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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. The goalposts of this thing will forever move for some folks. If he gets charged, there will be the "what about the trial" crowd. When the trial starts, there will be "what about the verdict" crowd, if a guilty plea comes down it'll be the "what about the appeal" crowd, and once all that's exhausted it'll probably be "deep state" or whatever. The only way that this dude is 100% innocent is if he didn't have sex with her, didn't drug her and had ZERO idea anything suspect was going on. Any other scenario and he's some level of negligent to guilty. If he's got an alibi, now's the time, because I don't see it getting better for him.
  2. mostly an egregious amount of cheese and hot sauce.
  3. I've got ***** in my fridge that's been around longer than he has. He isn't even a member of the 53 man roster yet.
  4. I don't buy that at all. Releasing the player is about as cut and dry as you can get and easy to do.
  5. What exactly is wrong with that? Unrelated - Did you know he represents women in sexual assault cases including the adult entertainment industry?
  6. You wouldn't know it if all you did was read this thread.
  7. Sometimes the latter helps the former. This case sat without charges for nearly a year, and maybe now they'll finally do it due to public pressure. It works.
  8. It seems folks used the fact that he follows adult entertainers on Twitter as an attempt to discredit him. In some cases it appears he legally represents them. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/san-diego-taxpayers-fund-15-million-payment-to-nude-dancers/169269/
  9. I imagine it'll look nice next to your Darren Sharper and Kellen Winslow jerseys.
  10. What on earth could possibly lead you to that assumption based on what we know about the rape kit epidemic in this country?
  11. The official suit does instead state those things
  12. This is the quiet part I don't think @gene1973 or some of the other supporters don't want to say out loud. Amazing we took 130 pages to get to the part where we finally got a contingent of folks to conclude that ***** minors is ok.
  13. "Across the country, as many as 200,000 rape kits sit unopened in police storage while assailants—the people whose genetic fingerprints are decisively coded within such kits—are able to dodge prosecution and, in some cases, strike again. Our latest magazine cover story is an investigation by Barbara Bradley Hagerty into the national backlog of untested rape kits—and its frightening consequences. Amid an ongoing national conversation about serial sexual abusers and how to deal with them, it’s an in-depth look at some of the ways the system fails to catch repeat offenders." https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2019/07/nationwide-epidemic-of-untested-rape-kits-atlantic-daily/594046/
  14. Do you want to take a poll on how many people had drunk sex with a minor when they were an adult? We seem to be conveniently dropping that point off of these excuses at a startling regularity. I'll start : Not me.
  15. If it's a misdemeanor does that make it less disgusting or do you derive your morality from the ebb and flow of the law?
  16. You do realize that the investigation and evidence was gathered long before most people ever heard of him right? He probably had a similar amount of notoriety as the other two players referenced.
  17. Because he allegedly orchestrated the whole thing and is the primary suspect.
  18. If he's cut and innocent, he'll be free to sign with anyone he chooses - including us.
  19. If the people you work for are the closest people you have after family, you need to re-examine your ability to create meaningful relationships. It seems to be a common problem for Americans though as evidenced the "return to the office" crowd. With respect to presumed guilt - that's your perception. My perception is that it's plausible he did it, and if that's true there's far more risk than reward the the reputation of the franchise in continuing to have him associate with the club.
  20. That's already happened. Whether or not the Bills employ him has no bearing on his reputation. Only his actions do.
  21. Well holy *****. You better go tell the 30 players we're cutting next week that the Bills are going to "ruin" their lives, even if they didn't rape anyone.
  22. If they exist and are credible sure. Let's hear from them.or see a statement.
  23. Who's ruining his life? No one has said that he should go to prison yet, just that he should be released from a football team. Do you have a recorded pretext call where 1ManRaid admitted to committing crimes? Do you have physical evidence and eyewitnesses outlined in a lawsuit? If you did, I might be inclined to believe there was more to the story than a complete fabrication
  24. Maybe I am illiterate, help me out a little then. If you think all his buddies were doing is "screwing everything this side of Luxembourg" does that include the teenager in question which would be a felony and make him a Sex Offender?
  25. And what will need to happen (that didn't already happen at the hospital) in order for you to be convinced she was raped?
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