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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I like the Kamara deal, but that Cook deal seems mighty risky to me.
  2. This rule is in line with all of their other rules designed to limit people on the sidelines to essential personnel only. There are no mascots, reporters, entertainers, cheerleaders, etc. allowed on the sideline. A player on IR is not essential. Testing negative is irrelevant and not part of the logic behind the move. You're in deep on that Essential Oil game, eh?
  3. Your landlord can't throw a party in your apartment just because they own it. The Bills lease the property from the county, so it becomes their private property under that lease.
  4. Why do you think I'm here to defend democrats? The vast majority of democrats and republicans are interchangeable when it comes to policy, they only differ in rhetoric. The difference here is that Republicans run on the Patriot Card and they did ***** all to help these people for decades.
  5. A lot of people can't see that. They judge results that were completely outside of a person's control, rather than the judgment that put them in the right position.
  6. Even the pigs denounced it: https://kval.com/news/local/stop-spreading-rumors-law-enforcement-take-aim-at-fake-oregon-arson-claims https://theintercept.com/2020/09/10/oregon-police-beg-public-stop-calling-false-reports-blaming-antifa-wildfires/
  7. This thread is aging well I see tImE tO gEt bAcK tO nOrMaL - Americans, March 2020
  8. We've had a 9/11 every day for months.
  9. In one of the articles you posted, that's exactly what happened.
  10. Are we going to have to debunk these one by one to make you guys happy? You should actually read some of those links you posted. Of all of them only 2 seem to have any sort of merit, and even then seem to be exaggerated. In the one from virginia beach, the police chief denied the reports firefighters were attacked. Int he case of the man that intentionally set a fire and attacked firefighters, it had absolutely nothing to do with any protest. It's not my job to validate your ***** sources. Try harder. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/man-wanted-for-killing-of-mother-arrested-in-assault-of-firefighter/2398400/
  11. if you look hard enough you can find an example of anything. They aren't the target of the protests.
  12. One game is not a valid sample size. I looked into the other ratings and it turns out that there are pretty big swings too. The NBA was down 13% before COVID and before the murder of George Floyd, and since the return the ratings have been up over last year. Baseball had it's highest rated game in 9 years. This is all in an era of streaming, bothe officially and otherwise. Back to the point about personas. TV ratings capture the viewing habits of folks with Nielsen boxes. The type of person that would sign up to be part of Nielsen's group is in itself a persona. I haven't had cable in 10 years and still watch a hundred or so sporting events a year - that is also a persona. Advertisers and the NFL knows that a lot of games are being watched via unofficial streams these days. While no one gets the ratings from that, and the NFL can't really charge their advertisers for it, we still see the ads anyway and everyone knows it's there. If you want to talk about threats to the NFL's business model, how to compete against free streaming is much more of a real combatant than "If you don't stand for the special song, the magic sky cloth won't freedom". I remember when conservatives tried to declare victory after a couple of low rated weeks years ago that turned out to be short term variance. The NFL has proven its value to advertisers over the years, and I don't see any reality where they don't increase the value of their TV deal to around double their current levels. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/trump-nba-ratings-kneeling-covid-1234735157/
  13. You've got your order backwards, in order to intentionally miselad people. Most of the first responders that died on 9/11 and from complications afterwards were firefighters and medics, not police.Interestingly those firefighters murdered very few people that day, despite likely being scared for their lives. I haven't seen any reports of them teargassing, kneeling on people's necks, placing hoods on their head, or shooting people on that day. Also, and this is probably a coincidence, firefighters have not been the target of any firefighter brutality or BLM protests since.
  14. Well, you would be adorably wrong. I'm not sure what CRM is in the context of advertising, but CPM or Cost Per Mille and RPM (Revenue per mille) are very familiar to me as are their cost per click, cost per conversion, install or action counterparts. How did I buy and sell tens of millions of dollars in advertising as a creator of ad supported applications? Of course not all of these were direct ad buys where I was on the phone with the CMO from Ford talking about their new pickup truck ads, though at one of the places I worked this did happen from time to time as the products I built were leveraged as PAAS and SAAS offering by some of the biggest companies int he world and we ran the entire advertising platform. Much of it was programmatic at one shop and at another I worked with a handful of networks daily, built ad mediation software, and bought ad placements for my own application as well as generated millions of dollars in ad revenue annually in the mobile space. If you want to get in a dick swinging competition with me over this I'd suggest you reconsider. While I wouldn't exactly consider myself an SME in advertising against some of my more knowledgeable counterparts, it has been something I've done part time (yes, part time) in roles overseeing products for years. As for facebook's user base. I can say with 100% certainty that not only has their overall user base increased (which is honestly not a very valuable metric), but their Monthly Average Users (MAU) and Daily Average Users (DAU) have skyrocketed since the pandemic. As for why rates are increasing, it has nothing to do with total users. That's a pretty common misconception. Total users is a vanity metric. It looks impressive and a lot of people think there's a correlation between total users and conversion, but a lot of the time there isn't. What matters is conversion, and what drives conversion are personas and what drives all of it are defining correct KPIs or Key performance Indicators. Determining the magic of what makes a person click "buy" is the whole magic behind all of it, and I don't proclaim to know a secret handshake for it, but I've done it successfully (and sometimes not) for over a decade. What makes that cost go up? Value and inflation. As companies start to sharpen their personas, the likelihood of conversion goes up, and thus the price.
  15. Their entire business model is based around TV. It's like saying if it wasn't for the iPhone, Apple would be in trouble today. It's a stupid argument. The NFL is expected to make bank when its rights are back up for renewal, and I see the NBA skyrocketing too. Your hurt feelings due to other people's right to live notwithstanding. For the record, I have also bought and sold tens of millions of dollars in advertising as the creator of ad-supported applications. Please inform me about what else I don't know. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/22/nfl-tv-rights-up-for-renewal-in-2022-and-big-media-will-pay-more.html
  16. I thought we didn't want any political BS in our football games?
  17. From the game I watched I'd say absolutely. It seemed quite slow and sloppy all the way through. However, I don't think they need 4 games. 3 at max. 2 to get the starters ready and one to evaluate depth players.
  18. With the goofy offseason I really haven't paid much attention to rookies around the league, but he must be pretty talented to have been a 1rst rd pick. He had substance problems when he was here and was battling some mental issues. He talked about it this offseason.
  19. Watkins looking like a monster tonight.
  20. I'm just here for Collinsworth's political takes and social justice ads.
  21. He still has 2 pro bowl caliber WRs. It'll be different without the best in the game, but not enough for excuses.
  22. Is there going to be pizza?
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