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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Maybe read my posts with an open perspective sometime. Anyway, I'm not voting for these trashbags. The Dems can win or lose without me. I refuse to be held responsible.
  2. The Dems are running two republicans against Trump. If the base shuts up and falls in line like I imagine they expect them to do, it'll likely be a landslide as they capture the Lincoln Project vote. I don't expect Biden to make it a year.
  3. She's going to be such an awful President. Ugh.
  4. Here you go: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  5. Sorry, maybe I worded that confusingly. When I lived off Elmwood, we went to Sun on Niagara a lot and it was very good ~ 6 years ago.
  6. Sun was great when I lived off Elmwood.
  7. Interesting that you conveniently ignored the part where in order to get "thrown out" it had to go up to the 9th Circuit. Not everyone has the money, time and expertise on hand to continue fighting a case up that high in order to prove that police acted unlawfully. A lot of terrible things can happen to a person before they get a chance to clear their name. Also convenient that you ignored the second case where the defendant wasn't so lucky. If he refuses to show his ID, now it's on the cop to make the next move, and if he unlawfully arrests or searches him at that point, I'm guessing the case goes a different way. It's incomprehensible to me that you would advise a client to knowingly subject themselves to a system where they would have to fight all the way uphill to defend themselves.
  8. I guess I do. I do really like courtroom thrillers. Maybe I should take the bar... It means that even esteemed professions, like doctors and lawyers, have people out there that graduated bottom of their class or are otherwise terrible. In software, they're all over. Someone out there, objectively, has the worst doctor in the world, and it could be any of us. A professional's credentials lend them credibility, but your credibility isn't required here. You aren't arguing a nuanced opinion that you've come to through years of experience. You're making very straightforward statements that don't hold up to scrutiny and can be disproven without any legal expertise. Not if the order is unlawful: https://www.nolandefenseattorneys.com/blog/2020/03/demands-from-police-are-sometimes-not-lawful/ And if you comply with an unlawful demand, you could still be screwed: https://www.dharlawllp.com/blog/2016/july/supreme-court-ruling-has-the-potential-to-take-b/
  9. This is the literal definition of fascism. No civilized country in the world operates this way. Not only have you gotten really bad legal advice, but someone criminally failed you in that they allowed you accept this worldview.
  10. You have gotten some truly terrible legal advice. This is all wrong, top to bottom. Do you realize that if you forfeit your rights in the street, you can wind up forfeiting them in court later? If a police officer demands you to open your trunk and they find something that incriminates you or someone else, it's going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to get evidence dropped after the fact.
  11. What you continually fail to understand are that deaths are the tip of the iceberg, not the base.
  12. I'm pretty sure of the two of us, it isn't me that's getting forcefed what to believe by cable news.
  13. Since we're making up things that don't exist:
  14. Death is not the only outcome, it's just the most serious result. Incarceration, violence, and intimidation are others.
  15. Are they pansies or a violent mob today? I forget is it an odds or evens thing?
  16. You've brought this up several times. It was wrong then and it's wrong now. I'm so white it's almost a caricature, and I have reasons that I've already stated in this thread, and countless others, for distrusting the police that has nothing to do with the fact that they have a tendency to kill and assault a lot of unarmed minorities.
  17. Incorrect. The burden of proof in debate or law is on the part of the accuser. I disagree. Basic civility is fine. Respect is earned, and in my opinion it's handed out far too readily to people that do not deserve it simply because of social norms. Be respectful and nothing will happen? I mean...what?
  18. I think you have that backwards. See me after class.
  19. So here's why Bangarang incorrectly thinks this is the law and why people like JoshAllenHasBigHands thinks that police can do whatever they want - they get away with it. It's not the law, clearly, but when they charge you for it you either have bigger problems, like a DUI, or that's it and you get a $200 fine. In the case of the DUI, the open container is moot, and your lawyer isn't going to waste time on it. In the case of it not being a DUI, how many people are going to fight a small fine where they'll need a lawyer? Even though you have rights, when you let cops interpret what they think the law is, and you don't challenge them on it, those rights go away in effect.
  20. Maybe he's been filling his quota staking out the recycling center.
  21. Because most people don't question information they're given if they trust the source.
  22. Yes, of course I believe that I can say no to the police. Would you let them into your house without a warrant? Would you let them search your trunk without a warrant? You have rights, and as much as they try to act like it, they aren't Kings or deities.
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