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Everything posted by BullBuchanan

  1. If Fred Jackson counts, it's definitely him. Otherwise it's Reich. Honorable mention to Bryan Scott.
  2. At the time? Does Sammy Watkins count? If not, Drew Bledsoe. In hindsight? it's definitely Diggs.
  3. The people that actually followed and studied the election prior to Nov 3rd knew what kind of numbers Trump would have to hit in order to beat the mail in votes based on registered Democrats who requested ballots. With Trump leading by 430,000 votes in PA on election night, we knew it was a virtual guarantee that Biden would win the state, and thus the election. The same goes for GA, AZ, MI. It was pretty simple math, tbh. The only people that didn't see it were the ones that believed mail in voting was illegal because trump said it was.
  4. I already accepted the result on November 3rd. 12 years of neo-liberals is better than 4 more years of fascism, though.
  5. As are Nobel & Pulitzer winners. Republicans are made up of a lot of racist white men and self-hating white women, neither of whom have an education above high school in most cases, with a couple of token black and brown people to capitalize on the void. I may not be a Democrat, but if you want to compare quality of the voting blocs, it's pretty clear democrats appeal to all kinds of people while republicans really only cater to uneducated whites. There's a subfaction that believes saving 43 cents a year on their taxes is worth more than saving a child's life though, can't forget those winners.
  6. I often find myself in the 1965 camp while being born after 1985
  7. Belichick is the greatest coach in NFL history and that's his legacy. His evaluation of talent goes only so far as his ability to implement those guys into schemes to make them successful. He's taken fringe talents and made them household named by putting them in the right place at the right time. That doesn't work if you aren't the coach too. For whatever reason, he's been pretty damn awful at drafting unanimous blue-chippers.
  8. Joe is not my people. Only idiots support political parties. Unfortunately, every single person in the republican party is a horror of a human being, so that leaves a subset of Dems and Independents to choose from. Politically speaking, there's nothing to admire about Biden. He just happens to be an infinitely better human being than Trump.
  9. You won't find me supporting any right wing corporatists.
  10. As much as I hate Biden, I'm gonna love watching your tears for the next 8 years. Putin's puppet is finally ousted and Trumpism is done forever. You and your treasonous friends will have to find a new elite to crotchsniff.
  11. Recounts are irrelevant in this election. Trump needs a recount to find over 60,000 missing ballots in two separate states that all voted for him. Shut the ***** up. You've been provided a mountain of evidence. The least you could do is try to comprehend it. The clown was ***** impeached.
  12. And just think - this is all the ***** they admitted they did and would do on national television. There are piles of ***** that you actually have to read that contain a plethora of other damning evidence. Of course this completely excludes Trump doing it all a second time by asking Russia-lite to do it again to Biden. And of course, we're supposed to take the guy on his word (the time he said he didn't do it, but not on the time he said he would I guess), who was found guilty of running a scam college and embezzling funds from a fake charity WHILE IN OFFICE. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/25/764164340/trump-asked-ukrainian-president-for-a-favor-on-biden-doj-says-no-charges https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/31/522199535/judge-approves-25-million-settlement-of-trump-university-lawsuit https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/06/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his-business/?sh=458d19c96b4a
  13. This interview where he indicts himself and his idiot ***** son is priceless. Looking back with him claiming the polls were wrong is priceless.
  14. How about from cheetolini's mouth?
  15. You seem to not be understanding the analogy.
  16. Is this as intentionally wrong as possible?
  17. Covid was Trump's fumble. While the disease is very much ongoing, the damage of the first wave has been done. If it continues to linger at its high rate, or asecond wave hits, Biden will have to answer for whatever response and results come to bear, but much like the recession Obama inherited from Bush and the bull market Trump inherited from Obama, Biden is inheriting this mess from Trump. If he fixes it he deserves the credit, if he makes it worse it'll be on him, and if it slowly dwindles out it's neutral.
  18. What do democrats have to do with the left? The left mourned the election as soon as the DNC mounted an all out offensive against Bernie.
  19. The adults were away for too long and racoons moved in. Like I said, we cleaned up the garbage.
  20. And just think, you probably know a lot more than most.
  21. True, but at least there was a credible argument to be made that the guy running for the post shouldn't be overseeing the election and should step down. There's also a WORLD of difference between claiming voter suppression - preventing people from being able to easily vote, and voter fraud - intentionally miscounting/adding/removing ballots. One can just end up being gamesmanship - the other is treason. The arguments today aren't worth the paper that they're printed on.
  22. It also doesn't help that the guy she was running against was the guy that got to decide who was eliminated from voter rolls, how polling places were to operate and process for votes to be handled. It was one of the most egregious conflicts of interest in an election that I've seen, if not the most.
  23. It's the weakness of every QB that has ever played football from a 3rd string pee-wee player to Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Johnny U, Peyton, Brees et al. The entire point of blitzing is to make QBs do crazy, dangerous things or to sack them.
  24. I suspect he'll be charged again under a DOJ that doesn't serve as the President's personal lapdogs. As far as I have seen the case hasn't been dismissed yet. Is there updated info? https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/michael-flynn-hearing-drop-prosecution/2020/09/28/e16d0a6a-00d1-11eb-8879-7663b816bfa5_story.html
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