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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. which part of my statement is ironic? How have I ever been hypocritical? Antifa
  2. You seem to have trouble figuring out the difference between the left and democrats. The only thing we share is a common enemy.
  3. Reminder, Melania is still human garbage too.
  4. The left has been defending them and the right is murdering and assaulting them for it.
  5. Freedoms like the first, second, and fourth amendment?
  6. Maybe they'd wake the ***** up and realize that this is serious.
  7. Oh man, did you lose the thread that easily? Everyone knows it's a hoax. "it affect's virtually no one".
  8. I love how it's all high road now from folks who've shown zero class over the last 4-12 years.
  9. I mean, "it affects virtually nobody".
  10. Why are they evaluating him for what everyone knows is a hoax?
  11. Indoctrination of what? Do you think for a second that the teachers in my redneck rural town were advocating for Karl Marx or that my professors in Florida were doing the same? I really hate to disappoint you. When I say that you can't have a quality education without the inclusion of politics and religion, it has nothing to do with someone pushing you what to believe.It has to do with context. History, politics and religion are completely intertwined and have had constant impacts on one another. Without understanding them all, you can learn the what, but you miss important context that lets you discover the "why". Dead fascists used to be a good thing. America really is going to hell.
  12. Ah yes, the "anti-fascists are the real fascists" trope. How many dogs did your BIL kill this week?
  13. I've never been a democrat. It's so adorable that you can't figure that out.
  14. You do understand it's impossible to remove politics and religion from education and still provide a quality education, correct?
  15. I've already defined them for you. Feel free to counter.
  16. You can start here. I don't have the time. If you want to question the data I've posted on its accuracy, please feel free to post alternative sources. I don't care at all about opinion pieces. I just read news for data. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/list/?speaker=rush-limbaugh
  17. Ok, so your example of who is NOT alt-right are Praeger and Shapiro?
  18. Except the part where you all openly support fascism, police violence, authoritarian governments, and question whether or not white supremacist groups are really all that bad. Except all that, you're all perfectly lovely human beings.
  19. None, because he lies. Slate may cover left of center positions, but are you saying their report lies?
  20. In my experience there's not very many of those types of conservatives left. The media has nearly nothing to do with it. It's all personal experience. The classic conservatives I know would have never defended a government agency throwing people in the back of a van without a warrant and detaining them at hidden locations without charges. They also wouldn't have defended police breaking into a woman's home an murdering her in the middle of the night. In fact, they still don't. They believed first and foremost in liberty and that government was a necessary evil. The alt-right is willing to forego their liberties as long as it hurts people they view as enemies. Except masks for some reason Masks are where the tyranny starts apparently.
  21. Bill Maher is definitely not left by any metric. I've watched him for almost 20 years. Classical liberalism is essentially "conservative classic" without the jesus and "the neighborhood's going to hell" when a black family moves in across the street. It's a right wing ideology based on small government and free market capitalism. Neoliberalism is classical liberalism with a focus on regulation and bigger government being required for the success of the state. This is what almost all democrats are. It's also an economically right wing or center ideology. The only thing that makes the Democratic party even pretend to lean left is their performative gestures and empty words about minorities and the poor
  22. No, not at all. They didn't use to support authoritarian police, forced sterilization and other abuse of border officials, selling out our country to other nations, sexual abusers, etc. They used to have morals and a conscience. I still do.
  23. Never met a classic conservative in these parts. I know many in real life. Most of my family used to be conservative classic, before they turned alt-right.
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