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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. It's like you've never seen a sports press conference in your life. Reporter "Coach, how important was it for your team to get in a rhythm and put up some points before the half?" Coach "It was really important. It's always a good thing to go into the half on a positive note, and we have to carry that momentum over into the second half" Every.interview.ever.
  2. Unrelated to what he decides to do, who on the team has the luxury of not respecting him for any reason? The overwhelming majority of the players on this team are lucky to be in the NFL right now, and I can think of at least 10, probably 20 that will probably never play in the NFL again after Buffalo is done with them. There isn't exactly a ton of star power here you have to worry about upsetting.
  3. The public are idiots. Belichick knows this and has given nothing for decades. Most other great coaches are the same. As much as I dislike McD, it's not his job to do the reporters job for them. He's polite to a fault and answers questions. Not getting caught in saying something he shouldn't is a plus in my book. Coaches that don't do that like Rex, Dennis Greene, and Jim Mora get run out of the league, never to be heard from again.
  4. Do you agree they played the same way the first half?
  5. Benjamin hands down. He tricked his QBs into trusting him, so they threw to him and the lazy goon betrayed them.
  6. And where was he when his team needed him late in the 4th? Never spend $23 million on a defender.
  7. Does this apply to just one of our QBs?
  8. Cooks also received a major deal carrying him through 2023
  9. How many scoring drives did your savior have in 6 less minutes of football? One? Ok, cool. Glad we dismantled the whole team so hauschka could get a second crack at 3 points. You'd have an argument if your boy wonder came in and had markedly different results. If you want to hang your hat on a couple first downs, have at it. Neither QB caused this team to get 47 points dropped on them and neither forced the team to be unwilling and unable to run, catch, or block. Aaron Rodgers wasn't scoring 7 touchdowns to win that game.
  10. Thanks for your contribution.
  11. I already made my case with photos and breakdowns. If you want to discount detailed and thoughtful replies with one line "nuh-uhs", that's your right, but it makes you look like a simple minded petulant child. That seems to be par for the course around here though.
  12. I know it's difficult to stay on topic, but this thread and my response have nothing to do with quarterbacks. You wanted to talk about McD, so that's what I did. If you're looking for a pissing match, move along.
  13. Oh, ok. I didn't know you just wanted to cry. Carry on then.
  14. He's the precise opposite of who they want on this team.
  15. I didn't like McDermott as a hire, and there are a lot of things I don't like about him as a coach. However, he doesn't owe you or anyone else besides his boss an explanation. Every decent coach and smart player in the league gives bland explanations and old cliches when asked pointed questions. There's a zero percent chance that McDermott will ever come out and say a particular player played badly. That's just common sense. You don't throw your own people under the bus to people outside the organization. Management 101. With that said, McDermott actually gives out a pretty decent amount of information if you read between the lines of talking points he grazes over and if you pay attention to his cadence. You need to filter out the coach speak to get there though. It also doesn't help when reporters ask terrible questions that they know will be met with canned responses. Also, it's impossible for the fans to know when guys run the wrong routes or take the wrong assignments. At field level, it's probably also very difficult to see as a coach. To really know what happened and why you need an elevated view. It would be irresponsible to speak to those things without proper data.
  16. Might have been a "hot take" if I said it 30 years ago. These days we just call it a hard truth. Love the guy and his autographs are all over the house, but he had one of the top two most talented rosters of all time and couldn't get the job done when it mattered most. It doesnt mean I'm not a massive fan of his.
  17. I'm not interested in finding "the next Jim Kelly". The guy wasn't good enough.
  18. It'll go well with my Martin Nance and Jonathan Linton collection.
  19. It's actually in the mail. Kinda hoping I get one game out of it...
  20. Dallas just dumped Dez. I doubt they want a worse version
  21. Drafting Bosa is a lose-lose. If he busts, he busts and you could have traded down. If he becomes elite you have to pay him $30 million a year and you have to let him walk in his prime. Trade down all day every day.
  22. San Francisco could be a willing partner down the road.
  23. I strongly disagree with that. The pass was sinking right to him, as evidenced by the safety that had to dig it out of the dirt. For a guy like Benjamin that jumps two feet off the ground (for some reason) to catch passes aimed at his chest, he didn't even lift his feet off the ground and ran straight under it. He had 5 yards running horizontally to position for the catch, and he played it horribly.
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