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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I just can't imagine what it's like being willfully ignorant about things in the world. Everyday I try to be a little bit more informed and a little bit wiser. What a shame it must be to deny yourself that experience.
  2. If you think anything in America is far left, you'e delusional.
  3. And you don't think this happens in Iceland, Sweden, Singapore, England, Germany, France, etc?
  4. Completely false, but don't let my evidence disrupt your fantasy. America punishes and cripples the poor.
  5. Equating money with freedom is the problem.
  6. Source? Here are some of mine: United States added to list of most dangerous countries for journalists for first time https://rsf.org/sites/default/files/worldwilde_round-up.pdf USA 17th in Economic Freedom https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking?version=61 USA: 5th most Police Killings per country https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-killings-by-country Should I keep going?
  7. I take it you aren't seeing what's happening in seattle. Here's a tip. The police have the guns, and the tear gas, and the batons, and the shields. If you haven't seen the dozens and dozens of times they turned a peaceful protest intentionally violent, you're just being willfully ignorant.
  8. And even before that, many proud American members of Antifa suited up to fight the fascists in Spain.
  9. That's not what's happening, at all but if it were, it would still not preclude one from being anti-fascist. You can burn down whatever you want, so long as you aren't the state (or an advocate of the state) without being a fascist.
  10. The police starting riots, shooting first responders and the press, federal agents abducting people without warrants, the police covering the badge numbers, etc would be strong, strong evidence to the contrary. Do you know what fascism is? Because that's kind of exactly what it is.
  11. Wait, are you saying that's not true?
  12. They follow a movement of being anti-fascist. Where did we lose you?
  13. People just can't wrap their head around this. When antifa organizes at rallies, what you're actually seeing are various groups and individuals with their own philosophies and perspectives gathering in solidarity.
  14. I mean there are hundreds on this board alone, including dozens int his thread. Being raised roman catholic, I can say that overwhelmingly, most Christians I've ever met are complete failures in followers of their own religion.
  15. Anarchy is not fascist though. You don't have to be an anarchist to be anti-fascist, but you must be anti-fascist to be an anarchist. I think you guys get confused because you really have no idea what fascism, marxism, socialism, communism, anarchist etc really means. In order to have an intelligent and thoughtful discussion that's the bare minimum required. They aren't just the same big bad scary word with different spellings.
  16. My anti-fascism makes me fascist? Good one.
  17. Every person who fights against fascism is antifa. It's not a club. No, it isn't. You clearly received a very poor education.
  18. It was held by the citizens of Portland. Where do you get your news?
  19. None of this makes any sense at all. Marxism nor atheism require you to "despise individual liberties". Also, in my experience, atheists are far more likely to be christ-like than any actual "christians" I know. There is nothing at all related to fathers in either of those things. I don't even know where to start with the second point.
  20. Yea, but that screws up the lazy narrative.
  21. Well we did rank #2 in D yards last season, so it's not a stretch.
  22. Founding Members of Antifa: https://theintercept.com/2017/09/30/the-americans-who-fought-fascism-before-wwii/ Or they're adults who aren't scared by words they don't understand.
  23. That's literally what it is. Sorry, the fascist police and/or white supremacists beat me to it.
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