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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Why do you assume they would lose viewership? I'm sure they ran the numbers.
  2. As long as he doesn't play Pancho & Lefty.
  3. That describes all sports and most physically intensive jobs. I think they'll probably be here long after we're all in the ground. The right has unsuccessfully tried to boycott sports for years. They continue to increase in value. The money shows that people simply don't perceive them as being anti-american, despite the narrative.
  4. Ratings are down across all sports due to the pandemic. I haven't watched a second of hockey, and I love the sport. I doubt I'll even watch that much football. https://deadspin.com/america-is-finally-getting-it-poll-shows-majority-supp-1844883422
  5. Your vocal minority doesn't understand how small of a percentage of the population you really represent. It's scary that it's still so many, but it's not the majority of the country that you think it is.
  6. Endearing itself to the American public. It was in response to your question.
  7. The NBA certainly is and the NFL is starting to turn that around. The NHL being mostly non american white people has never had much of a horse in the race, and I don't follow MLB that closely.
  8. Was there a blog post disguised as an article on OAN that I missed?
  9. I wish leftists were as cool as you make it seem. The ones I know just post pictures of their new sourdough recipes.
  10. I'm "successful" NFL/NBA players are "successful". There are tons and tons of "successful" people that are shining a light on systemic racism.
  11. Why? Are you anti free speech?
  12. That was before Trump killed 200,000 of his own people. We don't need an expensive foreign war, we have war at home.
  13. You might want to look into systemic racism before posting anything more.
  14. So, scaled for population ~41.4 black people were killed per 19 white people assuming your numbers are true. Yes it is.
  15. When that opinion is that the lives of people that look different than you are worth less, than absolutely yes it's better to destroy cities. We've done it for a hell if a lot less.
  16. At a certain point, I'd think the whole team would get shut down like what's happening in MLB
  17. Story checks out: Christian Tybring-Gjedde (born 8 August 1963) is a Norwegian politician who represents the Progress Party. He has been a member of the Norwegian parliament since 2005, and was the leader of the Progress Party's Oslo chapter from 2010 to 2014. He is most widely known for his opposition to immigration, especially Muslim immigration, and has claimed that Norway is a victim of "sneaking Islamization" and that Muslim immigrants are "threatening Norwegian culture".[1] In 2010 he wrote that "we don't believe in multiculture" and claimed that immigration of non-ethnic Norwegians is "idiocy".[2] On climate change he has stated that "I don't believe in the climate hysteria".[3] He believes immigration policy to be the single most important political issue facing Norwegian society.[4] In 2014 he released his book about immigration politics titled Mens orkesteret fortsetter å spille (While the orchestra continues to play).[5][6] In foreign policy he has supported Vladimir Putin and criticized the sanctions against Russia that the conservatives pushed for; he has also said the west should recognise the Russian occupation and annexation of Crimea.[7][8][9][10][11] He has been sharply critical of United States foreign policy prior to the election of Donald Trump.[12] In 2018 and 2020 he put forward Trump's name as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize; any member of parliament may propose candidates.[13]
  18. The scandals involving Trump date back to before Biden was even a contender and to my knowledge none of them have been "debunked". He was impeached for christ sake. Additionally, I'm not sure where you get your data, but I can't find anything to suggest that Trumps approval ratings have been higher than Obama's at ANY point. In fact, it seems that Trump has never been higher than Obama's lowest rating. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/
  19. Am I wrong or do you just not understand what I said? You used the Pelosi story as evidence to refute my claim that democrats hold their people's feet to the fire and her haircut has been getting national play for a week. She's getting ***** roasted over it. It's literally the exact opposite of what you were trying to project. In case you need further evidence, look no further than democratic mayors and police chiefs in Buffalo, Rochester, Portland, Seattle, St Louis, etc. They are all being held accountable. This guy also says hello.
  20. You're using a story of someone getting dragged through the mud as evidence of them not getting dragged through the mud?
  21. Stop pretending like you actually care about the sources. What difference would it actually make? We've already seen this president embroiled in more scandals than one can count and regardless of the amount of proof or sources that have come forward, Trump supporters just kick the can down the road and come up with more and more excuses. If the sources were Mike Pence, Steve Mnuchin, and Ivanka, they'd probably just all become libtard liars exaggerating a "joke out of context". If Trump himself was the source, it would become part of his grand plan to subvert the mainstream media. It's amazing how I've never seen a trump supporter hold him to task for literally anything. Say what you will about the democrats, but at least they generally speak out when their people do wrong.
  22. How you want it to be isn't the same as the way it is. Society is making people like that go away, and hopefully they'll soon be gone for good. There's no place for people like him and his supporters in a civilized society.
  23. As a folk/outlaw/country fan, his music sucks and he sucks. Not sure what the loss is here.
  24. I guess even a right wing site isn't radical enough for you? I didn't choose where they authored their expose. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-bulwark/
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