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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. It's good that I don't have one then. I do have experience being detained without cause, though, so I'm well aware of their practices.
  2. Here are some more of those "bad apples" murdering Michael Ramos "Police never found a gun in the vehicle or on Ramos, and they have said nothing indicating the passenger was in danger." Also, apparently abducting people is nothing new. They call these cops "jump out boys". It's been going on for years. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/jump-out-boys-videos-protesters-getting-picked-up-unmarked-police-cars-spark-outrage-many-say-not-new-205040238.html
  3. Something a bit different And two future Hall of fame musicians that are still a bit under the radar in mainstream circles.
  4. We never learned much about Xs and Os playing ball in Buffalo. Our coaches were all bottom tier gym teachers. I learned a lot more playing pickup ball when I was in college in Florida playing with some kids not good enough to play college ball down there. YouTube has also been a massive help.
  5. Coincidence? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/portland-sees-peaceful-night-of-protests-following-withdrawal-of-federal-troops/ar-BB17pr3f?ocid=sf
  6. Because police officers choose to be who they are. In addition there is documented evidence of thousands of them committing warcrimes as determined by international law through their use of chemical weapons. When 100% of the riot force resigned in Buffalo over 2 of their "brothers" being suspended for putting a 74 year old man in the ICU, that should tell you something. People don't get to choose their race. They do get to decide who they will intimidate, threaten, assault and murder.
  7. Why? I disagree. Why is it "no win?" They get to kill anyone they want as long as they can say they were scared, they can lie, they get free food and bribes, and ignorant everyday citizens give them a pat on the back for all of it. Seems pretty sweet to me. They aren't qualified for their job. I'm overqualified for their job. I'd take a police commissioner job today.
  8. Let me take the reading out of it for you. Farmers jobs are nearly 2X as dangerous as cops 16. Police and sheriff's patrol officers Brendan McDermid/Reuters What they do: Maintain order and protect life and property by enforcing local, tribal, State, or Federal laws and ordinances. Fatal injury rate (per 100,000 workers): 13.7 7. Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers Farmer John Duffy and Roger Murphy load soybeans from a grain bin onto a truck Scott Olson/Getty Images What they do: Plan, direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms or other agricultural establishments. Fatal injury rate (per 100,000 workers): 24.7
  9. Well, at least you're finally seeing it. Did you read the data yet?
  10. Yet, statistically speaking your nephews are far more likely to die or get maimed at work than a police officer. Why are you ignoring the data? Maybe if someone were a good cop they wouldn't need to be stressed, like your nephews aren't. I suppose if I assaulted people every day and was statistically more likely to abuse my kids and my wife, like police officers are, I would be stressed too. I don't know at all what it's like to be an abuser though, do you? No, of course not. But if they don't want to do it for the actual salary, there are other jobs they should take that don't involve them being murderers and violent criminals.
  11. It's not easy, that's why they're trained. Unfortunately they're bad people trained to be worse people.
  12. Do you not understand what I'm telling you? I DO know. I think that's the part you're missing here. How can I help you understand? https://www.businessinsider.com/the-most-dangerous-jobs-in-america-2018-7#15-first-line-supervisors-of-mechanics-installers-and-repairers-20
  13. Yes. Are you suggesting it's not? Look it up. Farming is FAR more dangerous. Even "The Blaze" will tell you that. Who said I didn't want to do it? I'd gladly do it for $400k a year if they fired all the scumbags that do the job now.
  14. That's not my job. I wasn't trained for that. If I was, I would know, because it was my job. I could ask you the same questions about my line of work that you or a police officer would never get right either, because you haven't been trained.
  15. I develop various forms of computer technology now, but grew up on a farm and worked in a publicly facing family business, a gun range, and retail. I fail to see how that makes any difference. The defense they always use is they were scared. You think a cop should be able to kill someone that spits on them?
  16. See, it's very simple - don't attack citizens. That doesn't mean it's easy. However, it's a job, not a hobby. They're supposed to be paid professionals and the best of the best. If they can't handle it, find a different line of work. Farmers do a far more dangerous job than the police do, and they manage to do it without shooting the tractor because they were afraid.
  17. 1. Stop shooting and/or killing unarmed people Once we get that one solved I can provide you with the rest of the points.
  18. Infinite? It's Called "Civil Service", not "Civil Monarchy." If the police are afraid enough of a rampant bottle throwing epidemic, then there are plenty of other jobs where they would be less afraid. I'm tired of hearing about how police commit violent acts because they're scared. The video evidence shows otherwise. Police are violent because they enjoy it. They're violent because their OFFICIAL Training is called "Killology" To be certain, Random Cop A is not required to have the judgement to handle this large of a crowd, but their LTs, Captains, and Police Commissioners are trained for this exact thing. It's a failure of police leadership, just as the assault, killings, and abductions are.
  19. What? You're not making any sense. I would stand there, because it would literally be my job. Of course I wouldn't murder, assault, or kidnap people either, so I don't think it would get to that point. There are tons of examples of what happens when cops approach protesters peacefully - everyone gets along and things stay peaceful. Unfortunately in many of those same examples, the cops turn around and teargas the people they just shook hands with after they get their photo op. When cops show up in riot gear with chemical weapons and use kettling tactics, they're looking for a fight. I already shared several examples of cops starting unprovoked riots or shooting peaceful people.
  20. So, when this happens someone instigates, and the police respond by escalating matters shooting into crowds and starting a riot. The police aren't paid to escalate situations. They're supposed to be trained to de-escalate them. Instead what happens is someone throws a bottle, the police shoot into the crowd "in self defense" and then the crowd erupts "in self defense" of the violence that was just committed on them. It's a cycle that they could have prevented. They're the ones with chemical weapons, guns, riot gear, and qualified immunity. Martin Gugino didn't throw any bottle at the Buffalo Police before they put him in the ICU for a month. Brad Levi Ayala was just standing on a beam when Austin police shot him in the head David McAtee, a local business owner, was leaving a convenience store next to his business when the national guard shot him dead and left his body in the sun for 16 hours. I mean there are dozens and dozens of similar examples https://www.orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/07/20/new-video-shows-tampa-police-attacking-peaceful-protesters-on-july-4
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