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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. Not surprised that this is as far as your attention span allowed you to read.
  2. This anti media conspiracy crusade is ridiculous. There is nothing "left" about "the media". In a capitalist structure, the media is a for profit enterprise. The CEO of the largest media companies in the world could give two ***** about right vs left politics. They care about what sells. What sells more than any other thing? Sensationalism and rivalry. Anyone who lived through 9/11 saw all of the bull#### pro USA military propaganda on every single news network for years. "Operation Terror Takedown", Threat level watches, etc. The media may by and large present stories to the political left of Trump's right wing, and even GW's right wing, but that hardly makes them the leftist crusaders that they're being painted as. There's two big reasons for this: money & education. Pursuing a career where you need consumers to buy your product, you lose a lot of addressable market when you have exclusionary stances that are required of conservatives. In order to have a strong market while promoting exclusionary stances, it's usually required that you market exclusively to that base. When people refer to "liberal media" the first thing that comes to my mind is inclusive. It's less about left vs right than it is about right vs the rest. The second point is education. It shouldn't be a divisive or controversial topic by now that the more education you have the more likely you are to gravitate away from conservatism. Conservatives often say that this is part of a conspiracy on behalf of professors to turn everyone into marxists. The simpler reason, and the one everyone I've ever met has experienced, is that when you leave a small town that no one ever leaves, and you have Vietnamese food for the first time, you tend to see the world in a different light. Things that used to seem foreign and scary start to become part of your everyday life and you begin to cherish them. You meet people that speak more languages than you, eat different foods, pray differently or not at all, come from drastically different family structures and you start to appreciate how your upbringing was probably not representative of the world at large. People that become journalists and writers tend to have these experiences. It doesn't mean everyone walks away less conservative, but it makes it more likely.
  3. Autopsy released for Dijon Kizzee, man murdered by LAPD I guess they still thought he was a threat after the 15th bullet. Of course, dead men tell no tales. The report found that Kizzee was shot 16 times — including six times in the chest, twice in the neck area, once in his left forearm, once in his left shoulder and once in his back. He also suffered a graze wound to his chin and a non-penetrating wound to the back of his head, according to the report. He also has abrasions to his face, shoulders, left elbow and forearm, abdomen and right knee, the report said. Kizzee’s cause of death was due to multiple gunshot wounds, the medical examiner found. The report found that rapidly fatal injuries included trauma to the heart, lungs, liver and left kidney. The manner of death was declared a homicide, though the report did not shed any new light on whether Kizzee was on the ground when he was shot. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/10/02/coroner-releases-dijon-kizzee-autopsy-report/
  4. And this right here is why what you heard from some Ukranian about "communism" means precisely ***** all to me. You can't actually be bothered to internally rationalize something before making it somebody else's (my) problem.
  5. I don't need to be a Communist to take it personally. It's intellectually lazy. Communism, as designed, has never really been implemented at a state level. It's exclusively been used as a tool for authoritarian leadership. North Korea calls itself a Democratic Republic - it doesn't make it so. The idea that China is Communist with people like Ma Huateng and Jack ma running around is preposterous. The USSR was not communist either as the ruling class exploited the working class for it's own benefit, albeit in a non-capitalist structure. In order to have conversation and an exchange of ideas of any significance at all, words need to continue to have meaning.
  6. I've been here for years. You routinely post articles from PJ Media: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/pj-media/ When you're feeling fancy, you'll post them from the Federalist - better, but not by much.: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-federalist/
  7. You exclusively post articles from sources that are routinely caught misrepresenting the truth from an extreme right perspective. If all you posted were things from reputable sources that are fact checked, you'd have nothing to say at all.
  8. Again you lie, and try to backpedal your way out of your mess. I have a relatively high understanding of the English language, as as such I know how adjectives work. Lawyers are referred to by specialty - Contract, Law, Divorce, Criminal, Injury, Real Estate, Malpractice, etc. They are never referred to by specific crimes. Even the tense used suggests you are lying. if you really wanted to create a class of lawyer that specifically represents pedophiles, the correct term (that still doesn't exist) would be "Pedophilia Lawyer". Instead, the tense suggests an adjective, like "Arsonist Lawyer" would. Stop lying. You've been caught.
  9. You mean it's not the place where you can post your love of the most far right genocidal dictators with zero repercussions with nothing but applause from the regulars of the board? You could've fooled me and the 4-5 other people on this board that aren't aligned with the alt-right.
  10. Ok, so you are using it as a lazy slur if you're suggesting that I'm a communist, despite all evidence of the beliefs I've shared being distinctly to the right of communism. The fact that you consider calling someone a communist a slur at all is very telling, and shows your lack of depth of the subject. Thanks for clearing that up.
  11. What is it that you think I need to learn about "communism" that I don't already know? Progressives absolutely do want a voice, but I think if you're actually familiar with what communism is, and you aren't just using it as a lazy slur for anything left of Reagan, that progressives by and large are miles away from anything close to communism. Most of them just want an equitable economy that reigns in corporate oligarchy a little bit and provides them with the same opportunities Americans had pre-80s.
  12. For me, it's probably going to take the season to believe that I want him to be the QB long term, because my issue with him has always been about consistency. He's made heroic plays goign back to college (And I'm sure he had some in high school) He flashed big potential as early as the Vikes game, and took it a step further owning the Cowboys, but it wasn't until this season that he's put it all together. It's easy to say this is who you always thought he'd be, but if he sustains his current level of performance, the growth he will have achieved over one season and from college to pro will have been unprecedented save for perhaps Montana and Brees (though it took him even longer). For me the mark of a long term solution at QB is, If your QB gets the ball with a minute or so left in their own end, do you expect them to win? I now do with Allen, and that's the first time that's been true since Kelly, as much as I loved Bledsoe or was optimistic about Edwards. As long as he can prove this isn't a fluke, I'm all in. If this works out, I'll have never been happier to be wrong.
  13. Classic backpedal trying to retroactively explain your behavior through symantics that don't exist. Is "pedophile law" a specialty? This is such a weak argument you're casting here. There is no such thing as a Burglar Lawyer, Rapist Lawyer, Murder Lawyer, Assault Lawyer. It goes to show that neither of you, when proven 100% in the wrong, can ever concede the smallest of points. You know you're completely wrong.
  14. I assure you that no one of "the left" let alone "the radical left" is trying to "scare" anyone into voting for Joe Biden. Policy wise, he's significantly right of center. If elected, he would likely be the most right leaning democratic president in 100 years or more. If you honestly think he's left at all, you may want to look at your internal reference for what that means.
  15. You shouldn't. He's a terrible candidate. That said, you shouldn't vote for Trump either. To normalize selecting the "least worst" candidate is to condone the process by which the parties are able to present two completely unfit dementia patients as the only two choices for our nation's leadership. As an independent who often aligns with Dems because of a lack of a leftist party, I don't see why you would ever be interested in being a democrat. Your posts seem to be far more aligned with what's going on over in the Republican camp.
  16. A real Sir Thomas More he is
  17. One? This thread is a great place to start:
  18. Every time someone from the alt-right calls another person hateful with a straight face, they should immediately win an academy award. Here's yours ol' sport:
  19. I've long thought that GMs overvalue draft picks. The bust rate is so high, that cap permitting, I would much rather have the sure thing than the prospect. Of course, in order to sustain success, you need some elite players on cheap deals too.
  20. Texas Police Officer Fired After Sharing 'Stop Resisting' Meme That Featured a Black Man Lying in a Coffin/ This kind of behavior is endemic to the types of people the police force is composed of. This is from an 18 year veteran. How many thousands of people were wronged by this man? https://www.theroot.com/texas-police-officer-fired-after-sharing-stop-resisting-1845279226
  21. Because echo chambers don't tend to eat their own. The behavior of this group is not normal, even if the historical participants here have normalized it. Now that there is a tiny bit of political diversity in the group, that's all becoming very, very clear.
  22. You and I are done on this topic until you make even the smallest effort to meet me halfway. I'm not going to continue to provide you with further explanations until you make an attempt to internalize the explanations I've already given you. It's not at all worth my time. There are others who benefit from this information even if you do not.
  23. That was a single example. I have more. Before we get on to that though, are you suggesting immigrants are the cause of police killing 166x as many people per year as England? And yes, a part of my profession is analytics.
  24. I'm not going to debate the finer points of the finance industry with you here. You've already proven you can't handle a simple concept with ~25 pages of supporting evidence. What on earth makes you feel prepared to take on a completely unrelated subject and then try to correlate it with what we're talking about here? For the record, my personal interactions with police have been extremely typical. A small handful of traffic related incidents, a theft (reported by me), a hit and run in a parking lot (reported by me) and as a potential witness to some crimes in my vicinity.
  25. Unlike you, I don't play a tough guy on the internet. Just because I'm not swayed by your fact-less assertions, does not mean my thoughts are set in stone. I routinely update my opinions when there is reasonable justification for it. None of that has occurred in this thread, or frankly on this entire board. If you can't bully your way into a victory, you have absolutely no idea what to do next.
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