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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. I actually do. I shot competitively for years and as a teenager my friend and I would regularly best active duty and former military who were using modern rifles while we were shooting with WW2 era rifles. I've also received NRA "Distinguished Expert" recognition. I just don't feel the need to ***** about guns. Again, you act like there aren't any leftist vets out there. Not everyone prays at the alter of a fat orange trust fund slob.
  2. Do chefs and accountants promote a culture of violence in their recruitment and ongoing place of work? Do they have official training that tells them they are the last line of defense in a war against evil? When they murder people, do their unions protect them and vilify the prosecutors? Do prosecutors give them a slap on the wrist when they commit heinous crimes or refuse to bring charges altogether? When they do get charged, do juries give them the benefit of the doubt? When juries do convict them are they shown leniency at sentencing? ----------------- If you don't see the difference here, please tell me how you define organized terrorism or crime?
  3. Ok. So putting people in jail for crimes outweighs any of the bad the happens? How many people do you have to arrest for driving without insurance to balance out siccing a police dog on a defenseless and unarmed man on his knees with his hands above his head? How many arrests of murderers does it take to balance out murdering an innocent woman in her home in the middle of the night? The thousands and thousands of people per year that settle with the city as victims of police misconduct probably don't think so. Why, do I need someone to show up 2 hours late and kill my dog? Police don't stop robberies. Every 10 years when they show up on time, they make a movie about it. You think conservatives are the only one with guns? Man, you really don't know anything about the left. One day we're violent criminals and the next we're "soy boys". As the saying goes, ***** around and find out.
  4. Aaand there it is. You're avoiding my data and playing games because you have family who is a cop. You probably take a great deal of offense at "one of the nicest guys [you've] ever met" being labeled a terrorist. After all, he's a great guy. You had a "GREAT" experience while being handcuffed and detained in the back of a squad car? So that experience made your day better than it otherwise would have been had it not occurred at all? You really don't want to keep guessing at percentages. Here's the deal, maybe your BIL is actually a good cop. Maybe he doesn't beat his wife or his kids, maybe he doesn't kill people's dogs, mace children in the face, beat the ***** out of suspects or shoot journalists at close range with "less lethal" ammunition. Maybe he actually doesn't do any of those things, but he's part of an organization that does. He's part of an organization that claims they're in a war against evil when they really only spend 4% of their time working any crimes related to violence. Statistically speaking, many of his co-workers are likely to abuse their spouse or children. Maybe he doesn't buy into Dave Grossman's philosophy of "Sheep", "Sheepdogs", "Wolves" and "Warrior Cops" but he works with people that do. If I take you at your work that he is indeed a great person, capable of no acts of excessive violence, then he is still, at best, and accessory to those that are. He has their back, and they have his. While he may not be a terrorist in search of an organization, he is indeed a member of a terrorist organization. If you want to say one can be a member of a terrorist organization and not be a terrorist themselves, we can have that conversation, though I think the language of it is pretty clear.
  5. Police officers tries to kill dog (shocker), but shoots and kills woman instead (double shocked). He was indicted today on criminally negligent homicide, a lesser penalty than involuntary manslaughter that suggests the suspect was not acting "recklessly". Once again, leniency prevails. Body-cam footage shows Arlington officer fatally shooting woman as he fires at dog Authorities had been called to perform a welfare check on 30-year-old Margarita "Maggie" Victoria Brooks, who was passed out in a grassy area near a shopping center she frequented. By Claire Cardona, Loyd Brumfield, Emma Ruby and Tom Steele 7:12 PM on Aug 2, 2019 Updated at 6 p.m. Aug. 2: Revised to include the officer's body-cam footage. ARLINGTON — An Arlington police officer took just seconds to fire three shots — one of which fatally struck a woman — after a dog started running toward him Thursday afternoon, body-camera footage shows. Maggie Brooks(via Facebook) Authorities had been called to perform a welfare check on 30-year-old Margarita "Maggie" Victoria Brooks, who was reported to be passed out in a grassy area near a shopping center she frequented. Brooks, the daughter of an Arlington fire captain, was struck once in the chest and died at 6 p.m. at Medical City Arlington Hospital, according to the Tarrant County medical examiner's office. The dog survived and was taken to an animal shelter. It was unclear whether it was Brooks' dog. Authorities were called about 5:15 p.m. to check on Brooks, who was lying in a grassy area near Cantor Drive and North Collins Street. As a police officer approached her, an unrestrained dog began to run at him and bark, police said. The officer retreated from the dog, pulled out his gun and fired three times. Police said that Brooks yelled after the shots were fired and that it was "apparent she was injured." According to Police Chief Will Johnson, the officer had undergone eight hours of training for canine encounters, as well as mandatory firearms training. "Everything about this call is an absolute tragedy," Johnson said at a news conference Friday afternoon. "Our hearts are broken for the Brooks family and the police officer involved." https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2019/08/03/body-cam-footage-shows-arlington-officer-fatally-shooting-woman-as-he-fires-at-dog/
  6. According to data provided by police departments themselves, and reported on by the NY Times, police spend roughly 4% of their time working on violent calls. In that 4% of time they kill more people per capita than any developed nation and commit acts that result in thousands of police misconduct cases per year. When I consider your question, I have to ask myself if it matters. If they are only responding to violent crime such a small percentage of their day and it results in such a high rate of violence committed on their behalf is a metric of how often they didn't kill or assault someone a valid argument that they are "more good" than bad? What "good" are they actually doing? We know that police don't actually prevent violent crime in most cases. Does handing out a speeding ticket, arresting someone for weed possession or writing a report on vandalism fall into the category of "good" or are we talking about preventing crime, arresting violent criminals, and helping old ladies get cats out of trees? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/19/upshot/unrest-police-time-violent-crime.html
  7. So I did not post dozens of examples of police violence? My experiences with police are anecdotal and prone to bias. I'll let the experiences of others and empirical data due the talking. Have you had any "BAD" encounters with middle eastern terrorist groups?
  8. Reminder: All Cops are "a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."
  9. Just more personal attacks. You seem to be incapable of an adult conversation.
  10. What set the tone? the 13 pages of people murdered and assaulted by the police that I've posted here for you. I have hundreds of additional examples.
  11. What would a "GREAT" interaction with a police officer be? One where they didn't kill a dog or kill an autistic kid? Why can't any of you go 5 minutes without resorting to personal attacks? I made a claim that police promote a culture of violence. I backed that up with statistics of how many people they've killed I made a claim that police promote a "good vs evil" and an "us vs them" narrative to justify their actions and win sympathy I backed that up with a manifesto from one of the officers that murdered Breonna Taylor, and in other threads you've been a part of: examples of Dave Grossman's teaching of Sheepdogs & Wolves, in addition to La'Ron Singletary's coverup, direct disobedience from police chiefs towards mayors. and attacks from unions toward mayors. and on and on. All you've done is ask for more and more evidence without even ackowledging a single time that what I've presented is accurate and valid. Every single thing is always "yEa bUt iS tHaT aLl oF tHeM?" It's blatant trolling, and I don't have time for it. You don't have a point and you have nothing to add to the conversation. I've been completely civil and even polite to you and I've answered all of your questions, but you at no point have been willing to exchange the same courtesy. Maybe you're too biased to see it or maybe it's too traumatizing for you to see it, but the facts are the facts. If you want to pretend like they aren't happening you do what you gotta do to get through the day. The information is here as well as additional resources like police training videos glorifying violence, Dave Grossman glorifying killing and talking about how it'll get you laid, and on and on.
  12. Yes, they must be as they are all part of a terrorist organization as I've defined it. Why are you so hung up on the word "terrorist"? It's simply a collection of letters that has a definition that happens to apply in this case. Wouldn't our time be better spent talking about how they do or do not fit the definition of that word? Very few, if any, people set out to be "terrorists" and likewise very few, if any, organizations refer to themselves as "terrorists". It's a label placed on them by people external to their organization based on their behavior.
  13. So every police organization, officers, unions and leadership are part of a terrorist organization? YES This is THEIR whole motivation? NO This is why THEY exist is to terrorize the public? NO Because when you say THEY you are insinuating all. YES Is that what you're saying here? YES?
  14. Police Organizations including: Officers, their unions, and their leadership
  15. I have absolutely no idea what you mean. All you did was bold "their" a bunch of times and say "How are they?" How are they what? How are they accomplishing their objectives? Through committing the offences I already sourced and making statements designed to get subsections of society sympathetic to their cause.
  16. So if my evidence is valid, what's the problem?
  17. So, is my evidence valid or not? Are you suggesting that the numbers are so drastically wrong that they disprove my point or weaken my argument?
  18. "You don't hear me lambasting, engaging in personal attacks, getting nasty. I don't think that belongs in politics." Ted Cruz Please explain to me how a chart from Homeland Security is an "opinion piece"? "The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) is supported in part by the Science and Technology Directorate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security" You're really running on empty now.
  19. extremely likely, but I want to prove that I'm more than willing to back up everything I claim with evidence.
  20. can you clarify your question?
  21. No it's always been about violence. The police don't keep records of their own brutality however, so as I said it's extremely difficult to give you an exact number. Deaths are one metric of violence. Settlements following civil cases of police misconduct are another metric of violence What's their political motivation? Their open desire to be perceived as a force of good fighting evil. Their open desire to not be held accountable by the elected officials of their districts. They want power and control and a total lack of accountability. They want to be a paramilitary organization that operates within the US. So now my sources are innacurate? Based on what? What terms are mixed up? The sources I posted don't even require you to read them - you just have to compare the numbers. over 21 years: Antifa: 0 Terrorists: 3393 Police: > 1000+ per year ~21000
  22. Let's be real though, not a single piece of data I've ever presented to you has ever caused you to question what you believe. You aren't trying to verify what I'm telling you, you're looking to test me and find new openings for attacks.
  23. Antifa Zero Murders: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/27/us-rightwing-extremists-attacks-deaths-database-leftwing-antifa https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7 "Seth Jones, a counter-terrorism expert, who helped create the dataset, told The Guardian: "Left-wing violence has not been a major terrorism threat." He said currently: "The most significant domestic terrorism threat comes from white supremacists, anti-government militias and a handful of individuals associated with the 'boogaloo' movement that are attempting to create a civil war in the United States." It wasn't just CSIS either. Researchers at the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, and at the Anti-Defamation League, told The Guardian they did not know of any murders linked to antifa in the US in the last 25 years." Total Terrorist Deaths: https://start.umd.edu/pubs/START_AmericanTerrorismDeaths_FactSheet_Nov2017.pdf Various sources of +1000 deaths at the hands of police and an investigation into the FBI's incorrect reporting of police deaths that they acknowledged and then made changes to https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/11/police-killings-counted-harvard-study https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2015/jun/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-the-data-say-about-police-shootings/ https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/
  24. I post things without links? where? I post a link on everything I ever post from a reputable source, unless I'm summarizing something that I've already cited in the past. Ok then. It seems your brain shuts off after one line. Provide credibly sourced information of people committing violence = "spew hate" If that's the case, I'm extremely proud of it. I consider it my patriotic duty.
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