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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. As usual, it's a good read if you prefer fact-less echo chambers
  2. Except that the notion that's what's going on here is a complete fallacy. There were charged by the FBI, unanimously convicted by a jury of their peers and sentenced. Several even plead guilty. The lengths that conservatives will go to in order to accept 0 responsibility and cover up crime knows no bounds. The party of family values indeed.
  3. Looks like Dump rolled snake eyes again: https://www.yahoo.com/news/more-deaths-no-benefit-malaria-160619592.html
  4. Right. Like I said, he tampered with witnesses in the Russia Investigation because it was fake. Did anyone tell him that?
  5. You have an excuse for every crime. Roger Stone will spend the rest of his life in prison because of tampering witnesses for something Trump was completely innocent of because it never existed. Well *****, that really sucks for him.
  6. Republicans don't find republicans guilty of Treason. More at '11. You people are so gullible. They didn't find an audio recording of Trump saying "I'd like to do a Treason" so you declare him innocent, ye meanwhile he asked Russia to hack the DNC on national television, which they did, ###### Jr. had meetings with Russians in Trump tower which he lied about, Flynn lied about meeting with Russians, Sessions met with them, literally everyone, but nope that's not why they were there. Russia just happened to interfere in our election, and the rest is all a big koinkidink. Oops:
  7. Right, big fake story that's been going on for years with piles and piles of redacted evidence and dozens of criminal convictions with nearly ever member of the campaign's staff in jail as a result. Trump was the only clean one. I bet you believe in Benghazi, though.
  8. oh did I miss another #deepstate conspiracy? What did Moscow Mitch say now?
  9. lol pWnd: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/21/us/politics/russian-interference-senate-intelligence-report.html
  10. The Federalist is the Jordan Peterson of Alt-right news. Someone should put them into a coma too.
  11. I like the fire that Milano plays with, but if he won't settle for $6.5M he can go play for the Dolphins. By never plays meaning he tore an ACL 6 games into the season and then a pectoral the next. It's not like Will Fuller's perpetually pulled hamstring or Percy Harvin's migraines.
  12. It's par for the course with that guy. My recommendation is not to give him the time of day.
  13. One, top 10 at their position, superstar. I don't care if it's a punter. Outside of Tre White, we really don't have another best in class player and I think we need two more.
  14. If he could hit a wide open receiver down the field in stride, that would be a good start.
  15. I don't see them taking a QB, P, K, WR, CB, LB, DT in round 2 I really think it's going to be far more need than BPA. My best guess is a pass rusher, with OL up next and an outside shot at RB.
  16. That's fair. I hadn't realized he's hadso many. They've both missed time int heir careers, but concussions are worrisome.
  17. Cooks is in the top route runners in my link for more routes than Diggs though? I'm not looking to belabor this, but I mean what are you basing that on if not grades?
  18. It's showing you that they're both elite route runners with elite speed and small size. I'd argue they have way more in common as players than they have differences. As someone that's watched both of them play since the start of their careers (I often own them in fantasy), it's really confusing to me. How do you think they're different?
  19. Money. By all accounts he's a great lockerroom guy and a fantastic football player. Some guys just end up being luxuries teams can't afford and that's him. So is Cooks, and he's arguably better at it: https://www.pff.com/news/pro-top-nfl-receivers-by-route-in-2018
  20. Agreed. Completely disagreed, as usual. Federal Government loans are quite easy to work with, generally have fairly low interest rates, and provide a number of programs for people struggling to pay them back. Privatized student loans however, like those offered by Sallie Mae (Now Navient), are nothing short of loan-sharking. You get the minimum amount of support offered by law, and they work with the universities to get 18 year olds to sign up for unfavorable terms with fine print that allows them to essentially enslave the borrower. The University-Loan Company relationship is very much like the Hospital-Insurance company one where they both profit by financially destroying their customers.
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