zero proof? Seeking ti get Rich? Completely deplorable. "At the request of police, she made pretext calls — recorded by detectives — with the men named in the lawsuit whom police “had determined were present in the room when the rape occurred.” Araiza, the complaint alleged, confirmed on a call in late October that they had sex and recommended she get tested for a sexually transmitted disease."
  14. Yea, that's not true either
  15. Why is that relevant? The criminal and civil trial, along with his employment by the Bills are completely unrelated. Why do you keep avoiding my question about OJ?
  16. Sure you can, but I'm guessing if you reference evidence from the San Diego Police that does not exist and the story goes viral, that they would probably want to have a word. Have the San Diego police denounced it as fake?
  17. I read the lawsuit. Did you? Also, you didn't answer my question. Are you hiring OJ because he was found not guilty? https://www.scribd.com/document/589181099/Matt-Araiza-Civil-Complaint#fullscreen&from_embed
  18. Not guilt does not equal innocent. It never has. Also, the legal system is highly messed up, if you haven't been paying attention. Using it as your barometer of what is true and is not is far from advised.
  19. It's highly unlikely that it will ever be possible to prove he is innocent. The best we'll get is a lack of evidence to convict. You hiring OJ at your place of work? After all, he wasn't convicted either.
  20. Well then maybe he shouldn't have ***** a kid? The bills aren't able to ruin his life by any action they take. He did that all on his own.
  21. Cutting a player ruins their life? How? If he's innocent he'll find another team at some point. We're about to cut 30 players, so I sure hope not. I'm very comfortable cutting a player who's credibly accused of sexually assaulting a minor.
  22. We don't know about Rothlisberger either, or OJ for that matter.
  23. KC Signed Ju Ju - I expect him to go over 1000. They won't miss hill much, if at all. GB on the other hand was in bad shape even WITH Adams. They are a stone cold lock to not win the Super Bowl.
  24. No it really isn't. I never suggested taking any of his rights away. I don't think he should be in prison, but he doesn't have an inalienable right to be on a football team either. It's a pretty ***** up perspective you have to have to play devil's advocate here. At a bare minimum he admitted to a felony that would make him a registered sex offender.
  25. Cut anyone whose accused of gang raping a minor? Sure. I'll die on that hill gladly.
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