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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. We do? Who is we? The US ranks #1 in nothing but cost of healthcare. We rank among thrid world countries in infant mortality rate, life expectancy, happiness and education just to name a view. We aren't even in the top 10 of GDP per capita. "America #1" has been repeated so often we all assume it must be true, even though it really isn't even close. We should have used an existing test and used all of our economic might to massively produce, distribute and perform tests followed by isolation and early access to ventilation, which China discovered was key to enhanced survival rates. Equipment for PPE and treatment should have been made top priority
  2. I don't consider it BS, and I'm not a communist. I've just witnessed capitalism nonstop failures throughout my entire life, even as someone who plays the game to a reasonably high level compared to most, but that's not really what we're talking about. States weren't even allowed to test at all until recently. How people think NY is more to blame than the feds is insane. I'm not a big fan of Cuomo or any Neo-Liberal, but he's done a very admirable job managing this crisis and has shown more leadership than probably anyone in the country throughout this disaster. https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/president-trump-gives-nys-permission-to-start-using-state-labs-to-test-for-covid-19/71-06220bff-d01b-497b-a424-1cc2614e5875
  3. "The South Korean company Kogenebiotech developed a clinical grade, PCR-based SARS-CoV-2 detection kit (PowerChek Coronavirus) on 28 January 2020.[119][120] It looks for the "E" gene shared by all beta coronaviruses, and the RdRp gene specific to SARS-CoV-2.[121] Other companies in the country, such as Solgent and Seegene, also developed versions of clinical grade detection kits, named DiaPlexQ and Allplex 2019-nCoV Assay, respectively, in February 2020." This isn't a "brand new" virus, just a different version. We dealt with sars-cov-1 17 years ago, so they knew where to start.
  4. Strawman? How are you getting there? You're making a claim that people are in financial straits because they outspend their means, while you seemingly have no problem with corporations doing the same and getting a massive bailout while those same people foot the bill yet again. Poor behavior of the oligarchy is rewarded with second chances, while poor behavior of the proletariat is punished and scolded. You're expecting something of people that for a lot of them is quite impossible, while the folks that have the ability accept no responsibility for their actions.
  5. They were already saying they were on the verge of bankruptcy after a couple weeks. After a couple of weeks millions of people were already laid off across the nation. Corporations had no rainy day fund but we expect it of people scraping by on poverty wages? Come on, man.
  6. He inherited all of that. Why are you refusing to acknowledge that I supplied the evidence of it? Exactly what policies do you think he enacted that caused all of that? Stop and think for a second.
  7. Lysol isn't actually the answer, because technically the virus isn't even alive. It's a protein protected by a layer of fat. That's why normal soap and water is so effective. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/23/coronavirus-isnt-alive-thats-why-its-so-hard-kill/
  8. So how about all those corporations that need a $500B bailout after a couple weeks of reduced profits? How about the Mortage Lenders on the verge of bankruptcy due to margin calls on the Fed securities purchase? Maybe they should have skipped the avocado toast? Compared to corporations, the most reckless everyday american should be considered austere. I know several people who likely have COVID-19 who will never be counted among the numbers, because our government has refused to allow them to be tested.
  9. Mass testing was the reason South Korea was able to stop this so effectively, despite the threat being much larger there and Seoul being a more populous and dense city than NYC.
  10. The cool thing is that you don't even need to "think" anything. It's not something you can have an opinion about - the facts as laid out are facts. If you have alternative evidence to claim the facts are a lie or disingenuous for some reason, I would love to hear them. The fact that you think I'm a democrat is adorable.
  11. Because I'm socially distancing. Good luck. What facts do you have to discount the list I posted? None? Cool.
  12. I hope I didn't keep you up all night thinking of that sweet nickname.
  13. Exactly what I said. Had they not dismantled the pandemic team, had they acted sooner, had they ramped up testing the way China and South Korea did, had they resupplied the protective gear needed, had Trump used an ounce of restraint in his tweets/helicopter speeches, etc - they would have had a much better shot at containing this early, would likely have had less volatility in the market, could have reduced the massive collateral damage to places like NYC, and possibly could have avoided or reduced the need for a nationwide spread and subsequent shutdown. It was a complete bungling. I honestly cant imagine anyone handling it worse. I think no president at all would have been better. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to die, and this thread is still full of people butthurt about 4 guys that died in Benghazi
  14. aww, poor little baby had some mean ol' facts ruin his big bad opinions. Baby gettin' cranky. maybe time for a nap.
  15. That truly is a compliment of a lifetime coming from you. Do us a favor and pack that church on Easter, would ya?
  16. The Trump Virus could have been drastically mitigated if he listened to the people who were experts on the situation, if he shut his fat mouth, and if he didn't wait until the absolute last minute to act. Of course if he did any of those things, he wouldn't be the incompetent bumbling idiot we all know. He knew about this in January and did nothing. He's still mostly doing nothing.
  17. Which metric would you prefer? I don't even particularly care for Obama's centrist tendencies, though it's hard to deny he transformed the economy unless you're blind to the facts. The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.0 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees. After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent. The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before. If you weren't making bank in 2016, you were actively trying not to.
  18. what? He inherited the longest bull run in history.
  19. When you're the worst president in US history, the good thing is you don't have a comparable floor. He walked in with a booming economy and burned the whole thing to the ground, just like every other republican in my lifetime.
  20. This whole thread is aging about as gracefully as Drumpfs comb-over. The fact that there are still people supporting that traitorous ass-clown in here should be a little more surprising than it actually is. We really don't deserve to make it out of this thing as a species.
  21. Anything to try to deflect an ounce of accountability. I guess after 4 years of the same show, I get bored.
  22. When you cite the blaze, it removes all need to have further discussion. Why does anyone like to get information from such overtly biased sensational sources?
  23. Pretty big overpay for a guy that should be a solid backup.
  24. His knee was a career ending injury, he just hasn't admitted it yet. He went from the most dominating back in the league to an incredibly pedestrian, dime a dozen backup overnight. Give me an undrafted FA instead It's really sad, but at least he got paid.
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