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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. For me, it's anyone who supports Trump/Neo-Nazi's/Police Violence. I find common ground with classic conservatives and can even blend in fairly easily. I'm kind of a Teddy Roosevelt Republican.
  2. I can't find much if any common ground with the alt right. As an atheist, I'm a big fan of Christmas though. Does that count?
  3. Reminder: Police are terrorist traitors to their communities, their families, and their country. They are also sadistic filth that take pleasure in murdering people's pets: But as our analysis of the data on officer-involved shootings reveals, between 2010 and 2016, Los Angeles Police Department officers were involved in 417 shootings, with dogs being shot in more than a quarter of cases. For the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, whose officers were involved in 406 incidents between 2010 and 2017, dogs were shot 45.6 percent of the time. More alarming than the number of dogs being shot by police is where dogs are being killed by police, as we discuss in a recent study. Looking at the location of where dogs have been shot across the city and county of Los Angeles, what emerges is a map of deadly police use of force that is highly concentrated in the region’s most impoverished communities of color. In fact, the dog-shooting cluster that we mapped sits within the larger cluster representing where humans are shot by police as well. While arguments are often made about police pulling the trigger when feeling in fear for their lives, the data on dog shootings makes it unmistakably clear that more bullets than most of us realized are flying through particular communities. Our data suggest that dog deaths at the hands of police are a reflection of a larger problem with how state violence is enacted on vulnerable communities in myriad ways. To be clear, to suggest that dogs in some neighborhoods pose a greater deadly risk to police officer safety than dogs in wealthier and whiter neighborhoods simply does not add up. In addition to the fact that no police officer has ever been killed by a dog while in the line of duty, public health research reveals that hospital visits for dog bites that occur across the metropolitan region of Los Angeles overwhelmingly consist of a single puncture wound to a hand of a child, with less than 1 percent of the more than 23,000 bite-related hospital visits between 2009 and 2011 requiring hospitalization of any kind. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/07/cops-shooting-dogs-police-violence-racism.html
  4. Correct. However I was not, "Wishing death on anybody who hasn't committed an egregious act of any kind during his life"
  5. Well, it's a good thing I'm not doing that.
  6. Fakes an illness so that he can say it's no big deal and he conquered it with ease? I guess you haven't been paying attention. If you think I'm a terrible person, that must mean I'm doing the right thing.
  7. It's like you didn't even read your own article. I'm not a democrat, but I have no problem with the vetoing of those pro-birth bills.
  8. I think this is all a publicity stunt, but if it's not I hope he dies.
  9. If by nonsense, you mean quite committed to anti-fascism and a pro-worker economy, I wholeheartedly agree. I think I've gone as conservative as I ever will.
  10. I'm anything but an anarchist, if you actually know the meaning of the term. I know the right likes to use it whenever they get bored of saying communist/socialist/marxist, liberal etc. I also haven't been under 27 in some time.
  11. Ditto. Why the creepy questions about my age? I'm not interested.
  12. Did police "bring them the crimes"? last time I saw they let him walk right by them while they were taking another donut break.
  13. omg, you're a lunatic. A trip, for sure, but a total lunatic.
  14. And yet you also missed that he could be charged with a federal crime.
  15. The only games I "expect" us to win are the fins, jets and broncos. The rest of our schedule is against teams that are showing very well so far and could go either way. If we take 50% of them, that does get us to 11-5 though, which I think would be a pretty good result.
  16. I do two $20 parlays a week. One for the early games and then one for the rest. the titans busted my first one and the cardinals my second.
  17. Being charged with Murder 1 would seem to dispute your claim. Given that it wasn't his gun, and he legally wasn't allowed to have it, yes that's also a crime.
  18. He crossed state lines to commit his crime. That could enable federal prosecution, which does have the death penalty.
  19. Part of the organized police terrorism group in America is the inclusion of scumbag DA's that they cozy up to. In the case of serial-abuser James Palermo , 13 years of unchecked abuse was quietly swept under the rug in exchange for his badge after someone finally went after this scumbag. And people around here say this is the exception and that most cops are good cops? I say it's the rule, and all cops are terrorist bastards.
  20. A scumbag who committed first degree murder and punched a a high school girl is your hero? Story checks out. I hope he gets the chair.
  21. Fetuses aren't babies. I wish abortions were mandatory for people too stupid to grasp that concept.
  22. Which party is that? I can ensure you it's not any party I belong to. Are fetuses infants? It seems we may need to have that talk about what words mean again.
  23. Fixed. And no I don't. I think it's worse because cops are terrorists.
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