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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Quality content. Are you one of them?
  2. I spelled it out for you as simply as I can. At this point you're either just trolling or you really can't process the most basic forms of logic. I 100% do not mean that as an insult, but you seem to think that a person joining a gang does not make them a gang member. I never said all police are "bad". I said all police are terrorists, because they've joined a terrorist organization and they work to further the goals of that organization. I consider it to be accurate base don the information I've put forth, because you've been completely unable to counter any part of it. I'm sure there have been some mostly nice people who've done a lot of nice things in every group that meets the definition of a terrorist organization.
  3. About what I expected from you.
  4. In an average year, American police kill 1000 people per year. In an average year, England & wales kills 3. In order for England to kill as many people as the United States per year at that rate, they would need to have a population of 8.3 BILLION.
  5. I have facts and data. You have feelings. It's funny how you guys can make statements about liberals, communists, antifa, or leftists in general with 0 facts or data points, but when someone comes armed to the teeth with sound sources, data, and investigative journalism of the corruption and brutality of our police force, you get all sad about a nice cop you met once. All this from the "F*** your feelings" crowd. You get no sympathy from me. I think all cops are terrorists and I back it up. If you're a cop, maybe consider a line of work where you help people instead of hurt them. If you're not, go white knight for somebody else. They're big boys.
  6. Around here it is.
  7. What's the number? I've posted examples of entire units of police assaulting people. I've posted examples of police chiefs directing unscrupulous behavior. How many dead apple trees would you need to see in your yard before you concluded there was a problem with the orchard? In the case of police, they've killed ~20,000 people since 9/11.All other terrorists combined killed 190 americans through 2016 Is there a difficulty in understanding what an "organizational problem" is here? You guys must not be Bills fans.
  8. Correct. They are all guilty of the accusations I outlined I know exactly what financial services are. I never said they were exclusively banks. I said that Banks are white collar criminal organizations. JP Morgan Chase, BoA, and Wells Fargo are white collar criminal organizations. Aloha POS or a credit union is not. No.
  9. Not necessarily. As I explained in our earlier conversations, the primary things that make the police an organizational problem of which every member is culpable, and not a case of "a few bad apples" are: 1. They routinely back the play of fellow employees who do wrong or the stand by and let it happen 2. They are trained and encouraged to create situations where they are likely/legally protected to do wrong 3. The lowest level employees are usually the ones that commit the initial crimes and are protected by each level of seniority up the chain. (much like the mafia). 4. These situations are present at every single major police force in the country which precludes the idea that they are isolated incidents and the majority of the workforce is directly involved in the unscrupulous activity. 5. They are civil servants, who put food on their table with the money of the people they hurt directly Flipping over to Banks (most companies termed "financial services" are really just software companies or vendors) 1. Low-level bank employees do not have a culture of standing by their fellow employees as they do wrong 2. Training from financial institutions is designed around being exceedingly conservative with interpretation of right and wrong 3. It's executives, not low level employees that are usually the primary ringleaders in the crimes 4. like police forces, every major bank has faced significant scandal to the point where you know that organizationally, banks are criminal, but the majority of the workforce is far removed from the unscrupulous activity 5. They are private employees, who put food on their table with the money of their employer who gains it from hurting people. The police are dependent on people they do bad things to. People that work at banks are dependent on people who do bad things to others (and them).
  10. Yes, though Banks more specifically.
  11. the data suggest at least 95 more times would be appropriate When the review widened its category from antifa to "left-wing violence," it found 21 victims had been killed since 2010, compared to 117 people killed in right-wing violence, in the same time period. Jihadist groups were responsible for 95 people's deaths since 2010. https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7
  12. I consider American police forces to be terrorist organizations - not the concept of law enforcement. How many times do we have to do this?
  13. You're right, it doesn't even meet the bar. It's obvious projection. From looking at the contents of this forum, it's a hang out for the far right and conspiracy theorists. I suppose when it was just that type of content that was posted here, the board was fine with it. Since other people have started raising more nuanced central and left topics however, anyone that does not fall in line with the deepstate, anti-media, pro-donald thought system has been ferociously bullied around here. For me and some others, it's not a problem. That doesn't mean there isn't one.
  14. Who exactly wants to raise defense spending?
  15. How convenient. I was kind of hoping he'd jet off to see the faith healer he praised and brought to national attention.
  16. I wonder if they gave him some of that Alien DNA.
  17. @Rob's House I think you could benefit here.
  18. Wolfe City, texas branch of organized terrorist police force murder city employee in cold blood who was attempting the break up a fight. Man killed in Wolfe City police shooting was 'pillar of the community,' witness says Civil rights lawyer Lee Merritt also posted about Price's death. He said he had spoken to the man's family. "When police arrived, I’m told, he raised his hands and attempted to explain what was going on," Merritt wrote on Facebook. "Police fired tasers at him and when his body convulsed from the electrical current, they 'perceived a threat' and shot him to death." The Texas Rangers are investigating the shooting at the request of the city's police department. Officials with the Hunt County Sheriff's Office were also seen at the scene. The officer has been placed on leave pending the result of the investigation, Wolfe City officials said in a post to Facebook on Sunday. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/texas-rangers-investigating-police-shooting-in-wolfe-city-officer-placed-on-leave/287-abe92429-3282-43b2-8d30-cfd32d8976ca
  19. What if, and I'm just spitballing here, what if the CIA was really behind DR's ban? RIP #Deepstate
  20. You and you alone have been making accusations of a member of the board attempting to stifle your "free speech". I'm attempting, as simply as I can, to educate to you that: 1. You don't understand what "free speech" is. 2. If you did, you'd know that it would be impossible for Shoshin to take it away 3. Also, it would be impossible to lose what you are not entitled to on a private message board 4. That you don't actually believe in free speech. You believe in *your* free speech.
  21. You children want to cry about your "free speech"? This is what an outright assault on free speech looks like. Where were you?
  22. Add "irony" to the list of words you don't use correctly.
  23. Again, you seem to be confused. I'm under no illusion that this is a private message board and I can be censored or have people oppose what I say without it being against my "free speech".
  24. I do. What's your point? Do you need a definition of a term or are you just stumbling around your house upset that I think your Cheetolini would better serve the world if he were six feet under. This is like the 5th time you've brought it up in unrelated conversation. You sound like an idiot.
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