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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. If that's what you think I think, it says more about you than it does about them.
  2. Buffalo has higher than average cancer rates and double the national average on MS. Probably not unrelated:https://buffalonews.com/news/toxic-legacy-s-time-bomb/article_600a70b3-e006-57ed-a199-096a19dede52.html
  3. It's a hell of a contract for a guy who never hit 13 sacks in a season.
  4. Florida's budget is balanced because NY pays for it. https://theconversation.com/blue-state-bailouts-some-states-like-new-york-send-billions-more-to-federal-government-than-they-get-back-137950
  5. We very well could. Based strictly on the definitions provided and the players above him, it's hard to argue he should objectively be much higher than he is right now. One season could change a lot though.
  6. It's meaningless. I want numbers. Suicides are significantly lower than COVID deaths, and what constitutes a spike? "Far greater" doesn't cut it.
  7. I dunno. going to work for 4-6 months to either make $30M to set up another 5 generations of descendants for life or $1m still seems like a great tradeoff to me. These guys have short careers and will spend way more time with their families than any normal working person ever will. I don't really understand why 25 year old players have kids or wives anyway. Seems like a way smarter Idea to wait until they're retired,, but that's beside the point.
  8. That seems incredibly arbitrary. What happens at 11 weeks? There are people all over the world that travel to work on fishing ships, oil rigs, technology capitals that see their family far less frequently. I know people that live away from their families for months at a time abroad for work.
  9. Right. Not every thought that a scientist has is science. Hell, I even saw a pretty sketchy publication of a 5G/COVID article and everyone was screaming "SEE!?", not knowing that getting published is basically step 1 of scientific veracity. You check the associations and it's an online university in Italy founded in 2004. So...
  10. Well here's the states with graphs of cases, but you have to assume that that most states effectively do not have mask orders, as it's not being enforced. If only some of the people use masks some of the time, it's completely pointless. You need a majority doing it a majority of the time. https://www.endcoronavirus.org/states
  11. Because most of it is whataboutism. I think you'll find most of the folks ringing the bell about the pandemic have also been doing so about "job loss, business closures, Suicide, drug overdose, domestic abuse, children falling behind in school", for years. As we can agree, the pandemic is very real and is causing a lot of pain. We like to believe however that we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Those issues you cited were here long before the pandemic or not, and will be here afterwards. There are already people fighting the fight for them, and the Progressive platform is built around solving them as a society. However, none of those things, none of them, matter if you're dead or severely disabled. That's why COVID has taken center stage. People act like business would not have been interrupted if we just allowed the entire country to get sick, and that's obviously not true. The simple answer is that if we would have put on our big boy pants and accepted responsibility like most of us were raised to, this would have been over in weeks, not months. Yet here we are. I fully expect this to go on into 2021 as a result. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
  12. No, I mean the type of people that will grasp at any alternative to reality based on strictly partisan lines. The types of people that never gave two ****s about suicide using it as a weapon to try to strawman their way through an argument.
  13. The fact that you believe that hypothetical and vague scenario is a greater threat over quantifiable data of a thing that's actually happening right now is what's insane. I've seen this stuff parroted all over the place for months by the predictable groups of people. Was it on AM radio or something? I somehow miss where you guys get your talking points, but I always know when you get a new one. Suicide would have to 4x this year to have the growth be what Covid has already done in 5 months. I bet you 100% of all the future earnings of all of my descendants that doesn't happen for your $100 dollars. https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/
  14. Not without data.
  15. Gonna need sources for all of that nonsense. Florida has 20k more confirmed cases than NY. Should we give them a gold star for watching someone fail, and then do everything worse, learning nothing, and fail harder? Just because they lucked out with less deaths per 100 cases should not be any sort of vindication.They were spectacularly wrong about everything.
  16. There are going to be some UDFAs who miss their shot and don't get another one. It's really unfortunate timing for them.
  17. I know that, and you know that, but millions of people don't and that's the point.
  18. I mean, kinda. He rabbles gibberish at mach speed and dribbles out keywords that they latch onto, and then he backs it up with actions that would support the position he wanted to take (like publicly pushing back on requests for PPE). It's pretty clear that the only people that believe this isn't a real problem belong exclusively to one political party. “Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that, right?” he said. “Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa.” Then the president, who often dismissed special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation as a hoax, continued, “They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”
  19. It's because it didn't happen. They said we would probably get mad on their news networks at the time because it was just like the muslim ban, except that people didn't because it wasn't.
  20. Quoted for truth. #Benghazi He said exactly what he needed to in order to put it into his supporters heads that it was a hoax while giving himself an out. "Their next hoax"
  21. Well, we did, but talking about why we don't anymore would be making this political.
  22. The difference being that you're all adults and you all understand what's at stake. If some selfish person on your team wants to place you all in danger, they know exactly what they're doing. Kids cannot possibly understand the gravity of this.
  23. And tons of people aren't, like the beachgoers you mentioned. America is the only country that seems to think this is some inevitable and unsolvable problem. I guess that's what happens when you rank in the 30's in education. We aren't failing despite our best efforts. We're failing because our best effort isn't good enough.
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