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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Wilson is an obvious one. Do we get the player's whole career or just where they are now? If you ask me 3 weeks ago, the answer is probably 15 players. Now it's quite a bit more uncertain, but 3 great games does not make him superior to future HOF QBs. I just want to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.
  2. Am I a Marxist today or an anarchist? Does that mean I want communism or socialism? Maybe I'm just a fan?
  3. Reminder. Voter fraud where invalid ballots are counted is statistically irrelevant.
  4. That's also very reasonable. He's technically sick, but let's play it up like dear leader is in battle. Maybe then they can create more memes of his head on bodybuilders like he's ever lifted anything heavier than a big mac.
  5. No one want it to be true more than I do, and I'm not saying it for sure isn't. The timing of it all is just very curious and I believe advantageous. Look, I don't really give a ***** until he emerges with a miracle cure, or "stronger than ever". I hope he proves me wrong for the first time.
  6. And that happens ALL THE TIME. Edward Snowden was that one whistleblower. Chelsea Manning was that one whistleblower. Vindman was that one whistleblower. And on ad nauseum. How many people are really involved here outside of Trump's inner circle and physician. We have no idea what is or is not taking palce at Walter Reed. There's an office there he's "Working out of", so he could just be "inspecting the bunker" again.
  7. This is why we rank in last place in the developed world in education. You've completely missed the point, congratulations.
  8. I completely disagree. Given the breadth and depth of scandals surrounding his presidency, I think this would be a pretty small feat to pull off. As for it being "the worst thing that could happen to his election chances" I also disagree. The worst thing that could happen to his election chances is exactly what he's been doing. If the election were to take place today, he would lose by a significant margin. This is a hail mary attempt to make dear leader a victorious warrior and *perhaps* come out of this with a "cure" for covid if the supossed drug cocktails they gave him doesn't kill him. Forgive me for not believing a word out of that lying sack of *****'s fat mouth.
  9. Certainly it's possible that he's sick, and it's also possible that a person who has been documented lying over 20,000 times in 4 years, who is losing in every political poll 4 weeks before an election, is lying for the 20,001rst time, no? When all you do is lie, project and gaslight, how the ***** do you expect to have people take you at your word all of a sudden on a Friday afternoon? What trust has he or the unscrupulous people in his administration earned?
  10. And that is irrelevant to the fact that the DA did not present them as options. The DA also withheld evidence that would have made it possible and ballistics reports do not support the claim that Walker shot police. Your agenda is showing. The law abiding citizens had police break into their home in the middle of the night and murder one of them. I don't even have to imagine what your response would be if the shoe was on the other foot.
  11. Joe's just a republican with a blue tie.
  12. I thought these guys died when they got caught making up fake videos about voting scandals in 2016. The fact you consider them to be credible tells me just how seriously you should be taken. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/nov/29/project-veritas-how-fake-news-prize-went-to-rightwing-group-beloved-by-trump
  13. So we should just start taking the most documented and notorious liar in the history of mankind at his word? Why? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/13/donald-trump-20000-false-or-misleading-claims
  14. Again, I mean it's like you don't even try to understand, or you just actively look for words to fit your agenda. This was a lazy coverup with a republican DA backing a police force that is overwhelmingly republican with 84% voting for trump compared to 46% of the general population. "In Kentucky, like elsewhere, prosecutors have sole purview over what evidence and witnesses a grand jury hears" " Cameron has said he presented grand jurors with a witness who supported officers' statements that they announced themselves. But Ben Crump, a lawyer for the Taylor family, and Steven Romines, Walker's lawyer, say there are 12 other neighbors who did not hear any announcement. " "Grand jurors do have the opportunity to ask questions, and may decide not enough probable cause exists to return an indictment recommended by a prosecutor. But they typically wouldn't have knowledge of the law to the extent that they would question the indictment options a prosecutor presents and recommend more serious charges, Lollar said." "Most grand jurors are not lawyers, they aren't experts with the legal process," Lollar said. "They're going to take a look at the evidence and the law presented to them and decide whether there's enough to charge based on what's presented to them." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/breonna-taylor-case-grand-jury-transcripts-released-2020-10-02/ https://www.policemag.com/342098/the-2016-police-presidential-poll
  15. Apparently you need help reading. You lied: "Per the Grand Jury the cops had every right to shoot back in self defense. " This is explicitly false. The grand jury was not given the option to indict on murder charges, because the prosecutor, also a Republican, did not present it as an option.
  16. Even though I already proved your lie false, here it is in black and white. Like I've been saying, the criminal network that supports and enables these terrorist cops goes all the way through the system. "Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said on Tuesday that he did not present any murder charges to the grand jury that was empaneled to hear the case of Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed by a trio of plainclothes Louisville police officers in her home back in March. In a sit-down interview with local news station WDRB, Cameron said that his office found murder charges were “not appropriate.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/518951-ag-cameron-didnt-recommend-any-homicide-charges-to-breonna-taylor
  17. Are you suggesting that he can afford to pay rent? His tax returns seem to suggest otherwise.
  18. Yea, there's a chasm of difference in that. Trump has spent a lifetime being a scumbag and since becoming president he's been responsible for death and destruction both literally and metaphorically. The world will be a far better place without him. I didn't feel any sympathy for Roger Ailes either, and he's a choirboy compared to Trump.
  19. Oh, you sure you want to get into that game? I don't think there would be very many of you left after a brief stroll through the Antifa threads and the Police Terrorism Group threads. You use words you apparently don't understand and then instead of explaining yourself, change the subject. The only people I hate are people that prey on the weak. I even hate the people that preyed on you to make you the way that you are.
  20. You seem to lack the ability to articulate your beliefs to even a rudimentary degree. Good show.
  21. Better yet, every single person that's ever protested police brutality.
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