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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. This argument supposes that this isn't happening anyway. It's been happening for decades and isn't going to stop even if we allow slave labor. The solution is finding a better path forward. There's never been a shortage of work to do, even now. As for outsourcing, that's a problem separate from wages that needs its own solution.
  2. Everything in that post you made reads like the ramblings of a deranged lunatic. I can't convince you your conspiracy theories are insane, so I won't engage with it. Which should be our minimum wage accounting for inflation anyway. I hope it happens, because it's long overdue.
  3. We're now up to 500 Benghazi's happening every single day and rising. I wonder how many investigations there will be into the administration in charge.
  4. Does it come with an embedded ball gag?
  5. This is why you shouldn't get your news from low-rent right wing tabloids.
  6. That's a very interesting number. Meanwhile in this country: https://www.texastribune.org/2020/03/31/texas-company-offered-n95-masks-amid-coronavirus-6-times-usual-price/ "As health care professionals beg for supplies to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection, a Texas company found a seller with at least 2 million masks and quietly offered them for sale at $6 each. Before the pandemic, they cost around $1."
  7. He did? where are the tests? Not sure why I would move when we're trying to make this place better. It's our patriotic duty.
  8. Healthy 30 year old loses his fight: https://www.yahoo.com/news/jersey-high-school-baseball-coach-032511258.html
  9. Through the same testing process they put any drug through?
  10. They likely will start doing that soon in compassionate care cases, but as with any drug you'll want to make sure it doesn't make people sicker that would probably pull through without it. Personally I'm in favor of being aggressive, and if I was in a bed I'd sign off as a guinea pig
  11. I'm happy for you, honestly. Sadly many aren't having that experience.
  12. That scenario is outside of the scope of the reason for testing. I already laid out why you do it in my original post. Either read it or don't, but I'm not going to explain it all over again.
  13. I solve problems for a living. It's my profession. When they hit core business they're solved in hours, days and weeks - not months, years or never. If Trump was on my team, he'd never make it out of the probationary window.
  14. Germany has tests, South Korea has tests. The answer is simple. America is a third world country in a Gucci belt and Trump is Putin in drag.
  15. Too bad he hired a guy who fired the people that could have informed him in 2018 and then fired that guy.
  16. Where are the tests? Why do I know likely positive people that have not been confirmed and who will never truly know when they're no longer infected?
  17. You repeatedly referenced the deep state trying to rig the election against Trump and failing. You called me out in a thread over it.
  18. My solution requires picking up the phone and saying " hey we need you to produce these tests that are probably really similar to the ones you already do. Experts from Bayer will be in touch by End of Day. Your solution requires re-establishing a local, state, and federal government. And after that's all done, I still don't buy the notion that it would solve the problem where my version 100% will and could have been done 11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 weeks ago, today, tomorrow or any day thereafter until we're all dead.
  19. Who cares? It is that way, has been as long as I've been alive, and that's the reality I live in, not the one you think should be.
  20. Our state and especially local government are largely toothless. It's a mayor's job to make sure people get paid and the bike lanes go in the right spot. It's not their job to manage a crisis. The federal government soaks up all the cash and thus has all the power.
  21. Whatever regulations you think there are can be dropped or reduced as many have during all of this. Again, Germany already did it. All we had to do was follow their lead. Germany has no problem with state run healthcare. They still have private big pharma companies like Bayer that did what we couldn't. Another shining example of America #1.
  22. If you think big pharma can't produce an existing test for a disease, you should probably short all of their stock.
  23. I'm excited to see the next thing you pivot to. This is like fish in a barrel.
  24. The first week or the first 10 weeks? Ask germany: https://www.ft.com/content/6a8d66a4-5862-4937-8d53-b2d10794e795 "German laboratories are conducting more than 50,000 coronavirus tests a day, according to data released on Wednesday which laid bare differences in strategy and capacity across Europe. "
  25. Leverage the pharmaceutical companies like Germany did? Johnson & Johnson — New Brunswick, NJ. Pfizer — New York City, NY. Merck & Co. — Kenilworth, NJ. AbbVie Inc. — Lake Bluff, IL. Bristol-Myers Squibb — New York City, NY. Eli Lilly and Company — Indianapolis, IN. Biogen — Cambridge, MA. Abbott Laboratories — Lake Bluff, IL.
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