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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. You lack the capability to put anything over my head.
  2. It shouldn't, because I don't have much of a posting history of saving the whales, blood drives, or march of dimes.
  3. Personally, I'm not typically a person that's invested in specific social missions/causes. It's not my place, and honestly I'm not that interested. Where I do step in is on matters of oppression, and so this is a weird one for me. However, this whole anti-nuclear family thing is just straight up reading comprehension failure, and that I can't abide. Everyone that's come out against that line has conveniently taken it out of context, skipping down to that specific line and cutting out the parts that don't help them make their argument. The entire mission statement of one that is of inclusiveness. They reject the "requirement", not the option. They used the word specifically. The rest of their mission statement is much the same. The entire message is an expansion of ideas and accepted beliefs, not one of contractions as some folks are trying to characterize it as. I reject tomatoes as a requirement for something to be called a sandwich, but if you want tomatoes on your sandwhich, you do you. That's what's being said there. I have no idea why Marcellus Wiley is such a lightning rod for this.
  4. I would be in jail in the UK for typing the things I have? I think not. Are we actively in wars or have we been in the last 100 years with China, Russia or Mexico? They were all allies in WW2. Is Mexico is trying to take my freedom to challenge your assertions on the internet? When has the military protected us against our own tyrannical government?
  5. When did they fight for it previously? Why would I cease to have it? Who is capable of taking it that the military prevents?
  6. I mean I do, but ok. I come from a family with a lot of service members. I politely reject the notion that the military protects our freedoms and I'm not interested in handing out 'attaboys for it. It's a job.
  7. You did? Are you sure it wasn't due to lack of viable alternatives or self interest? Did we not have the right before you took that job? What about folks in other countries that have that right without you doing a job you were paid for.
  8. But that's not at all what I said. You will definitely continue to see outrage when it happens. From my perspective you're mischaracterizing the argument which makes it easier to defend from your side. I'm not suggesting you're doing it on purpose, but that's what I see.
  9. Perhaps we should call this The Ryan O'Reilly Effect.
  10. That doesn't make any sense. No one put in a claim.
  11. Precisely. If the Bills think they are ready to win it all this year, they should investigate any opportunity to add talent. if they determine that he isn't an upgrade, so be it.
  12. Wow - this is next level stupidity.
  13. I don't think this is the picture that people are painting. What's being said is that the problem is systemic rather than individual.
  14. That's because America as a whole is drastically to the right compared to most countries in the world. Our whole sense of scale is off kilter Edit: those things that you mentioned are what should be defined as "politics". I have no problem with you holding those beliefs even if I oppose all of them, and I don't need you to believe otherwise, even if I'd prefer it. That's not what's being referred to as "politics in sports" most of the time though.
  15. Politically speaking fiscal discipline and standing against Russia are more center-right policies. IF you're looking for an example of that in American politics, the closest would be the Democratic Party. Globally speaking however, "far-right" is much more about nationalism, anti-union sentiment, corporatism, religious extremism, "traditional values", elimination of economic safety nets, and imperial practices.
  16. The data suggests this is false
  17. Imagine being this openly racist.
  18. I'll watch double for you. What's the moment of silence for?
  19. Sure, I would too, but unless it's the patriots or the Bucs that win it, it will be looked at as illegitimate forever. I don't want to be the team that wins a half a championship. Edit: Chiefs, Niners, Steelers, Packers, and Ravens probably get a pass too.
  20. I've been feeling less and less into it since we lost the Seattle game in 2016. The decisions made in 2017 and 2018 just pushed me further down that road. The Bills used to be one of the most important things in my whole life. It would bother me all week when they lost and I'd get a huge high from it when they win. I hadn't missed a game since I was old enough to talk. Now, I watch, and I hope that they do well, but it just isn't the same. I think the drought took something from me that I won't ever be able to get back. With COVID going on, it's a whole different level. I honestly don't care if they play at all this year. I'd kinda prefer that they didn't. What an awful year to win the Super Bowl.
  21. Do they support a racist leader? Then they are a racist, or at least it's not a deal-breaker. You seem to be confused on the word systemic. It has nothing to do with what people believe. It has to do with how the police behave, how schools behave, how courts behave, how juries behave and are selected, where money is spent, etc. Systemic racism is a system that disproportionately targets or ignores people based on their race.
  22. That's the job. You can't handle it without murdering people, because you're scared, don't sign up. Unlike being black you can quit at any time, or never sign up to begin with. It's a pretty easy decision.
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