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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. And indirectly even more considering the CEOs of fortune 500 companies talk to and follow him.
  2. Already been posted and talked about. You need to make several logical leaps to get where Fox is with this, when there is a far simpler explanation - infected animals in the Wuhan market like the Pangolin.
  3. *your. But please, enlighten me on the finer details of the true masters of our country.
  4. It's ok man, you're right. It's all the "Deep State" trying to run this country from the inside, man. They partnered with the Democrats so no one would ever see it coming, but they were no match for the intellect and moxie of a perpetually bankrupt trust fund baby. I get it.
  5. He has the best posts, with the best info. People say the best things about him. You are fake news.
  6. Do you mean the "Democratic Hoax"?
  7. Russia, clearly. The deep state doesn't exist.
  8. You're a "Deep State" guy? jesus christ.
  9. yup, extra zero. oops. 350M infected Americans - 0.5% dead.
  10. 0.5% is an extra 1,750,000 dead Americans - more than have ever died in all wars combined. I think a major reason we have less deaths right now is that we have more infrastructure - more hospitals. Additionally, the data says our numbers are getting worse. What you're seeing right now is the best it's ever going to be.
  11. What BS is that exactly? I didn't buy anything, it's common sense.
  12. How do you get there? We lead the world in cases and the growth here is still exponential. We haven't even gotten started with how bad this is going to hurt and it's time to throw on the flight suit and Mission Accomplished banner? We call the curve below Hockey Stick Growth and is usually something good, like the price of Amazon stock. This is kinda like that, if there was free two day shipping that created dead Americans. Two days ago we had 100k cases, and no we're up to 180k. And it has to be repeated, they aren't even testing most people that likely have the disease. In some ways maybe that could actually be good for the data. It's possible 10s of millions are already infected with many being asymptomatic. We can count on there being 360k cases bad enough to warrant a test no one can get right now, and a million of those within a week. We have distinct advantages that very few other countries on earth have with respect to our natural geographic isolation, infrastructure and population density. Canada has many of those same advantages and their results are far better than ours so far. South Korea blew our response out of the water and they are massively disadvantaged in terms of proximity to the source and population density. This isn't bail reform though, and the bail reform should be universally touted as a good thing, unless you believe the law should apply more harshly to the poor and less harshly to those of means.
  13. I said no such thing. The gaslighting here is wild. Germany has had a reliable test available for months.
  14. They've had this traced back to Pangolins for months and unlike the horseshoe bat, there's a high probability that pangolins were in the market. Fox is always trying to find a conspiracy when there's a perfectly reasonable and obvious explanation. Occam's Razor and all that: "Ever since the nexus for the outbreak of COVID-19 was traced back to a wet market in Hubei province, the search has been on to determine the virus's heritage. Initial studies of SARS-CoV-2's genome suggest it's highly possible that the virus emerged in a colony of horseshoe bats in Yunnan, a province that borders the south-east Asian country of Myanmar. But if that is the case, it's hard to imagine how a bat became a source of infection in a densely populated city more than 1,000 kilometres to the north of its colony. Granted, stalls in these Chinese wet markets sell a wide variety of live animals for food and traditional medicine, many of them sourced from Asia's tropics. Whether bats of any kind might have been present isn't clear, since the market was cleared long before the first indications of an outbreak were known. Unlike horseshoe bats, though, the pangolin is almost guaranteed to have been on sale there. The illicit sale of the endangered mammal - prized as a delicacy and a health tonic - is an 'open secret' throughout much of the nation, and a good place to start hunting for an intermediate host of the zoonotic virus currently wreaking havoc across the globe. Frozen tissues from 18 Malayan pangolins (Manis javanica) were obtained from anti-smuggling operations carried out by Guangxi Customs during 2017 and early 2018. Coronavirus RNA was found in six of the 43 organ samples, linking the virus with five individual animals. Techniques for reading and filling in missing sequences soon provided the team with half a dozen detailed genomes of the pangolin's strains of the virus." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200326144342.htm https://www.sciencealert.com/coronavirus-discovery-in-pangolins-shows-why-wildlife-markets-need-better-regulations
  15. Believe me, I understand that the media doesn't give a ***** about right vs left. They sell controversy and hype, but certain outlets pander to one side over the other while their sister stations owned by the same parent company feed the other side. I do take issue however, that the less factual among right wing outlets have a strong reputation for being extremely venomous at a personal level. Less factual left wing articles may play identity politics just as strongly, but they don't make actual enemies of fellow Americans and sow cultural divides the same way.
  16. You're correct. I was mistaken with regards to the unemployment side of it.
  17. The bill certainly helps out a lot of people especially those likely to struggle the most, but certain people fall through the cracks. A person making $100k who gets laid off in South Carolina now has to survive on $326 a week in a market where jobs essentially dont exist, because they dont qualify for the increased unemployment stipend or the $1200 stimulus Not applying income to regional cost of living or individual circumstances is incredibly short-sighted. There's also the issue that we're still pretending like our healthcare system works, amid it's failure. Hundreds of thousands of people, if not more, will go bankrupt as a result of this. I would have liked to see a plan to prevent that. I guess some insurance companies are waiving cost sharing, but the motives behind that must be dubious at best. The biggest issue I have with the bill is how much of it is being used to bail out corporations. Small businesses? I'm on board. Fox News, The Federalist, The Blaze, National Review, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, WSJ, Forbes, Drudge Report, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and any version of a youtube video of a guy filming a video in his truck.
  18. That's disingenuous. "Cuomo" didn't release them, DOCCS did. Second of all, they weren't released from sex offender crimes, they were released from being in jail due to technical parole violations. Do I think they should be free? No, but painting it the way you are is the typical sensationalism that we've come to expect from the right wing and their media.
  19. Are you aware that completely healthy people with no underlying conditions in their 20s and 30s are dying? Even at a best care scenario of 1.5%, you're talking 5.25M dead Americans and 112.5M dead globally. you might as well just drop a ****ing atomic bomb on your own people. It's essentially the same thing. The economy is a figment of our collective imagination. It only exists, or ceases to, because we all agree that it's the case. If we all wanted to, the S&P 500 could go to 3 Billion or 0 on any random tuesday. Unfortunately, human life doesn't have that same luxury. You want to risk your life for a make believe economy that doesn't even serve you when it works? Go ahead. I've got better things to die for.
  20. As long as humans live there will be an economy. Might not be the same one we had, and for a lot of people that would be preferable
  21. The Trump administration explicitly forbade testing in WA and NY at first. I won't claim to know the exact reasons, but Trump didn't want a cruise ship of infected Americans docking because "I like our numbers".
  22. If we were Haiti, we should have used all of our economic might. Where we rank is irrelevant, but then you know that. We could have used The test from the WHO, Germany, or South Korea.
  23. How about Germany? "According to experts, Germany’s case fatality rate is so low due to its widespread testing. “In some countries only very symptomatic cases are tested (e.g. in Italy) and in others a broader testing strategy is done (e.g. in Germany),” writes Dr. Dietrich Rothenbacher, the director of the Institute for Epidemiology at Ulm University in Germany, in an email to TIME. That means that while Germany is currently the country with the fifth-most infections in the world, chances are that it has fewer unreported cases than many other countries, where testing is harder to come by." https://time.com/5812555/germany-coronavirus-deaths/
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