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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. So if any of their members don't commit violence they cease to be a terrorist organization? Exactly
  2. Ok, so attacking infants with grenades isn't terrorism. What is?
  3. Because you've been on this huge rant saying I'm applying the term unjustly. I want you to tell what makes someone a terrorist.
  4. No, but believing that it isn't terrorism when police put flashbangs in the cribs of infants is though. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ex-georgia-deputy-acquitted-after-flash-bang-grenade-hurts-toddler-n479361
  5. Yes, you're amoral. You've consistently defended the use of lethal force on citizens. Do you believe that terrorism exists at all?
  6. No, it fits right in line with the amoral personality you and your political allies have displayed including, a complete unwillingness to observe evidence, and a complete and total bias in favor of authority regardless of how many innocent people are killed, maimed, and traumatized.
  7. Video released showing Utah police shooting at boy with autism nearly a dozen times Salt Lake City 13-year-old remains in hospital after mother called 911, requesting mental health worker Associated Press Mon 21 Sep 2020 21.59 EDTLast modified on Mon 21 Sep 2020 22.58 EDT Mike Brown, the Salt Lake City police chief, listens as Mayor Erin Mendenhall speaks during a news conference on Monday following the shooting. Photograph: Rick Bowmer/AP A 13-year-old Utah boy with autism was shot by police after his mother asked for help getting him hospital mental health treatment and officers agreed to talk with him, police footage released Monday showed.
  8. Yea, because protesting murder requires more people to get assaulted by pigs. It's pretty clear here that all of the fascist enablers here failed basic order of operations. And this right here is why I'll never feel bad about anything that happens to a cop.
  9. The cops don't say anything until after they've tased him, kicked him, and put him in a headlock. Not sure what video you're watching. Must be from "He's got a gun!" police training.
  10. More of Chef & 3rdnlngs friends who make up the "vast majority of good cops" from the Sacramento branch of organized terrorist police.
  11. More personal attacks from the intellectually vacant with no supporting evidence. Where is your proof that he was told to get down here before being tased, kicked, and grappled? He was an innocent man who committed the crime of walking while black "Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said the incident was a case of mistaken identity. According to investigators, the man matched the description of a suspect with a felony arrest warrant. Deputies and officers from the Sacramento Police Department assigned to the Post Release Community Supervision team were conducting surveillance on a suspect. According to spokesperson Sgt. Tess Deterding, the team observed the suspect’s grandmother leave an establishment. The man who was arrested by the police left the same location after the suspect’s grandmother. “This male matched the physical description of the suspect and the team doing surveillance reasonably believed this individual was the suspect,” said Deterding." Physical description: "Black male, 20 - 50 years of age"
  12. Oh I took it to mean that Wilson/Rodgers/Jackson belong in the tier of Brady and Manning.
  13. The seahawks are still in the NFC, right? Or are you saying Rodgers & Wilson didn't have to compete against them?
  14. For me it comes down to consistency of elite play. Brady won the division 17 out of the last 20 years. Manning essentially had two hall of fame careers throwing for more yards for the Broncos than Doug Williams did in his whole career and more TDs in that span than Matt Shaub, Michael Vick, Jim Harbaugh, Marc Bulger or Bernie Kosar did over their careers. On any given day or any given season Rodgers & Wilson can look like the best there's ever been, but they've had stretches where their teams struggled mightily as well. They're both still cream of the crop first ballot hall of famers and somewhere in the ranking of GOAT, but they aren't at that level for me. Jackson & Mahomes are still just babies. It certainly looks like we'll be talking about them the same way, but the stories of Andrew Luck, Michael Vick, Marc Bulger and others should be a reminder that an injury or two can completely derail a career.
  15. Sacramento branch of organized terrorist police group kicks man in the back while he is fully complying with police commands This definitely isn't systemic though, right? https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/08/31/sacramento-county-deputy-kicking-man/
  16. Portland branch of organized terrorist police group surround a peaceful protester and repeatedly attack them, while preventing filming of their actions. What are these cowards so angry that they need to beat up on unarmed citizens? https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WeightyGoldenIaerismetalmark-mobile.mp4
  17. Define marxist Prove that any of my facts are fake I do very much hate police, as they are terrrorists Am I an anarchist or a marxist? You can't be both. Cite a single thing I've made up? he's a terrorist and a traitor. Given the lack of a "no true bill" from the jury, It appears unlikely the prosecutors even proposed charges against the other officers.
  18. Seattle branch of organized terrorist police force deliberately runs over an injured man's head with their bike.
  19. I ***** wish. First it goes to the fact that there's a 40% he beats his wife or kids. Then it goes to the fact that he's probably abused his power to assault, intimidate or harass an innocent person. After that it gets to killing dogs.
  20. Reap what you sow.
  21. Couple more of those bad apples, this time featuring Police Chiefs I’m telling you, you know what, Donald Trump is the last hope for white people, cause Hillary will give it to all the minorities to get a vote," former Bordentown Township Chief Frank Nucera said, according to a transcript displayed at trial. “That’s the truth! I’m telling you.” https://www.nj.com/burlington/2019/09/nj-cop-again-testifies-against-his-former-chief-who-said-trump-was-last-hope-for-white-people.html Residents of Price and nearby Helper have revived calls for the Price City police chief to step down, due to concerns that he is racially biased. Calls for his resignation first came in 2017, after Brandon Sicilia, then a sergeant, posted derogatory comments about Black and Muslim people on Facebook, and again in 2019, when he was promoted to police chief. In 2016, Sicilia called former President Barack Obama and rapper Busta Rhymes the N-word in a post on Facebook, and he called Michelle Obama a “strumpet monkey” in another. He also called the former president a Muslim and said that’s why Obama hates “pigs”, or cops. https://www.unionleader.com/news/politics/local/police-chief-saddened-and-sickened-by-ruling-about-cop-texting-racist-statements/article_97dc13f4-8336-55b8-a65a-1fc37eccfa50.html Police Chief of Orlando kneels with protestors for the cameras before attacking them with chemical weapons But now it looks like the kneel could also be in danger of devolving into performative nonsense.That was the case Tuesday evening, when Detroit PD officers kneeled for the media's cameras — just minutes after arresting 100 or so peaceful protesters on the east side. (See the 56:00 mark in this Free Press video.) When Detroit Police Chief James Craig joined the group, they kneeled again, at the behest of members of the community, chanting, "Justice" and "DPD." Laron Singletary - Fired Police Chief of Rochester:| There was also a deliberate effort to portray Prude in a certain light—seemingly, one that could justify his death in the eyes of law enforcement: theroot.com/make-him-a-suspect-rochester-city-records-confirm-co-1845081937
  22. I wonder how many dogs he's killed.
  23. Your hero, terrorist Dave Grossman on "Killology: (His self named bootcamp and pseudoscience on how to kill people). This piece of ***** and charlatan trains the most police officers in the country, actively promoting the use of deadly force and teaching cops to pretend to be Batman. You want to know what the biggest problem with America's police force is? Dave Grossman Qualified Immunity Police Unions In that order. --- Grossman’s classes teach officers to be less hesitant to use lethal force, urge them to be willing to do it more quickly and teach them how to adopt the mentality of a warrior. Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile in July, had attended one of Grossman’s classes called “The Bulletproof Warrior” In the class recorded for “Do Not Resist,” Grossman at one point tells his students that the sex they have after they kill another human being will be the best sex of their lives. The room chuckles. But he’s clearly serious. Grossman closes the class with a (literal) chest-pounding motivational speech that climaxes with Grossman telling the officers to find an overpass overlooking the city they serve. He urges them to look down on their city and know that they’ve made the world a better place. He then urges them to grip the overpass railing, lean forward and “let your cape blow in the wind.” The room gives him a standing ovation. ---- Marching around the stage in a theater in Lakeport, California, Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman tells his audience that they shouldn’t go out looking for people to kill, because those who need killing—the “gangbangers,” terrorists, and mass murderers—will come to them. All they need to do is be ready. “Are you prepared to kill somebody?” he asks me and the small group of “armed citizens” who’ve paid $90 or more to see him. “If you cannot answer that question, you should not be carrying a gun.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2017/02/14/a-day-with-killology-police-trainer-dave-grossman/ Two hours into his high-octane, six-hour seminar, the self-described top police trainer in the nation is just getting warmed up. “We fight violence. What do we fight it with? Superior violence. Righteous violence.” --- [Grossman] views the world as almost unrecognizably dangerous: a place where gang members seek to set records for killing cops, where a kid “in every school” is thinking about racking up “a body count.” His latest book, Assassination Generation, insists that violent video games are turning the nation’s youth into mass murderers. The recent wave of “massacres” is just the beginning. (“Please stop calling them mass shootings!”) He smacks the easels: “These [thump] crimes [thump] are [thump] everywhere!” He foresees attacks on school buses and day care centers. “Kindergartners run about point-five miles an hour and get a burst of about 20 yards and then they’re done.” It won’t just happen with guns, but with hammers, axes, hatchets, knives, and swords. His voice jumps an octave: “Hacking and stabbing little kids! You don’t think they’ll attack day cares? It’s already happening in China. When you hear about a day care massacre,” he shouts, “tell them Grossman said it was coming!”
  24. More cops attacking unarmed protestors with weapons. Why are all cops terrorists? Because none of them stop this. Conservatives like to talk a lot about private companies restricting their free speech. When the free speech of others is actually restricted by the government, as the 1rst amendment is intended to prevent, you have nothing to say or you join the side of the oppressor. You don't want freedom for all, you want freedom for you. Most of all, you'll even take less freedom if if means hurting people you have a difference of economic or social policy with. Own the left, no matter the cost. Look at all these cowards afraid of a bunch of kids in shorts & thsirts while they're in full armor with weapons refusing to take any accountability for their murder of an innocent woman. A bunch of "warrior cops" who only see "wolves".
  25. What a crock of *****. You've either completely ignored every single story in this thread or discounted it as a "bad apple" - usually far more of the latter. I've presented dozens of cases of systemic problems within the force including evidence of their unions, leadership, and officers behaving inappropriately as well as the training they receive. What evidence have you provided in response? " I know a good cop" Where are your numbers? Where are your sources? As for "needing" a cop, I couldn't possibly imagine a scenario where a police officer could improve the outcome of any situation I would find myself in. At absolute best, they are a useless waste of time and drain on my tax dollars. At worst? They're a threat to everyone and everything they meet. Funny how not a single person, especially you, has proven any of the hundreds of posts I've made on this subject, a lie.
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