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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. He ran after he was shot, likely because he feared for his life, which turned out to be an extremely valid concern given that he was murdered seconds later. Every country has laws, yet only in the USA and other 3rd world countries do police get to act as judge, jury and executioner of those laws. Whataboutism is a game broken by design that I won't play. The fact that the 911 call states he had a gun, when he did not, is all the more reason for cops to not go off half cocked. Fake 911 calls resulting in police shooting someone is not an uncommon event. In 2017, the Kansas branch of an organized terrorist police group murdered Andrew Finch on his own porch based off of faulty intel. He had no weapon and committed no crime. If their intel is this poor, it should not be trusted and police should not be allowed to fire until fired upon or a bystander's life is in imminent danger.
  2. They have some really good researchers. A lot of the stories they break are either completely uncovered or are a page 6 item in a small town newspaper.
  3. Back on topic Austin branch of organized terrorist group of police murder Michael Ramos who was unarmed and guilty of no crime. https://www.statesman.com/news/20200727/austin-police-release-video-footage-of-michael-ramos-shooting
  4. Ah yes, the death of merit via the praise of anti-intellectualism. I guess when you're a far right extremist, everything appears to be a leftist conspiracy. Spoiler, the capitalist nature of the higher education system is as right-wing as it gets outside of being a capitalist indoctrination camp.
  5. You mean that place where they pump out wanna be GI Joes who mentally peaked in elementary school and socially peaked in high school who spend less time learning about the law than a barber does getting licensed to cut hair?
  6. I've been successfully de-escalating situations for years professionally. Maybe if we forced all police to have a college degree, they would know how too. Instead what you get are a bunch of braindead animals who want to play GI JOE. I want to defund the police and I don't have any private security. The right always makes the mistake of confusing leftists with liberals. It's a pretty significant one.
  7. Internal affairs Investigation on that one is underway. I was posting the copy of the other article and that one came along with it. He was having his face pressed into the pavement and had two people laying on him. It would be totally reasonable if he thought he was about to be murdered. I'd struggle too. Also, it doesn't matter much to me if it's within police guidelines. The guidelines that have allowed decades of murder, assault, and a toxic culture of aggression are the problem.
  8. Stop threatening me with a good time. I only use cash to gamble and buy drugs anyway.
  9. LA branch of organized police terrorist group shoot, kill 18-year-old Hispanic security guard on patrol at LA auto shop. Whitstleblower claims the officer involved in the shooting was attempting to become part of a gang within the police known as "Executioners". https://losangeleno.com/features/lasd-whistleblower-executioners/ https://www.ajc.com/news/police-shoot-kill-year-old-hispanic-security-guard-patrol-auto-shop/lOrBG8hydwiNQAQbDvC1LL/ Andres Guardado, the 18-year-old man shot and killed in Gardena by a [terrorist] on June 18.
  10. Technically it's the people living in the state. People have refused to follow the rules since day 1, and that's probably why we've had more cases than any other country in the world, and it's dragged on far longer here than most places. Eradicate the threat, and everyone gets their normal back. It seems pretty simple to me. Clearly.
  11. officer Jared Yuen can be heard yelling "Hell yeah, let's get some" and "Let's get these motherf******" "Shut up, b****," the officer responded.
  12. Police murdered a lot more than 9 people. Police killed 996 people by shooting last year and an unknown number through other means. Victims like Eric Garner and George Floyd are not counted among the official deaths, because they weren't shot to death. Define anarchism.
  13. There's zero doubt about that.
  14. Utah branch of organized police terrorist group shoots unarmed 13 year old autistic boy after mother called 911 to help with a mental episode. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/515502-13-year-old-boy-with-autism-shot-by-police-after-mother-called?fbclid=IwAR0hkdtuv-PHivViKetfnM4vD6KRjfUUwvT4vfhupdHyYOcPTaASqSdJwSc
  15. If you like Chilean fascism, you'll love American fascism.
  16. Covid: Trump: 0
  17. CIA Admits Involvement in Chile W A S H I N G T O N, Sept. 20, 2000 -- The CIA is acknowledging for the first time the extent of its deep involvement in Chile, where it dealt with coup-plotters, false propagandists and assassins. https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=82588&page=1
  18. https://www.revealnews.org/article/inside-hate-groups-on-facebook-police-officers-trade-racist-memes-conspiracy-theories-and-islamophobia/ Hundreds of active-duty and retired law enforcement officers from across the United States are members of Confederate, anti-Islam, misogynistic or anti-government militia groups on Facebook, a Reveal investigation has found. These cops have worked at every level of American law enforcement, from tiny, rural sheriff’s departments to the largest agencies in the country, such as the Los Angeles and New York police departments. They work in jails and schools and airports, on boats and trains and in patrol cars. And, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting discovered, they also read and contribute to groups such as “White Lives Matter” and “DEATH TO ISLAM UNDERCOVER.” The groups cover a range of extremist ideologies. Some present themselves publicly as being dedicated to benign historical discussion of the Confederacy, but are replete with racism inside. Some trade in anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant memes. Some are openly Islamophobic. And almost 150 of the officers we found are involved with violent anti-government groups such as the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters.
  19. a member of a terrorist organization attacks an unarmed and peaceful demonstrator with chemical weapons by supported by two of his comrades
  20. Anti-free speech police terrorism organization arrests reporter and lies about the circumstances. 30+ guilty officers. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/09/13/reporter-arrested-as-anti-police-protest-unfolds-outside-hospital-where-wounded-deputies-were-taken/
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