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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Because that would deflate the argument
  2. You don't like the SK example - got an excuse for that, don't like the Germany example, - got an excuse for that, don't like the UAE example - got an excuse for that. What example would you like? Israel, Japan? What other country has 330M people, is bordered by only two countries on the same continent and has the land mass that we have? Your argument, or lack thereof is pathetic.
  3. Why because the chart shows raw numbers? you can't ignore those and simply look at growth curves? There aren't ready made charts with the data you're looking for, but if we use our knowledge about the size of various countries we can ballpark other points.
  4. Ratios are ratios. Either they are climbing or they are not. Most of europe is stabilizing or growing at a reduced rate than we are. Ignore the overall numbers. You're cherry-picking which data is allowed and which isn't and I'm using the data as presented. The countries that test the most have the high rates of stopping the virus from spreading and stopping the virus from killing. Ignore it if you want, but you cant change the facts.
  5. Oh ok, so now the data doesn't work because percentages aren't apples to apple because our country is bigger. I can't find the data charted per capita and I dont have time to make it myself. i did the math manually per capita for several of them. You people constantly move the goal posts on every discussion. News Flash: there is no country just like ours. There are a lot of reasons for the UAE's numbers to be higher than ours including the fact that they are so small. We have a lot of advantages in this crisis and are falling or already behind countries without them. You're getting less fact-based and more defensive with each response. The data is all there. I can supply it and explain it, but I can't understand it for you.
  6. The UAE is doing well so far. Right now 0.06% of our population is infected compared to 0.006% of theirs They are also one of the world leaders in testing. The bad thing is that the spread in Europe has been slowing while ours has been increasing. We're about to fall way behind countries we have a slight edge on today. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104645/covid19-testing-rate-select-countries-worldwide/
  7. Clearly not. There's no hidden meaning in my statements. You can take them as literal without any fear of subtext.
  8. Social distancing is also a great tool, but it's secondary to testing as just about everyone has a need to at least go to the grocery store, many people have to go to the pharmacy and unfortunately some people have to go to work.
  9. Science foiled again by "School of Hard Knocks". Got it. brought to you by this guy:
  10. Well your statement flies in the face of the scientific consensus and the evidence of the countries that have contained the problem better than us. What backs up those claims?
  11. Look, I'm happy to go back to the beginning on this as long as you actually care about the answers. The virus has an incubation period of 2-14 days before symptoms present. A new study from the Netherlands think that there may be 25% of people that remain completely asymptomatic. If you have an interaction with anyone, you could pass the virus without feeling sick. Say you're a grocery store employee who works curbside and selects people's groceries, bags them and places them into their cart - you could unknowingly pass the virus on the groceries. If you're given a test when you exhibit symptoms,( or best case even if you dont), then local health officials could alert the people you came into contact with that they could be affected. Here in Austin during the early days of this (a few weeks ago) Health officials did exactly this and notified the public where that person was on what days at what times. It's at least part of the reason why we only have 200 cases as the 11th largest city in the country.
  12. Man, we should really build a national monument to George Soros if he's 1/100th as powerful as the alt-righters claim he is.
  13. We as citizens can't control a foreign government, but, at least in theory, we can control our own.
  14. Isolation, decontamination, and tracing line to potentially infected people.
  15. We're months away from an election, during a global crisis, with an impeached president that's getting Americans killed. This isn't pizzagate.
  16. And guess what, we all pay for the uninsured anyway, just at the full rate. Being that testing is the #1 way to stop the spread and limit deaths, I think everyone that would like to see this end gives a **** about testing.
  17. Are they doing it the same way? No. does each country have a motive in representing the numbers as low as possible? It appears so if you take the leader of our country at his word. The bigger scandal here to me is that while China actually has data they can suppress, our suppression occurs by preventing the testing in the first place.
  18. Straight from the horse's ass/mouth. No conspiracy of a shadow government required:
  19. Our government is also suppressing real numbers
  20. False premise. The President has access to international intelligence, classified information, and scientists that a city mayor does not. If local municipalities are putting people at risk his administration could work with them to help them to understand why, and assist them instead of golfing and ALL-CAPSing nonsense on twitter.
  21. Equating mayoral response with presidential response? Stop it.
  22. Donating to those affected, shopping local, social distancing, tipping extra to service people, informing the public with data when they spread false statements or have questions.
  23. tell him anonymously report his company? Are they in lockdown where he lives?
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