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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. The difference between Denmark(85.2) and the USA(70.4) is roughly the same as the USA and Thailand(55.4). In other words, The USA is Denmark's Thailand.
  2. You can be from the 54th country on the list and 27 is still an improvement. Why people immigrate and where from is a whole separate discussion.
  3. What about the page tells you that it's left wing? Did you read that the data is a visualization of the annual report from the World Economic Forum? Are you suggesting their data is incorrect and intentionally politically biased? If so, do you have data to support your claims? Do you have data to support an improved social mobility score for the USA?
  4. I think it's important for each of us to challenge the things we believe, the things we accept as facts. We often get new information and when we consider that new information, we can sometimes find that things aren't what we used to think they were.
  5. Who does? Who's a "leftist elite"?
  6. If I said that to you, would it change your mind? Do you think the actions of those people you witnessed represent everyone who is anti-fascist? Do you think it's impossible that some of the people you thought were Antifa supporters were actually some of the documented white supremacist groups attempting to legitimize them? https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/02/tech/antifa-fake-twitter-account/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/22/technology/antifa-local-disinformation.html https://www.wsls.com/news/virginia/2020/07/27/police-richmond-riots-instigated-by-white-supremacists-disguised-as-black-lives-matter/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/minneapolis-umbrella-man-autozone-fire-hells-angels-police https://factcheck.afp.com/far-right-group-poses-antifa-during-george-floyd-protests
  7. I'm not accusing you of lying. You asked me for evidence of my statements and I supplied actual data. I asked you for evidence of your statements and you said that you had seen some examples. Do you think that's fair? Do you think there's a small chance you might have some unintentional bias that makes you perceive things in a way that can't be supported by data?
  8. That sounds like pretty weak evidence to support a claim of continuing convergence in large numbers. How would you get that impression having never spoken to any of them? Describing Antifa is like describing 2A Supporters or Patriots. People of like mind gather to support a cause they care about.
  9. I believe that people that share the same beliefs that I have want to. I believe that everyone that supports the current system does not. Why? The policies being put in place by republicans and the corporate democrats actively and passively subvert social mobility.
  10. Do they? How many? How often?
  11. Sure. America ranks 27th when it comes to a poor person's ability to improve their economic standing: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-the-social-mobility-of-82-countries/ Right behind Lithuania.
  12. Nope. You can take what i wrote literally - no subtext required. I bet they aren't. You guys have pushed this narrative before. You were wrong then and wrong now. Sports are more popular than ever.
  13. I would love Logan Ryan. He's such a clutch player. I'm really shocked that's he wasn't one of the first free agents gone. I'm sure GM's know something we don't, but I'd really liek to know what it is.
  14. I'm great. I'm just wondering who's handing out history degrees without requiring any subject matter expertise. I'd be interested in buying one.
  15. We ARE the evil in the world as far as most of the world is concerned, including many of us who were born here. The US created ISIS when we invaded Iraq and started killing their citizens. GWB was an incompetent fool led around by the nose by Cheney who bred enough war and unrest int eh area to ensure a never ending profit machine. Much like the Treaty of Versailles, America's actions created a ripe environment for sons of dead fathers and fathers of dead sons to be radicalized to fight the west. We didn't finish the job we should have never started, and that's why ISIS is here. It's 100% America's fault.
  16. Who? None of the 9/11 attackers were Afghani. They were mostly Saudi & Egyptian. When did we invade them? War is about money and power, nothing else. America never fought a war because it was the right thing to do, ever. If we did, there would have been very just causes and we stayed on the sidelines or supported oppressive regimes instead.
  17. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist
  18. What about it? For a city burned to the ground they managed to play a baseball game. Seems like a really nice day out there. https://minnesota.cbslocal.com/video/4645046-wcco-evening-digital-update-july-28-2020/ You should ask for a refund. I would happily debate you in history; I've been a student of it my whole life. You clearly have no idea what the Treaty of Versailles was or what was in it. Saddam Hussein would be pleased to hear that we never fought Iraq
  19. There's no such thing as a good person. There's not even really such a thing as a bad person. No, people in WW2 died because they were conscripted to die for money. America created the opportunity for the Nazi's to rise to power. It was our responsibility to clean up our own mess. We fought back against who on 9/11? Iraq? Afghanistan? They had nothing to do with 9/11 Who taught you any of this? They did you a grave disservice.
  20. Are you trolling or are you just doing your willfully ignorance show again?
  21. When you're practically falling off the right edge of the scale a Tory-esque Joe Biden is the "radical left" No they didn't. They never did. That's the lie they tell poor kids to get them to die for the military industrial complex. No soldier since 1812 died for American freedom, they died for profits. Which cities have burned down? None?
  22. So to you a woman that wants to raise a child without a man is anti-family? Why do you get to decide what a family is? The fact that a national anthem exists at all is massively political. That explains why it does so many people a sad when someone kneels during it. No one is harmed, yet the rage and threats ensue. What if they're socialist, communist, anarchist or atheist?
  23. What, pray tell, does "anti-family" mean?
  24. You don't have to support the movement to not be racist. All you have to do is not be racist
  25. The national anthem is not a political statement?
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