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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Where's the shadow government undermining the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government at the same time?
  2. Outsourcing is separate from wages because it's fought for by lobbyists, subsidized by kickbacks, and enabled by congress and the executive branch. Outsourcing would still be something that would happen regardless of labor costs, because it's a lot more complex than that. You can solve the automation problem without solving the outsourcing one and vice versa. They aren't tied at the hip.
  3. I heard that was Fake News because But then I get confused because
  4. I'm suggesting that Bolton should not have been allowed to fire the US Pandemic Response Team without replacing them, and that the people in charge of our nationally security forces uses their unlimited budgets to differentiate fact from fiction. The problem with looking at this without pointing fingers, is that one political administration is directly responsible for the fallout.
  5. Once we agree we can accept some responsibility we can look to see who should be accountable.
  6. I want us to accept some accountability. I know these days that comes off as a hard partisan line.
  7. First true thing I've ever heard you say
  8. That would be a fair point, if we were coming at this cold, but we're not. China not wanting to appear weak, or need assistance should be so well known, that we should be more harsh with internal experts that don't understand that cultural identity than we should be with china for having it at this point. We should hold subject matter experts accountable to actually be experts. That includes anticipating disinformation and a lack of transparency.
  9. Another 485 Benghazi's yesterday and over 360 already today.
  10. "President Trump said Tuesday that he did not learn of two memos written in January and February by his own economic adviser warning that a COVID-19 pandemic could kill as many as 2 million Americans until “maybe a day ago.” “I heard he wrote some memos talking about pandemic,” Trump said during a White House coronavirus task force briefing, “I didn’t see them. I didn’t look for them, either.”" https://news.yahoo.com/trump-adviser-warned-of-millions-of-coronavirus-deaths-back-in-january-trump-says-he-only-saw-the-memo-this-week-005304311.html
  11. And why were we in a position where information from a country that we declared economic and politcial war against is our best resource for our own defense? Should we not have maintained the scientists we had that could have done independent analysis? What about the trillion dollars we spend on defense and national security? Why wasn't the CIA involved?
  12. Those two things are mutually exclusive.
  13. I'm shocked you could understand it without a quote from Liz Wheeler
  14. Hollywood? More Deep State nonsense. The Media? What about all the nonstop extreme-right "news"/blogs you guys get your information from? The media has no political ideology besides money. They shovel whatever they have into whatever mouths are willing. Some people want an echo-chamber, and so there's a product for that.
  15. As a populace we have, but as far as politicians are concerned, we haven't had a left of center president since Carter.
  16. I think we've been pushed right as a society for so long that anyone that would normally identify as a moderate conservative (e.g. doesn't believe in Christian Sharia Law, or wild west capitalism) is probably a democrat these days.
  17. If you're asking I think the answer is probably yes. In a city of mostly liberal & progressive people this board is overrun with extreme-rightists
  18. You can't even stay on topic because it doesn't fit your agenda.
  19. You people can't find anything that isn't posted by an extreme-right source. I think you even get your weather there. Your viewpoint is so biased we can't even have simple conversations without your political bent. Edit: And FYI, yea occasionally your broken clock will also report on an article a less biased source does. It doesn't validate the rest of the garbage they spew into your eyes and ears all day. That's how it works. Post an occasionally semi-accurate article, call yourself "fair and balanced" and then spew tabloid garbage the other 23 hours and 58 minutes of the day.
  20. I'm amazed how you're always on the wrong side of every argument. What a winner. The fact that we need to go to a physical location to check a box in 2020 is laughable.
  21. It never has before. People always say this, yet it doesn't really happen. Small businesses in Seattle didn't collapse after implementing $15 minimum wages like the right said they would. We definitely need to help small businesses more and big corporations less, though. My general philosophy is that we should make it easier for people and small businesses to reach the median level of success while constantly working to raise the floor of what we allow for the least of our countrymen. Generally, it's already the way our progressive tax system is setup, except it doesn't actually work the way it should.
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