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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Forgetting of course that he was found not guilty, like it or not.
  2. I'm guessing all 3 apply in this case.
  3. I think their logic goes: Not elite college LTs make good NFL RT's and Not elite college RTs make good NFL guards.
  4. I recall that the draftnicks suggested he'd be a better guard than a tackle in the pros, so maybe it's not that big of a deal?
  5. Isn't there a rally somewhere that you should be at?
  6. And? I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what an internet blogger is, and why it discredits someone from being a real journalist in 2019. It's an extremely outdated term that suggests he's just some guy on reddit with a hot take. Newspapers have been dead for 10 years, and any serious journalist treats online content as their first source these days. If you want to say he doesn't have enough market reach, or he isn't affiliated with a big enough brand - yea ok, that makes sense. But the whole "blogger" thing just makes me think that there's just a bunch of old guys sitting around here waiting for this internet fad thing to end.
  7. So if you're an editor for ESPN.com are you an "internet blogger"? How do you define that?
  8. Is an "internet blogger" not a professional?
  9. I'm almost always the last person to take a QB in my leagues - often I'm taking my first string QB after someone has taken their 2nd and it's worked out very well on average. If I remember correctly I think you have to go back over 10 years to find a QB who lead the league in point sin back to back seasons and just about every year someone comes out of nowhere to be in the top 5. Given a 12 team league, you will have a more than serviceable option like Stafford/Rivers/Roethlisberger as the last QB taken. And then you can grab a guy like Allen or Fitzpatrick (who seems to always be good for a couple 40+ point games a season in the final round or two) I played Allen with some success down the stretch last year and even had McCown for his sick run a couple years back, as well as Watson his rookie year. High floor QBs are easy to get and getting the best of the year is almost always luck.
  10. Well, you keep pointing out he's not a professional scout, which should be obvious, but it's very clear he has way more subject matter expertise than most NFL reporters. Of course getting press access isn't a "right", but giving press access to strong, thoughtful, and detailed writers would indeed be the "right" thing to do for the organization, if they cared at all about their fans - which they prove time and time again they don't.
  11. I think Bodine will be ok with better talent around him.
  12. He turned into a solid back for the ravens. He never really recovered from losing a step due to his knee injury, but a good player in spite of it.
  13. So, because he doesn't do something for a living his skills and expertise do not have merit?
  14. This guy is still around? Thought he was finally put out to pasture for good.
  15. 1.1 percentage points over a career is not insignificant.
  16. Except they paid a negligible amount less to keep him than to dump him. The fact that they couldn't deal with whatever flaws they perceived he Watkins and Darby had is more of an indictment of the staff than the players in my book. A lot of jokers cheered the Ryan O'Reilly trade from Buffalo too, and that didn't work out so well. Maybe they get lucky and the big money deals they paid out to underachievers like Star and Murphy pan out and one or both of Allen/Edmunds starts to flourish, and then all is forgotten and forgiven. Still, it was unprecedentedly reckless and an unnecessary waste of assets. And what did all those cap savings buy them? Mitch Morse, John Brown, and Cole Beasley? I hardly see that as worth it. As it is they're going into the season with $22M of unused (wasted) cap, because they didn't make any moves to sign marquee players and they're at a point where there's nobody on the team worth using to money on to lock up in an extension. It's just not smart business. I don't like being down on the team, but the amount of backslapping over these guys is just ridiculous. They were hailed as geniuses before they even set foot in the door, and I just don't think they've done anything to deserve that yet.
  17. Really? How much better was their 9-7 season vs Doug Marrone's 9-7 season. They played a super soft schedule and failed to put up 7 points against the Jags. I'm as happy as anyone they broke the curse, but let's not kid ourselves that it was some brilliant coaching and GM work that got us there. We don't have a brutal schedule this year, but it's not easy either. if they go 8-8 or worse are you still on the train?
  18. Except every coach we've had in the last 30 years has averaged 8-8 or worse. There's little reason to believe these guys are any different, especially considering their 15-18 record through two years.
  19. Right, and just to be clear, it's not that I think they can't turn this ship around. I just don't go handing out attaboys for solving problems that didn't exist before they created them. All of the progress so far has been towards getting the team back tot he level it was before they wrecked it. We'll see if this strategy actually allows them to surpass the previous ceiling, or if it's just a different flavor of 7-9 to 9-7.
  20. Did we? The dead cap ridiculousness was a manufactured crisis created by McBeane just so they could wipe every shred of existence of the previous regime while putting in their own initiatives that they claim are vastly superior, but have yet to show any results. Seems strikingly familiar... I think we have to go a long way to go before anyone can start claiming this squad is objectively more talented than the 2016 squad they replaced.
  21. It's better this way. If they started Rosen he'd get hurt and Fitzmagic would steal his job away at least for a minute. It's happened 7 times, which should be HoF worthy. It's maybe the most insane story in pro football history. Ryan Fitzpatrick - A Football Life.
  22. Most national media have him in the bottom tier of the league right now. I've seen him ranked 25-29, which is probably where he belongs until he proves himself. As of right now this looks like one of strongest overall QB groups in NFL history. Pretty much every team has a guy that can win games and with the exception of the Dolphins, Skins, Ravens, and Titans just about everybody else has a guy that's been very good in the past, is very good now, or has legitimate expectations that they will be very good.
  23. It's their choice whether they want to pay him or lose him for little to no value. I don't blame these RBs at all. I'd hold out immediately after a good season for more guaranteed $. The writing is on the wall that these teams abuse them time and time again, so you have to do the same as a player. Gotta get yours.
  24. I don't think that's the case anyone is making. It's certainly not mine. It's great news that he and Allen are on the same page and doing well together. It's the thought of that being the best thing we have going on Offense when he had $100M to burn that's troublesome.
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